Chapter 961 The direction of destiny

After discovering the benefits of Wu Xiu veins, the great magical powers in the wild once sent some people into the martial arts hall to steal martial arts, and then used Yuanshen Avenue to make up for the shortcomings of martial arts, although Qingtian’s consciousness of staying in the Wumai Holy Land knew these things. , But it didn’t stop it. It just curled its mouth in disdain and murmured: “From now on, you will know that the benefits of this seat are not in vain.

With the passage of time, almost most people began to practice the special cultivation method formed by combining the martial arts method and the Yuanshen method. Just as many forces in the wilderness once again celebrated the power of their race, they did not notice that the part of their race’s destiny began to slowly spread out, but that direction was Yang Hao’s destiny.

The consciousness left by Yang Hao smiled satisfied seeing this situation, and then began to command, expand the area of ​​Wu Xiu Channel, increase the fate of Wu Xiu Channel, and then practice hard to achieve greater success.

On Daiyu Immortal Island, Yang Hao’s body has been refined for so long, and finally cracked the ban of Qiandingyuan, reaching the limit that can be cracked by the sub-sage realm, and Yang Hao is also in the process of refining Lingbao Having reached the early peak, Yasheng, as long as he progresses, he can enter the middle of Yasheng to see his own situation. Yang Hao intends to have a long retreat. This retreat

There are good things to do. It is to push his own practice to the middle of the sub-sage, to integrate the destruction of black lotus into his body, and to understand the law of destruction. Finally, we will initially temper and perfect the core monument of life, the Lingbao Tusheng gun.

I saw Yang Hao took out a jade tube, tapped lightly on it with his index finger, and instantly shot the golden light in. Yang Hao shook in the direction of Donghai Dragon Palace, but told Zulong that he was going to enter a long-term practice. Don’t bother me this time.

In doing so, Yang Hao is to prevent the dragon clan from having a big crack of its own. Although his relationship with Zulong is a bit estranged because of his own strength, he is the Dragon Demon King after all. If the company commander does not know the voice of Zulong during long retreats, it will deepen the gap between him and Zulong. When he thinks of Yang Hao, he will still inform Zulong’s voice.

Hundreds of millions of ascetics passed.

Yang Hao saw that things were handled well, and Wu Xiu Shengshan had his own incarnation there. If there is anything, supernatural powers can handle it by themselves. Thinking of this piece of Yang Hao, he started his long retreat practice.

After Yang Hao closed, the rest of the vast Ashen seemed to be thinking too, handing over their duties to the demon king or the deacon in the family, and began to close the door to improve their cultivation.

Never remember the year, that is, there is plenty of time in the field. As long as these smart animals can practice instinctively, they live a long time, so no one really pays attention to time, so time slips away unknowingly.

Since Yasheng, at the top of the universe, entered deep retreat and practice, the universe has also entered an era of rapid development, and various geniuses have emerged in an endless stream. In addition, shortly after many sub-sages began to live in seclusion, a new sub-Christmas was born, and several sub-sages were born. They are Dragon Clan Yuan Demon King Aoxuan, Phoenix Demon King Feng Mingyue, Qilin Clan-Demon King Mo Yun and so on.

Wu Xiu’s pulse is not inherently as strong as Yasheng. After all, Yang Hao didn’t give them a long way to travel. The strongest Wu Xiumai has just entered the post-quasi-sage stage.

However, no authority dared to beat Wu Xiu’s pulse, because someone once thought of bringing Wu Xiu’s pulse into his hands. But after entering Wu Xiu’s Holy Land in a strong posture, Yasheng walked out with blood and cartilage. The news immediately aroused the fear of many forces in the universe. That is Yasheng! The convenience this man is most proud of is his speed.

Although his strength is not as strong as the strong man of the old saint, he is also the top strong man in the universe! The only possibility to be beaten now is that there is a terrible brawny hiding in Wu Xiu’s Holy Land. Thinking of this, many people who wanted to practice martial arts pulse, were frightened in a cold sweat. Fortunately, they didn’t do anything, otherwise they would be beaten. Once someone asked what happened to the assaulted strong man

In the situation, he closed his teeth and did not disclose any information, which made everyone very helpless. But who knows, that person is not afraid to say, but embarrassed to say. In fact, I don’t want to tell them that they want to beat them up. It’s just a clone of others. Although they are busy helping Guan Shan, the clone has been defeated by others. If this matter spreads out, I am afraid it will

Laughed to death by those guys!

Due to Yasheng’s brutal beating, many forces in the universe dared not propose the idea of ​​restoring Wu Mai, so Wu Mai escaped this catastrophe.

…For flowers…

Time passed again. Since Zhugesheng was approved to enter the retreat, he has had time to grab him. During the robbery, the pattern of the entire wild world changed a lot. Nowadays, the wild world is no longer the original main force, but multiple races are competing for hegemony with each other. Except for the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, and the previous forces of the Qilin Clan, all other forces are divided by the Clan Alliance.


Of course, the most powerful force is the alliance of Wu Xiu and Mai Xiu. After the Demon family of the Qilin family and the White Tiger family pulsed for a period of time in the dragon family and the Feng family Wu Xiu, because Yang Hao was sitting in town, plus Yang Hao was set up. As Wu Xiu’s holy land, this large formation also gave birth to many sub-sage powers. Moreover, the saint of Wu Xiumai was formed after countless battles, so he

Our physical will are very strong, so they can be enemies without Lingbao or Lingbao’s power, so Wu Xiumai can be said to be the strongest fighting force.

As for the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan, they already have a huge foundation, which is unmatched by the nouveau riche later, but they dare not destroy a force at will. This will cause many forces to unite and reproduce the previous clan alliance. situation.

Now, after several robberies in recent times, the number of masters has greatly increased. Now there are not only a few Asian saints, but there is already an Asian saint. Every saint is a leader of power, or an elder of a big country.

On this day, the elders and deacons of the major forces in the universe are dealing with the internal affairs of their own race forces. Suddenly, bursts of extremely powerful coercion appeared out of thin air, and everyone jumped up and immediately counted the source of these coercion.

When they calculated the source of these pressures, the owners of those pressures seemed to feel the prying eyes of others, and were suddenly broken by cold snorts. But after this time, they have figured out the real reason, but this reason is a big surprise for them. The reason is that many of the oldest Assen who entered the gate of death before he robbed him

At this time, it was also cleared. After hearing the news, some were happy and some were worried. I am very happy that the elders in the large army finally cleared the customs. His Majesty the Dragon King was already in the realm of the sub-sage before the retreat, and now his cultivation is unfathomable, and our family’s wish to dominate the wild may be realized. Inch,

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