Chapter 943 Source of destruction

When Yang Hao saw this scene, his face suddenly became pale. In Yang Hao’s eyes, the roar of cold light flashed suddenly began to expand, and it rose to a high level in the blink of an eye. Yang Hao ignored the attack of the others, Demon, and caught it directly from the Great Mill, hoping to teach you a lesson after getting the jade plate.

And the attack of Demon and others at this time also came to Yang Hao. Because Yang Hao’s body was magnified countless times, the large formation also magnified countless times, so the defense of the great formation dropped a lot, and it was being destroyed. After Shitian Demon and many other saints attacked, the big formation finally couldn’t help but shattered, and Yang Hao Zhongdi Shishidamo was immediately caught by these attacks.

shape. However, those attacks were already extremely weak after breaking through the large formation, and there were only a few cracks in the sky.

At this time, the big hand of Lantian has come to the Great Moment of Destroying the World. When I saw this scene, Lu Ya and others were very anxious. No one wanted the blue sky to be destroyed. At this time, Demon said with a grim expression: “You can’t get what I can’t get in the sky.” After finishing speaking, Demon threw the entire Immortal sword in his hand, and broke the whole in an instant. The void of the Immortal sword,

When I arrived in front of the Great Mill, under the desperate gazes of many Ashens, the entire Immortal sword contained the magic power of Demon, and it slammed on the body of the Great Mill with a ding sound. , Cracked a gap under everyone’s eyes, and then the gap got bigger and bigger, and the “click” sound finally cracked. Zhu Immortal’s sword was also cracked by the Great Momentum. Demon was implicated and immediately vomited

Blood. Demon didn’t care at all, but he was mad and smiled. “You can’t let the World Destruction Great Mo fly on Yang Hao, hahaha.

When Yang Hao saw the entire Immortal sword, it felt like he wanted to stop, but it takes time for Yang Hao to catch up with the entire Immortal sword, so the entire Immortal sword is grinding the world in front of Yang Hao. Smashed. However, at this moment, Yang Hao had already caught the Great Moment of Destruction, so the two Great Moments of Destruction were caught by Yang Hao. And the other fragments of the Demon Mill were destroyed by Demon

, Attack, disappear instantly.

Lu Ya and others saw that the jade disc was broken by Demon, and they immediately glared at him. He looked at Demon angrily and said, “Mieshitian Demon, what are you doing? Do you want to die?” Mieshitian Demon was also a little awake now. “If I don’t defeat the Great Mill, will I watch the Great Mill be taken away by Qingtian? At that time, any of you can snatch Wang Yudie from Qingtian’s hands.

Go?” After all, Demon also sounds tough.

When they heard Demon’s words, although they were still complaining, they also put away their anger. After all, Demon is right. Haven’t you seen the Great Moment of Destruction being taken away by Yang Hao?

All saints know this is a game

When the Qiankun people of Qiankun Tiandao saw that the Great Moment of Extinguishment was breached by Demon, they suddenly appeared to look for the fragments of Great Moment that they had found. King Feng, Bai Xiaotian, Mo Tianxuan, Wu Cangtian, and the leaders of other forces are also pursuing the remnants of the Great Moment.

At this moment, Yang Hao’s angry voice came from a distance, “Mieshitian Demon, you bastard, go to death.” At the same time, only a huge hand was mercilessly brought to Mieshitian Demon’s side, and his hand passed by. The space was shattered one after another, revealing dark and terrifying space cracks. After hearing this voice, many Yasheng knew that Yang Hao shot Demon at Mieshitian, hurriedly from

Each incarnation retreats there.

Seeing this scene, Demon scolded a few words in his mouth, looked at the big hand on his face with a solemn expression, waved and handed the Immortal sword to the hands of Demon, precisely because the entire Immortal sword was destroyed. The earthquake resistance of Da Ma is destroyed, so Demon can only use the Immortal sword

Seeing that big hand was photographed by himself, Demon immediately roared and injected mana into the Immortal sword, and immediately fell into the Immortal sword, emitting a dark green shock wave, pulling the space out of the crack from time to time. When this big hand stretched out from Demon, not far away, Demon said angrily, “Give it to me.” In an instant, Dao condensed into a real trap. Immortal sword and qi cut in his hand. in a blink

The two collided, and instantly, the space where the two met was broken, and countless destructive forces formed a huge space storm.

After seeing the destruction storm, many Asian students hurriedly took out their spirit treasures to protect themselves. At this time, Demon was injured by the anti-shock force of the big hand, and immediately vomited blood. After seeing the Destruction Storm, Demon managed to mobilize the mana in his body to release Destruction Black Lotus and envelop himself in it. However, to Demon’s surprise, Destruction Storm encountered Black Lotus.

After his destruction, he was swallowed by Black Lotus. Not only that, it turned the devoured storm of destruction into countless dragons and flesh and blood that nourished Demon. Mie Shitian Demon was overjoyed when he saw this scene, and sat cross-legged to absorb the dragon energy transformed from the black lotus.

With the passage of time, the storm of destruction gradually began to dissipate, but it was the law of heaven that repaired and perfected the space of destruction. Destruction storm is like rootless water, disappearing with the passage of time, and Demon’s figure gradually emerges.

At this time, Demon had already put away the damage to the black lotus. After a few minutes of breathing, Demon’s injury had also recovered. See Demon Ludi, the corpse has dragon spirit, no injuries. Looking at Demon in Yang Hao, he was a little surprised. “This palm didn’t hurt you seriously. It was really unexpected.” Before Demon could speak, the cold light in Qingtian’s eyes flashed, “Then you

Come back and see if you can stop it. “After speaking, Yang Hao raised his right hand to Demon again.

This time, Yang Hao’s big hand exudes a faint green light, but it is as light as a goose feather, as if there is no power. But when Demon sees this big hand calling himself, his hair stands upright, and the breath of death surrounds Demon. He knows that if he can’t stop this palm, he will definitely die.

Seeing this scene, Demon immediately patted his head, and a black lotus flew out of Demon’s Yang Hao. Suddenly, the black lotus exudes incomparable dark power. The black power seems to be the source of destruction between heaven and earth, and every tear of destructive force opens the cracks in space. Where the black power passes, the space disappears silently

Lost, it seems that even time has been destroyed. .

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