Chapter 966 Eye of Heaven and Earth

Many times the saints were turned into chains and got into the mirror, only to discover that this was a vast space, while the chains of Yang Hao incarnation cast spells in a local area, constantly exploring the information of that area. Seeing everyone’s arrival, Qingtian’s face remained unchanged. “There is no news about the catastrophe of heaven and earth here. I am afraid I will find it later.” Xu Yasheng also nodded slightly. After all this is

They guessed it before.

Seeing this scene, Qing Tian suddenly said: “Let us live and explore the real cause of the catastrophe of heaven and earth!” After speaking, Yang Hao became a chain of Tao entities again. Many saints nodded slightly and shook their heads when they saw it, turning them into chains of Tao and golden chains transformed by Yang Hao. Suddenly, the gold chain tensed like something to eat, and finally the gold chain banged towards Suddenly

The entire space of the cat is full of purple, appearing absolutely out of thin air, and the powerful pressure makes Zhou’s space squeak.

However, the Tianzhu of the avenue still stretches for miles. Finally, after the Tianzhu reached several miles, the Tianzhu stopped growing.

After Tianzhu arrived inside, it instantly turned into a hazy world. At this time, if someone watches carefully, they will be surprised, because this world is as small as the vast world, but it is countless times smaller!

After the formation of the hazy world, it instantly flew to the depths of the cat litter space. I don’t know what the cat litter space is made of. Yang Hao flew forward for a long distance, and suddenly felt a mysterious force blocking their advance. It’s just that this force is too weak, so they don’t care, but the more they push deeper, the more and more force to stop them.

Yang Hao frowned when he felt this situation, and then the voice of his heart said to the people: “There is a power in the darkness that has prevented our progress. If we continue, I am afraid that we will not be able to find out the cause of the robbery. All my friends. You don’t have to keep it. Be the eye of heaven and earth!” After listening to Yang Hao’s words, everyone was silent. When they fully combine their destiny

At that time, this kind of magical power appeared in the deepest part of their souls, which was the incarnation of the eyes of heaven and earth. The Eye of Heaven and Earth is the deepest consciousness in the mainland. It can be described as the Mother of Heaven, and even the Heaven is divided by her. After that, those who can rule the universe and get the destiny can use their strength to prove the Tao-for example.

But the incarnation of the eyes of heaven and earth requires a lot of fate to rely on. If someone is in charge of the universe, his destiny can be linked to the continents of the universe. Even if you incarnate the Eye of Heaven and Earth, your destiny will not decrease. But don’t forget that the vast continent is not dominated by individuals, but divided into many forces. If you incarnate the Eye of Heaven and Earth at this time, then the fate of consumption is simply terrible

, So they are hesitant.

Yang Hao didn’t hear everyone’s answer, they knew they were in a state of hesitation. Suddenly, Yang Hao was angry. “You want to know the cause of the catastrophe, and you don’t want to pay any price. How could there be such a good thing in the world? Is fate more important than life? If fate is consumed, you can get it back in the future. Destiny must be used.” Tianxia

Here, Yang Hao was almost scolded.

Listening to Yang Hao, they were stunned, and then reacted and thought, “Yes! What’s the use of luck if you don’t even die?” So everyone hurriedly said, “Okay, okay, please listen to the opinions of your heavenly friends , Become the eyes of heaven and earth.

“Look at the world and see what this catastrophe is.

“Yes, being poor depends on what this catastrophe is.”

Qingtian said, “In this case, it embodies the eye of heaven and earth.” As he said, Yang Hao’s fate instantly condensed into an illusory eye, and then many Asian saints saw this and put their own destiny into the illusory eye. inside. In an instant, the vast world that had been transformed by many sub-sacred auras disappeared, replaced by only dim big eyes. Hazy is not that i don’t see

The kind of illusory look that I saw, but the big eyes seemed to be changing their shape, making people unable to see the real big eyes.

Obviously, this big eye is the eye of heaven and earth, the mother of heaven. The reason why I can’t see the true form of this big eye is because this big eye is the condensation of all the destiny of the universe and represents the universe. If you want to see through the existence of the eye of heaven and earth, unless you can possess the power to transcend the universe and heaven, you can naturally see through the universe and you can see through the eye of heaven and earth.

After Yang Hao and others were reborn in the eyes of heaven and earth, they instantly felt as if they were omniscient and omnipotent, knowing everything about the universe, and the laws of the universe. In an instant, they felt that their self-cultivation began to improve. In the late sub-sage, the pinnacle was in the heavenly path, the heavenly path, and at the beginning of the middle and late half-steps, the cultivation of the eye of heaven and earth was fully promoted to the heavenly path.

It stopped at the beginning. Yang Hao and others felt the power of heaven in the eyes of Heaven and Earth. They also began to improve their cultivation, but when Yang Hao and their ancient Ashen reached the summit of Ashen, they stopped growing. The mid-term sub-sage rose to the mid-term sub-sage peak and stopped growing. The early sub-sages reached the early stage of their planting

The Yasheng stopped growing after the summit.

…For flowers…

Suddenly, there was a bit of complaint in Tiandi’s eyes. “Why does cultivation no longer grow? Are we all used up?”

“No, if destiny is exhausted, we have exposed our form. How can we maintain the state of the Eye of Heaven and Earth?”

“Damn, it’s a rare opportunity to improve this little training, it’s really unlucky.”

When people complained, Yang Hao got a little angry. “You greedy guys, it’s really surprising that you can raise your cultivation to the peak of your realm. Even if you raise your cultivation to the realm of saints, you will die sooner or later, because you don’t have enough ways to control the mana. The most important thing is now. Find the cause of the catastrophe, don’t waste your own here

luck. “Without waiting for a reaction, they continued to fly to the depths of the cat being space. And they also calmed down after hearing Yang Hao’s reprimand, cutting back to the original calm.

But at this moment, the Eye of Heaven and Earth stopped flying. In Tiandi’s eyes, Qiankun Tiandao and others asked Yang Hao with some doubts. “Why didn’t Qingtiandao’s friends investigate? Have you found the cause of the catastrophe?”

“Yes, friends, Qing Tian Dao has found the cause of this big robbery, let’s take a look.

At this time, Yang Hao’s voice was extremely solemn. “No, I didn’t find the reason for the robbery.”

Qiankun Tiandao is a little skeptical. “Then why fellow Daoist He didn’t continue searching?” “Yes! Friends of Qingtiandao, since you didn’t find it, why didn’t you continue to search for it?” At this time, Zu Long and others also had some doubts about Wentian.

Yang Hao’s voice is still solemn. “I have explored the time when the universe will be robbed in the future, but I have not found anything related to the catastrophe, and the things after the catastrophe cannot be calculated with our power. In other words, I have searched the future catastrophe in the entire wild world. The secret of the case is that no information related to the big robbery has been found.”

At this time, Qiankun Tiandao and the others also felt that they were wrong, and quickly said: “Why is this? Why can’t I find any information? Is this the world where Tiandao wants to shoot us?” Cun.

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