Chapter 976 Take great pains

The Emperor Tian nodded slightly when he saw this point, and then his body passed by the Human Race and looked at Zhou Wuyun’s BBQ. Although Emperor Tiandi practiced the laws of time and space, we learned some practical spells through analogy. With the display of the Heavenly Emperor’s spell, dark clouds immediately began to gather, and Yang Hao began to dim. Look

At this scene, Zijin Gourd’s fingers flew out of the mouth of the gourd immediately, and then they were all scattered by the emperor, and merged into the rain clouds in front of them.

With the integration of the Spirit Pills, this rain cloud began to become crystal clear, exuding extremely terrifying dragon energy fluctuations, and the Emperor Tian also unceremoniously swallowed these dragon energy into his body. Being hit by the Chaos Clock, the injury to Emperor Tian Da is not light! After all, this is a natural treasure, so Tian Great Emperor constantly breaks the spirit Pills, and at the same time, when the dragon energy is devoured, it breaks the spirit.

Pills repaired his wound.

After the last spirit Pills was broken by the Heavenly Emperor, the rain cloud in front of us has expanded to nearly a mile. Seeing this scene, it immediately controlled these rain clouds to reintegrate into the clouds that they had gathered, and then began to gather the water vapor of the party. “Rumble” thunder sounded, and countless raindrops fell from the sky, moisturizing the scorched earth.

As these raindrops fell from the sky, the land scorched by the real fire of the sun began to heal slowly, and the endless dragon energy contained in the rain now nourishes the dried spiritual veins below. Seeing this, Emperor Tian nodded slightly. Although the spiritual vein was destroyed, it didn’t hurt the root. Now it has begun to gradually wake up under the nourishment of these spiritual rains, and it will not take long for the dragon

Chi will be released again. With the rain in the sky with endless dragon energy, the situation of the people of the human race who suffered from the disaster has also improved a lot. After all, the previous bloodline was destroyed, and there was not enough dragon energy for them to break through. Now, the rain problem has been solved. Seeing that the crisis of the human race has passed, the Heavenly Emperor’s number has been transformed into a huge height, the human race’s

Everyone saw the figures of the Heavenly Emperor, and stood side by side ~ worshiping “ancestors”.

Seeing this, I shouted: “People, the terrible catastrophe has passed. Although our people suffered heavy casualties, we still survived this catastrophe after all. Then we will rebuild our homes. After all, the world is between heaven and earth. The strongest disaster is coming. Although it is not a big disaster for me in the human race, I am a member of the human wild world.

Protecting the wild environment is our responsibility. I hope you will practice hard during this time, and look forward to everyone’s safety-through the catastrophe.

“I will obey the orders of my ancestors.” Seeing that the human race below supports him so much, his heart is full of pride. After all, he was not hated by the human race, all people, but became their true leader.

When the emperor returned to his retreat that day, the Demon King had arrived. Heavenly Emperor looked at the elder in front of him and said: “We need to continue practicing in the retreat. This time we won the Chaos Clock from Thailand, and we need to refine and refine it. The Chaos Clock contains the laws of time and space. If not this time In the event of an accident, this seat will be closed until the disaster of heaven and earth arrives. During this time

Here, you should take good care of Human Race. Well, take this jade slip. If something big happens, smash it. Then I woke up naturally. You all go down. “The Heavenly Emperor handed the jade slip to Senior Xuan, and then let them go down.

“We must obey the orders of our ancestors.” The elder was very respectful.

After the elder went down, the secret room was tactically closed by the Great Emperor, and the Chaos Clock was taken out. The Chaos Clock left the space inside the dry Dingyuan, and immediately struggled to escape from this place. After all, he just survived, so naturally he didn’t want to stay in this terrible place. But you, a soul without a master, can escape from Heavenly Emperor, a body that is as precious as nature

Sage? Obviously, this is impossible, so the Chaos Clock had to take the Heavenly Emperor in his hand and look carefully.

Soon Emperor Tian noticed something was wrong! I obviously burned too much. Although Chaos Clock said that it would not be too close to me, it would never reject me like that! Maybe it was because I fought twice that made it afraid of me, but it was just a mental clock, and if I was afraid, I should surrender! How can you be so resolute Reject me! Thinking of this day, the emperor mobilized his god to start exploring.

The Chaos Clock seemed unwilling to let the God of the Heavenly Emperor enter it to explore. Suddenly, the sound of “Ding” sounded, and the thick sound waves rushed towards the Heavenly Emperor from time to time.

The Emperor Tian snorted, “Suppress me.” The hand containing infinite power and mana hit the wall of the Chaos Clock, and suddenly “buzzed”, and the Chaos Clock seemed to be stunned by the slap of the Emperor, and it shook. After two laps, it fell slowly. The Emperor Tian saw that the bell had picked up the chaos, and then God began to look for it. Well, Emperor Tian quickly realized that the Chaos Clock was not good for him

The reason for this is because the Emperor Tian discovered that the Chaos Clock was burnt clean in the original soul, and there was a silk reserve. However, the primordial spirit has no consciousness, and what is left is too much memory and the primordial spirit’s energy body. The reason why the Chaos Clock is not good for itself is that this energy body resents itself from the bottom of my heart, which leads to chaos. Zhong is also very resolute in rejecting Emperor Tian


…For flowers…

Emperor Tian was furious immediately. You, a little energy block, dare to resent this seat and die. Thinking of this, the Heavenly Emperor mobilized his soul to start refining this energy block and planned to swallow it completely. Although Taiyuanshen is not conscious, he instinctively wants to resist the swallowing of Emperor Tian, ​​but it is a pity that this is just a man’s arm as a car, and the Emperor Tian will take a few breaths.

Just swallow this energy block completely.

After the energy block was completely swallowed, the memory that didn’t belong to the Heavenly Emperor appeared in the mind of Heavenly Emperor. The Emperor Tian suddenly frowned when he saw this, and then completely isolated these memories in another space, and then began to observe the excessive memories. After all, this is Chaos Yasheng’s memory, and it’s a good thing to get some repairs from it.

Well, when the memory of the Great Emperor’s observation reached a certain stage that day, he suddenly became stunned, and then the memory was quickly adjusted again, and then some surprises said “I understand! I understand. I didn’t expect heaven to have it.” So many benefits. It’s no wonder that Dijun and Taixiu have progressed so fast.

Lord of the Court. No wonder! It’s just that now that we know about it, we won’t let you take this piece of food personally. When we leave the customs, we will surely bring this catastrophe to earth-shaking.

Soon, the chaotic clock in his hand smiled slightly. “Chaos clock, the laws of time and space are the same as the practice rules of this seat. It seems that only this seat is your real master.” Said Emperor Tian started to sacrifice the chaos clock from the fire of the primordial god. Tianda’s practice itself is the law of time and space. Now the chaotic clock is the unowned thing in the world. In addition, Heavenly Emperor has Pangu bloodline,

The Chaos Clock is extremely close to him. Therefore, it is quite easy to extract the sacrifice of the Heavenly Emperor. It is almost effortless to leave your own Yuanshen brand on Lingbao, and the rest is to break the Innate ban on the development of chaotic clocks. Inch.

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