Chapter 984 Belief

On the altar of the human race, with the appearance of destruction, the belief of the human race suddenly began to soar again. After all, destruction has never occurred, and its status in the minds of the human race is not very high. But now, after the destruction appeared, a warm and loving atmosphere enveloped everyone. The Human Race knew that this was indeed his Father God, so the speed of the increase in the power of belief was extremely high.

It’s scary.

With the strengthening of human beliefs, cracks began to appear on the prayer beads above the altar, but the destruction of sleeping in it was not awakening, but the fingers seemed to move slightly. Terran, there are countless strong people practicing, and they are very happy to see their fingers moving. Countless prayers resounded through the barrier of time and space, and the barrier of time and space did not seem to prevent these voices from spreading.


And Di Jun also saw the cracks appearing on the beads, and immediately increased the intensity of the attack.The time and space barrier that had opened countless cracks immediately began to appear loopholes, although it tried to swallow the surrounding space to repair itself, but in the two Under this chaotic attack, Yasheng was still broken.

Seeing this situation, all the people of the human race immediately accelerated their prayers, hoping that their father God would wake up soon and help the human race defeat the demon race.

After setting up the enchantment, the elders had nothing but silence. At this moment, after seeing the human race in danger, he immediately knelt on the ground. “Father God! You are the guardian of the heavens and the earth, the protector of all living beings. In ancient times, the Demon god invaded, and you fought back. Although you were badly injured and fell asleep in the end, no one can erase your credit. All beings owe it. You. But how unfair is the way of heaven!

As your descendants, we multiply very fast, but we haven’t solved any cause and effect for any race. Even so, Tiandao still wants to destroy the human father, God! This is the world you want to protect, this is the land you want to protect. Open your eyes and see! See how ugly this world is, how miserable your children and grandchildren are, Supreme Father! Wake up and sleep since ancient times

々,!” The last sentence made the old man roar almost hoarsely. With the yelling of the elders, the nearest human race followed the elders and shouted: “Supreme Father God!” Wake up to sleep since ancient times!

“Supreme Father God! Wake up and sleep since ancient times!”

With the cries of the local elders, countless people think that the recent encounter is also from the heart of sorrow. Everyone screamed hoarsely, as if resenting the injustice of the heavens, calling for awakening, Father God.

The time and space barrier seems to be unable to stop the spread of these sounds, and the voice resounds throughout the universe, “God Supreme Father! Wake up from ancient times to sleep!” This is the belief of the Human Race, the unyielding persistence of the Human Race, the resentment of the Human Race against the way of heaven, and the Human Race towards him. Father’s expectations.

With the call of the human race, the power of faith poured into the Buddhist beads like a sea, and the originally broken Buddhist beads began to shatter slightly at this moment.

At this time, Emperor Jun and Tai also broke through the time and space barrier set up by Emperor Heaven. Just as they began to slaughter the human race, the hole in the cracked bead was broken. The hole is very small, it seems that there is only a thin line, but what follows is a huge coercion, full of endless destruction, as if the world is shattering, and the chaos is shattering.

Unfortunately, Dijun and Taihe others were just within the scope of coercion. Suddenly, people and countless demon army were directly crushed down. Fortunately, this momentum does not have the slightest murderous aura, but instinctively releases coercion. It’s just that this kind of aura seems to be aimed at the monster race, and the human race shrouded by this kind of aura seems to have nothing, even many people in the human race are like this

Under coercion, he broke through the realm and entered a higher realm.

And Tian Xukong seemed to feel this breath, and suddenly the sky thunder rolled, it seemed that Heaven did not want to destroy and wake up at this time, and suddenly countless chains composed entirely of lightning emerged. These chains continue to merge with each other, and finally form a “seal” character composed entirely of the god of road.

Fortunately, it is a seal character, and with the whereabouts of the seal character, the vast coercion released by the original destruction seems to be blocked. When Di Jun saw this scene, he knew that Tian Dao was immediately ordered to “slaughter” and countless humans were slaughtered again.

With the slaughter of countless human races and people, all their blood was drunk on the runes recorded by the land leaders. These runes kept sending blood to the top of the altar, but no one noticed this.

As the seals in Yang Hao continued to fall, all the people in the human race showed a desperate look. Those who successfully practiced naturally knew that this was the spear of the heavenly way, and the heavenly way wanted to completely annihilate the human race. When the elders saw this scene, they all used their Demon method. A 10,000-meter-high giant supported the seal to prevent him from falling. The Human Race was also the last hope of extinction.

However, the elders are only in the sub-sage realm, and it is the heavens who have shot. Although they have dragged the majority of the heavens in the chaos, there are still some heavens that need to maintain the operation of the great wilderness, but even this small part of the heavens is by no means Huang Xuan and Ya. Saint can resist.

As the seal characters continued to fall, the figure of the elder was continuously submerged. “.”Puff” is the sound of Elder Shui vomiting blood. “Boom”, this is the sound of Elder Jin’s broken leg bone

As time goes by, the elders at this time are very painful, and no place is intact, but even so, they have no sign of giving up, because they know that as long as the Father God can wake up, all the hatred in front of the human race will be Can be rewarded, let alone injured, even if his own life, he must also seal the whereabouts of the seal.

The sound of “Boom”, this is the sound of Elder Jin falling to the ground. His mana consumption was almost the same, and now the whereabouts of the word supporting the seal has passed out directly. When the rest of the elders saw this situation, their eyes suddenly split, but no one helped him up, because they knew it was not the time.

With the passage of time, the elders did not stop the whereabouts of the seal after all. Seeing this situation, Di Jun and others were full of excitement. Heaven has sealed the saint. Now, only the slaughter of the human race can be completed, and the human race has begun again.

And the elders were also full of gray faces at this moment, the Father God was sealed, and the fate of the human race did not escape after all. Looking at the gradually falling seal, the old man did not want to fall. When the seals landed on the beads, they closed their eyes, and their tears couldn’t stop falling.

At this moment, their hearts are like a swordsman. Now, the children they loved are dead in front of them, but they can do nothing. “Ah.” The shrill roar spread throughout the universe, and the power of terrible resentment radiated from them. As if the entire universe was infected by their resentment, countless creatures shed tears.

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