Chapter 938 Can’t be careless

If it is Yang Hao, make the face of Good Fortune Heavenly Dao look ugly. Since then, she can no longer think about other things. After taking Chaos as a treasure offering, she went to Yang Hao and fought. Today, Good Fortune is planning in his heart. Even if he pays some price, Yang Hao must know that she is also the saint of Good Fortune. She is not Yang Hao and can ignore and bully at will.

Seeing Gan Kun Ding hit himself, Yang Hao hurriedly presented the Shangyuan Immortal lamp, stood upside down, and protected himself from the chaos. After that, Yang Hao ignored Gan Kun Ding’s blow to him and planned to strike the ancestor Immortal Emperor.

Seeing this scene, the ancestor Emperor Immortal felt terrible. He didn’t expect Taoist Yang Hao to directly ignore the attack of Good Fortune Heavenly Dao and beat himself. It seems that Taoist Yang Hao today does not intend to let him go. Thinking of the terrifying power of Taoist Yang Hao, Emperor Immortal, the ancestor, didn’t think that good fortune could save his life. Thinking of this, the ancestor Immortal hurriedly shouted to the void

Said: “Predecessors help out.” Hearing the words of Emperor Immortal, her father was shocked. She didn’t expect that Emperor Immortal would take refuge in other people, but she didn’t know who this person was and could make Emperor Immortal so big. The confidence that can compete with the Taoist Yang Hao

Later, Good Fortune looked at Xiang Yang 12hao and wanted to know Yang Hao. Does he know who the former ancestor of Emperor Immortal is? When Good Fortune Heaven looked at Yang Hao, he just saw Yang Hao. Sure enough, he didn’t feel the suspicion of the help of the ancestor Immortal Emperor, but it seemed that he did feel it. Then, Emperor Sun looked at his ancestor, Emperor Immortal, and wanted to know how God met

Of this mysterious man. All those people know the mysterious man. After all, this matter is of great importance, and Emperor Sun cannot be careless.

Facing the gaze of Emperor Sun Zhen, the ancestor Emperor Immortal sighed regretfully. “Brother, this is all brother’s fault. Under the pressure of Saint Yang Hao, he failed to hold on and asked for help from his predecessors. Therefore, Yang Hao and the others discovered an anomaly.”

Hearing the words of Emperor Immortal, Emperor Sun, he didn’t know what to say. After a while, Emperor Sun sighed and looked at his father Immortal, “Big Brother, you can heal your wounds now, as for other things. Let my brother take care of the matter. As long as you can defeat Wu and become a wild bully, you will have the opportunity to justify yourself. At that time, you will find the Taoist Yang Hao.

It is not too late to solve the cause and effect. “After that, Emperor Sun turned and left.

After seeing Emperor Sun’s departure, Emperor Immortal, the ancestor, began to heal himself completely, trying to recover himself as soon as possible to prepare for the next Lich War. After the Emperor Sun left the Sun Palace, he gathered all the souls of the sanctuary collected by the disciples of the demon sanctuary and Xie Jing, and began to cast the treasure that restrained the ancestral body.

When hiring Soul Harmony, they began to refine Lingbao to deal with Wuzu Wu. The Zuwu in Yuanling Temple also began to use the grievances they had collected before and integrated it into all the gods used to arrange the Great God Array. Strengthen the power of all the gods here.

He said that after returning to the dojo, he began to practice in retreat and wanted to break through to the middle stage of the sage. However, Yang Hao just started to shrink, a sudden voice rang from the bottom of his heart. The young generation dared to destroy the plan of the ancestors,

“Who is talking?” As soon as the voice fell, Yang Hao lowered his eyes. His eyes flashed with scary clothes. He glanced back and forth throughout the week, trying to know who was talking. Unfortunately, Yang Hao was shocked. No matter how he searched, he couldn’t find the trace of the mysterious person.

Seeing this situation, Yang Hao really believed that the strength of the mysterious man was probably much stronger than himself. The strength of the mysterious man reached the lowest level of the Saint Seiya, and it was not after the Saint Seiya started to enter the realm.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao no longer looked for the mysterious person’s trace, and planned to continue to retreat, trying to improve his strength as soon as possible. It’s a pity that the mysterious person would let Yang Hao go as simple as that. When Yang Hao started to shrink again, the mysterious person’s voice sounded in Yang Hao’s heart again. “Why are you younger, you broke the calculations of your ancestors for many years, and you want to improve your own strength? This

It is a dream, young generation. The ancestors clearly told you today that as long as there are ancestors in the sky, you can’t practice with peace of mind and break through among the saints. “After speaking, the mysterious man’s triumphant smile continued to sound in his heart, making Yang Hao unable to practice with peace of mind. Seeing this mysterious man, he stopped his own practice with such a rogue method, Yang Hao despised it, although, Yang Hao Heart

Zhen despised this mysterious person, but his heart was really distressed.

After the meditation, Yang Hao walked out of his dojo and fell into chaos. When he first entered the chaos, Yang Hao displayed his chaotic supernatural powers and began to drive the Qi of Zhou chaos into his body madly, hoping to improve his strength.

“Junior, what magical power you are, you can control the chaos.” When the mysterious person’s slightly shocked voice sounded in Yang Haodian’s heart again, Yang Haodian finally felt something strange about him.

After Yang Hao discovered the strange shape of his body, a slight smile appeared on his face, and he quickly mobilized Zhou’s chaotic energy, rushed frantically on top of his head, and hit the tiny strange hairs.

“Junior, I didn’t expect you to have such a method to find the hiding place of this seat. Unfortunately, your strength is far less than this seat. Even if you find the hiding place of this seat, there is no way.” The mysterious man said disdainfully.

After that, the mysterious man walked into Demon, blasted out the dazzling 853 rays of light in the formation, and placed Zhou Chaos’s energy in the void, unable to advance even a bit. Seeing this situation, Yang Hao was shocked again. He didn’t expect the silk power of the mysterious person to have such power, so he easily resisted his magical powers.

However, if you don’t destroy this power, you can’t practice with peace of mind. So, when you see your avatar, you can’t play a big role in the power of that thread. Yang Hao expelled the powerful force of Heavenly Dao, and quickly hit the mysterious force.

When Yang Hao drove the power of heaven to hit the mysterious power, Yang Hao discovered that this mysterious power was blooming more dazzling light than before. Under this dazzling light, Zhou’s chaotic true energy quickly hit the power of Heavenly Dao, trying to resist the attack of Heavenly Dao force.

Unfortunately, when the mysterious power just mobilized the chaotic air, Yang Hao felt it, and quickly used his magical powers again to prevent Zhou’s chaotic air from being controlled by the mysterious power. Originally, Yang Hao thought that with his own profile picture, it should be easy to calm down.

However, when Yang Hao used his supernatural power to chaos, I wanted to suppress the chaotic energy that hits the power of heaven, but I found that this mysterious person’s ability to control the chaotic air was worse than his own, and he couldn’t stop all the chaotic energy. gas. .

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