Chapter 929 Misjudgment

Although, it is easy to see through his calculations for many years, which makes Wen Zhong feel powerless. However, the current situation makes Wen Zhong unable to continue to be decadent. Soon, Wen Zhong adjusted his state and summoned his generals to his front line. Now that he had seen through his calculations, he made a choice, intending to watch Shang fall.

But he can’t just watch the Shang dynasty perish in Jianzhong. After all, the fate of interrupting education and the fate of Shang dynasty are closely connected. The fate of Shang is weakened, and the fate of intercepting education will also be weakened. Therefore, I must put down the rebellion as soon as possible, return to Shangzi and volunteer to quell the chaos, and try my best not to let the troops become the business district.

Soon, many generals ordered by Wen Zhong came to Wen Zhong and looked at many of his generals. Jian Wenzhong assigned various tasks and planned to launch a general attack on Yuan Futong tomorrow. He planned to quell the rebellion in Beihai and return to Chaocheng. At the beginning of the war, it turned out that Wen Zhong was under the attack of the Shang Dynasty army, Yuan Futong, and the Beihai army retreated one after another. Soon, Yuan Futong’s army

Had to return to Daying Beihai.

Seeing this scene, Wen Zhong did not stop the general’s offensive. He personally commanded many soldiers from the Shang Dynasty and began to madly attack the Beihai camp. As long as he can break the Beihai camp, Yuan Futong will be taken down, and Beihai, Pingding will rebel. , Back to Chaoge City. However, what Wen Zhong did not expect was that when most of the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty entered the big camp, Beihai, a huge white flower appeared.

Lotus suddenly appeared in Daying, over the North Sea

When this huge white lotus appeared, it spun quickly, flew out of the lotus, and merged into many camps. When these lotus flowers first merged into the camp, the camp was filled with light and turned into a strange flag, constantly rushing to the flag. In the fog on the surface, the fog fell among the many monks under Yuan Futong.

These foggy strange flags appeared on the flag, and many monks quickly waved the flags and poured the strange flags out of their hands. In the blink of an eye, they surrounded and surrounded them, so that many merchant soldiers not only saw a lot of fog, but even their close comrades could not see clearly.

Their own misjudgment.

Those soldiers of the Shang Dynasty, the two companions who were close at hand, could not see clearly. However, this does not mean that many soldiers under Yuan Futong cannot see the situation in Zhou, they can only see the white fog, because they cannot see Zhou, the environment and many soldiers of the Shang Dynasty who panicked due to changes. Many soldiers of Yuan Futong showed cruel smiles on their faces, and they quickly waved their weapons and attacked them.

The panicked soldiers of the Shang Dynasty wantonly killed the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty, causing Daying and Beihai to make a miserable scream and the sound of heavy objects falling.

As he said, he ordered Shang’s soldiers to attack. When he saw the huge white lotus in the sky, he had an unknown premonition in his heart. However, what happened next was really too fast. When Wen Zhong reacted, when trying to stop it, Zhou, Daying, and Beihai were already covered by strange fog, so that Wen Zhong and others could not see clearly.

What happened in Daying, Beihai

Fortunately, the strange fog did not stop the sound from spreading, so that Wen Zhong and others heard the panic of the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty. When Wen Zhong and others saw this, they breathed a sigh of relief, and yelled with Mana: “Don’t panic, beware of Zhou, and prevent yourself from being attacked…

Because this was summoned by Wen Zhong with huge mana, just like in the ears of many soldiers in the Shang Dynasty. When they heard Wen Zhong’s words, many soldiers who panicked because they couldn’t see the situation in Zhou calmed down. However, when people started to kill, there were screams and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, which calmed down many soldiers and began to panic again.

Lost and yelled frantically. Hearing the screams and the sound of heavy objects falling in the fog, Wen Zhong and others knew that many soldiers of the Shang Dynasty had died in Daying, Beihai, and so on. They must disperse the fog that is shrouded in Daying, the North Sea as soon as possible. Otherwise, many merchant soldiers who entered before will be massacred.

Thinking of this, he quickly ordered the warriors under him to quickly display the fire-extinguishing regulations, condensing an extremely powerful flame, and burning it on the surrounding fog. He wanted to burn the fog around.

However, what Wen Zhong and others did not expect was that when they were exposed to the fog, their teachings were immediately collected in the fog. Driven by the mist, they quickly burned into soldiers of the Shang Dynasty. The flames condensed by Wen Zhong and others are their own teachings, and the condensed flames are the strongest. The flames were so powerful that they fell on the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty, instantly burning them into nothingness.

Although, Wen Zhong and others looked around, when they saw their Taoist demonstrations, they could not only burn the fog that enveloped Daying, Beihai, and was also used by the Shang Dynasty to kill soldiers, Wen Zhong, etc. People stop showing Taoism.

Unfortunately, most of the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty who entered Daying, Beihai, were mortals, and only a few were practitioners. Therefore, with the help of Wen Zhong and others, Yuan Futong and his monks entered the camp alone, and Beihai killed tens of thousands of soldiers from the Shang Dynasty.

Hearing the constant screams, Wen Zhong couldn’t care about anything else, and his heart moved. He opened his eyes and looked at Daying, Beihai. Although the law made by Yuan Futong was very unusual, he still couldn’t stop Wen Zhong’s gaze.

However, seeing Beihai in Daying, what happened did not make Wen Zhong happy, but made Wen Zhong’s face extremely ugly. It turned out that when Wen Zhongshen looked at Daying, Beihai, he saw that many soldiers of the Shang Dynasty who entered Daying, Beihai, were killed in such a short period of time.

Seeing this scene, Wen Zhong couldn’t care about anything else. He flew into Daying, Beihai, and threw all the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty (Qian? After all, these soldiers depended on quelling the Beihai rebellion.

Put down the North Sea rebellion within a few moments. Wen Zhong’s cultivation was very strong, and soon many soldiers from the Shang Dynasty were sent out of the camp, Beihai by Wen Zhong.

Seeing being heard, Yuan Futong quickly sent out of the camp, and the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty in Beihai couldn’t help frowning. He also wanted to take this opportunity to defeat Wen Zhong’s army. In this spirit, Wen Zhong was allowed to rescue all soldiers from the Shang Dynasty. Therefore, after seeing Wen Zhong’s actions, Yuan Futong quickly appeared in front of Wen Zhong.

Seeing Yuan Futong who beat himself, Wen Zhong’s eyes flashed with sarcasm, and the eyebrows hinted at the eyes of God, flying out of the Holy Light. .

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