Chapter 959 core

The words of Heaven are no longer just countless runes flashing in his big eyes, seeming to be performing something. Soon the rune in Tiandao’s eyes disappeared, and Tiandao’s voice sounded again, “This is not impossible, but” Tiandao paused.

But Yang Hao quickly asked, “But what?”

“However, to seal Qian Yuanding’s power, he can’t let him burst out of the power of the top chaotic spirit treasure. Otherwise, the wild world will still be in great danger.” Tiandao is still very cold.

After thinking about Yang Hao, he gave up an offensive top chaotic treasure and bought two top chaotic treasures, one of which was a universal chaotic treasure. Even if it can’t be used in the wild, can it be used in Chaos in the future? And the other is a Lingbao with not bad attack power, and it seems that it has not suffered!

Thinking of this blue sky, I nodded and said, “Well, I agree, but Qian Yuanding’s seal can only be found in the wild. You can no longer seal its power out of the wilderness, otherwise I will not agree.” Yang Hao’s last words are also categorical.

Tian Dao thought a little and said, “Well, if you leave the big world, I won’t limit its power. Now that you agree, let’s start blocking him now!” From Tian Dao’s eyes, he shot out the Dao Jin net, saying that it is not long. The previous one. But this time there was no blue sky, and the Internet was directly branded in Dading Qian Yuanding, which changed its chaotic state and became simple. And in the week of Dading,

It was locked tightly with a gold chain, a life-saving treasure.

After Qian Yuanding was sealed, the Eye of Heaven was slightly relieved, followed by the light from the Eye of Heaven, but this time the target was the soul warrior in Yang Hao’s hands.

In the blink of an eye, the soul soldier in Yang Hao’s hand was illuminated by this light, and was continuously pulled away from the soul soldier in an instant. Soon, under the power of Heaven’s Dao, all the Yin and Yang in the soul soldier’s body were taken away, and the taken away formed a group of Tai Chi diagrams that were constantly rotating.

It’s just that where the yin and yang qi does not bloom, it can only rely on mutual attraction. Seeing this situation, Tiandao turned on the lights again. Suddenly, the roads on the soul soldier were burned into a white scroll, and the continuously rotating Yin and Yang seemed to have seen their loved ones and shot directly at the scroll. Yang Hao knew that the scroll had become an Innate treasure Tai Chi diagram again.

Tiandao saw that the matter had been satisfactorily resolved, and he wanted to leave. Suddenly, Tiandao seemed to have thought of something. He looked at Qingtian and said, “This time Qingtian sealed your Lingbao. It is really a last resort, but this time it can compensate you.

Yang Hao saw that his best spirit treasure was sealed, and he was in a bad mood, so he was down, and said, “What’s the compensation?” Can you give me a top chaotic spirit treasure?” Speaking of Yang Hao , My eyes lit up suddenly, and my listless expression disappeared.

Hearing the blue sky, Tian Dao quickly said: “No, no, how can I have a top chaotic spirit treasure! In my heart, I said, “Even if there is, I will not give it to you. “This shows that Tiandao was frightened by Yang Hao.

Yang Hao heard that Tiandao had no compensation from Lingbao, so he returned to the state of listlessness just now. “What do you use to compensate for my loss, you know that it is the top chaotic spirit treasure! I am afraid that there is not much chaos in the whole.”

Tian Dao looked at Yang Hao’s pitiful appearance and said, “Although I don’t have a spirit treasure to compensate you, I can help you find a life spirit treasure so that you can deal with it!” Speaking of this, Tian Dao’s cold voice seems to have What means that you have taken a big advantage.

At this time, Yang Hao’s attention was focused on Tiandao’s “Born Life Lingbao”, but he did not hear any changes in Tiandao’s words.

The natal spirit treasure; this is a very special spirit treasure, it is like some kind of innate spiritual root, refined by a certain part of itself. For example, the precious tree in the hands of Zhunti saints is a branch of Zhunti, the saint’s body “Bodhi Holy Spirit Root”, which was picked off after the Zhunti saints were transformed. In Zhunti, in the hands of the saint, the treasure tree

The power that can be exerted is no less than the best Innate Lingbao. You know, even if someone refines the entire Bodhi tree, they can only form the best Innate Lingbao, and Zhundi only refines the roots and branches to maximize The role of. This is the advantage of the life spirit treasure. Yang Hao hurriedly said, “Really, can you really find me a spirit treasure in the core ruins of life? You know it is

Lingbao, he can give full play to his abilities. It’s just that my body is the lotus seed of Chaos Violet. If you want to find a spiritual treasure in the core ruins of life, you must start with Chaos Violet, and the lotus seeds of Chaos Violet also have owners. Although the lotus leaf of Chaos Violet is in my hands, I don’t want the few life core monuments of Lingbao to be

Defend, so it will be worth the loss. “Finally, Yang Hao gave up the idea of ​​looking for the core relics of life and spiritual treasures

At this time, Tiandao ignored Qingtian’s words and said directly: “.”Take out the gun and run the flag

Qingtian looked at Tiandao with some caution. “What do you want? Do you want my spirit treasure? No, you are a heaven and there are many spirit treasures. Why do you want to grab my spirit treasure?

Tiandao was speechless by the blue sky, and suddenly he said angrily: “You can take it if you want. What are you talking about? Hurry up.

Yang Hao was startled by Tiandao’s angry voice, he quickly took out the gun and flag and placed them in front of Tiandao

Tiandao directly ignored the bitter eyes of the blue sky, facing the light of the line flag shooting with a sharp gun, and immediately changed with the sharp gun and the line flag.

The traveling flag directly revolves around the homicide gun, and continuously releases the marching force into the homicide gun. The homicide gun did not prevent the power of action from entering, and continued to absorb the power of action (Qian Wang Zhao). As the flag spins faster, the murder spear has undergone tremendous changes. Finally, after the spear of killing me and the flag of the line emitted a strong light, the thing that left Yang Hao speechless was

Revealed in place.

Qingtian took the thing and asked the heavens silently: “This is what you said, look for the monumental treasure at the core of life for me.”

However, Tiandao didn’t seem to see the error in Yang Hao’s eyes, and the admiration expression in his cold eyes said: “Yes, this is the core memorial of the Lingbao life I found for you, very good!” When it comes to this, Tiandao sees Look at Yang Hao. However, Qingtian was extremely angry. “This is the core memorial of the Lingbaosheng you found for me. How do you want me to use it? Is it for

Smoke someone else?” At first, after being fully integrated with the flag, it became a lotus stem, and there were a few lotus leaves swaying on the lotus stem.

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