Chapter 941 Nirvana rebirth

After hearing Yingying’s words, Qiankun Tiandao and Qiankun people thought that Yingying was right. Nowadays, the Dragon Clan can be said to be a force that cannot be underestimated. If the Great Mould of Extinguishment is obtained, within ten thousand years, with the help of the luck of the dragon clan and the help of the Great Extinguishing Mill, the dragon clan will surely produce several Asian saints. At that time, the dragon clan will have the ability to control the wild, and other forces will do their best

Efforts to prevent the dragon clan from getting rid of the world. Since the dragon clan can’t get the great mill of destroying the world, they won’t make others in vain. If you want to go there, you have only two people to get along with the sky, so the sky will eventually give it to yourself.

Thinking of this, Qiankun Tiandao and Qiankun were ecstatic. Not long ago, they regretted their decision to help the sky. But now, if there are no exceptions, the great mill of destroying the world is definitely in the hands of its own people. Qiankun Tiandao and Qiankun people have confidence in what they say to the sky. After all, not long ago, the sky used its own strength to resist the strong in the sub-sage realm, and it has not moved.


Qiankun Tiandao and Qiankun would not believe it. The demon king of the Tang and Tang dragon clan only has the flag defensive Innate treasure, not the offensive Innate treasure. I’m afraid no one will believe it. Thinking of this, Qiankun Tiandao and Qiankun Ren looked at each other and suddenly felt that the original decision was really right.

But then the sky spoke again, this time his face was full of seriousness. “These two friends shouldn’t be happy too early. Do you remember the words when Tiandao left?” Can’t force it. If two friends really miss this treasure, it is better to give up early. After all, the words of heaven are sometimes the most credible. After all, the way of heaven will not calculate goodbye for no reason

Used by the little guy.

That’s because after Phoenix got the recipe created by the sky for her, although he tried hard to defeat the guy who embarrassed her, the result was not satisfactory.

You must know that whether it is practicing Shenquan, Yinyangquan, or saint walking around, they are all created by referring to the laws of heaven and then based on their own understanding. This kind of avatar planted randomly in the wild will cause earth-shattering plunder. I’m afraid that several other sub-sage powerhouses will compete in secret regardless of their faces. After all, they can fully comprehend the law based on supernatural powers.

Phoenix was only in Zhongzhou at this time, and Qi had just reached the floor. The understanding of the law of heaven is too superficial, it is impossible to truly exert the power of this magical power. Fortunately, there is a master named Qingtian, and the founder of this portrait is here to explain. Phoenix barely passed the cultivation of this supernatural power. After Phoenix barely passed the cultivation of supernatural powers, the sky began to train more rigorously.

The goal of training is the sky itself. Except for necessary training every day, Phoenix uses Shenquan or Yin-Yangquan to fight against the sky. Of course, the mana used by the sky is like a phoenix.

Qingtianbian taught Xiao Fenghuang the understanding of boxing. On the other hand, he also taught Xiao Fenghuang that the understanding of heaven is equally important. After all, Qingtian Quan understands Tiandao. Phoenix looks at Qingtiandao. “Don’t the master realize that Tiandao can boxing?”

The sky smiled and smiled, “Feng Nu, do you think it is so easy to create this boxing portrait for the teacher?” If you don’t have all the methods, if you are taught by the teacher, I am afraid that you will only be able to master some fur after ten thousand years. , Let alone others. Therefore, to fight the true power of boxing magical powers, countless battles are needed. Only by fighting can you truly fight and boxing

strength. Inch.

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