Chapter 927 brand

However, at this moment, an angry voice came from the list of gods, saying: “Pan Dao is the ancestor of the Demon ghost. If you erase Zhang Guifang, Pang Dao’s name, it will take many years. Pang Dao returns to After going out in the wild, Pang Dao will definitely kill you.”

At the moment this sound rang, Ziya, who was instructing the battle outside Xiqiao City, suddenly felt emptiness, and there was a huge pressure on himself, which made Ziya feel that his life and death were between the thoughts of his ancestors.

This kind of horror of life and death lies entirely with others, which makes the ziya who practiced straight to the golden Immortal, the late Ziya, sweats like a mortal. In an instant, the sweat on Ziya’s body soaked through Ziya’s cracked outfit, and he looked embarrassed.

In addition, this is not what Ziya fears most. What makes Ziya most afraid is that he can’t do anything, and he doesn’t even think about it. Because of this compulsory suppression, Ziya used the power of the gods to condense the incarnation, and was affected by Ziya’s ontology, showing signs of collapse.

Fortunately, at this moment, the pressure appeared in the void again, canceling the pressure on Ziya. After that, a cold voice sounded in the barbarity, “Being a friend was too much.” Yang Hao’s As soon as the sound fell, it flew out of its luggage in the mountains of Qingcheng, embarked on a journey, and quickly crashed into a different place in the wild. In an instant, it

After being hidden in the wild and being restored as a disciple of Demon Way Sect, reaching the realm of Pique and Kim Immortal, this light took away the soul of the former disciple of Demon Way Sect and flew to the list of gods. It seemed that he was about to push the soul of this Demon Way Sect disciple onto the god list. Seeing Yang Hao’s movements, the expression of Taichu from Outland changed drastically. If, really let Yang Hao send the soul of this Demon Way Sect disciple

Go to the list of gods and display the name of this Demon Way Sect disciple. That list of gods must take this opportunity to swallow the power of the list of Demon’s methods. In this way, the power of Demon’s law table will be weakened.

This amazing list is very important to the disciples of Demon Way Sect. If the power to seal the Demon list is weakened, the fate of Demon Way Sect will be much reduced. How could this happen in the beginning? So, when I saw Yang Hao wanted to force the soul of a disciple of Demon Way Sect to be sent to the list of gods, I was very angry. “Fellow Yang Hao, if you just take this Demon

The soul of the disciple of the sect is sent to the list of gods, weakening the fate of Demon Way Sect, and it is a major event in the bad way for many years. ”

After finishing speaking, Taichu thought moved, and sacrificed the treasure of Chaos Killing Spear, and stood on top of his head.At the same time, Taichu’s body surged with powerful mana and rushed into the Chaos Killing Spear. After that, At first I planned to throw this Chaos Killing Gun into the wilderness. I want to use the power of chaos to destroy the soul of a Demon Way Sect disciple and the soul of Zhang Guifang in the list of gods.

In order to avoid the power of the evil Demon list being forcibly taken away by the list of gods, thereby weakening the fate of Demon Way Sect

After hearing Taichu’s threat, Yang Hao’s eyes flashed with sarcasm, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and his voice rang out from outside. It was not deep enough, so that Fellow Dao not only shot and killed the disciple of the poor Dao again, but I also dared to threaten the poor Dao, Fellow Dao, in the beginning, you said that the poor Dao should find another opportunity to learn from

Hearing the words of the Yang Hao, the face that was originally ugly at first, suddenly became even more ugly, but before what he said at the beginning, he saw his killer gun, preparing to pass through the wall outside the universe and enter the universe. At that time, a powerful heavenly power appeared in the void, entering the walls of the universe, preventing the Killing Spear from entering the universe.

Seeing this situation, Taichu’s face was unpredictable. After a while, he will look straight at the void and say, “Immortal Dao Demon God, Yang Hao, two Dao friends, it’s great. Today’s matter, poor Dao has written down. After poor Dao returns to the game, He will repay the two dao friends and fans.

It turned out that at the moment when Chaos was the treasure of the Killing Spear, the souls of the Demon Way Sect disciples who had been killed by Yang Hao were sensed at the beginning, and Yang Hao was forcibly sent to the gods list. At the same time, Zhang Guifang’s name, which was originally branded on the list of gods, was also erased by Yang Hao and Ziya, and then rebranded on the list of gods. Re-listed Zhang Guifang’s name engraved in Fengshen

The list has changed from the previous gold to half gold and half black. The golden words exude a faint divine light, while the black words exude a faint divine light. Originally, the two opposing forces did not attack each other. On the contrary, it was very unique, with an indescribable sense of harmony and strangeness.

Erase Zhang Guifang’s name and re-engrave it. Yang Hao flew away in a condensed group, turned into the light of time, returned to the previous seal. I thought about it. Let the mysterious power appear on the list of gods, enter the soul of the disciple of Demon Way Sect, want to be engraved in the list of gods

Branded with the disciple of Demon Way Sect, occupy a sacred position.

Ironic thing.

At first, Ziya thought it was easy for him to be imprinted with the soul of the Demon Way Sect disciple on the list of conferred gods. However, what Ziya did not expect was that when the power in the list of gods was sealed, after entering the soul of the disciple of Demon Way Sect, he did not immediately let the name of the disciple of Demon Way Sect appear in the list of gods.

The disciple of Demon Way Sect, there is a kind of Demon power in the soul, guarding the soul of the disciple of Demon Way Sect, and not let the power of the engraved god leave his name on the list of engraved gods. However, the power of Conferred God is too powerful. After the meeting, the soul of the disciple of Demon Way Sect flew out of the black light, stood on the list of gods, and kept scrolling, turning into a few fuzzy glyphs, and returned to the black light, standing

In the list of gods.

Seeing this situation, Ziya turned into the title of God, frowning, his mind moved, fully mobilized the power of the title of God 3.1, and entered the black light above the soul of the Demon Way Sect disciple, and wanted to transform the Demon Way Sect. The disciple’s name is stamped with the imprint of the Conferred God

However, whenever Ziya mobilizes the power of the Conferred God and enters the black light above the soul of the Demon Way Sect disciple, he can always feel the mysterious power in the black light, madly preventing the power of the Conferred God, and branding the name of the Conferred God on the engraving. On the list of deities.

Seeing this situation, Ziya snorted coldly and glanced hard at the many black light channels above the Demon Way Sect disciple. “You are so brave. Unexpectedly, it is really sinful to dare to stop the inscription of God’s List and hinder the great cause of Conferring Gods. Today, Poor Dao will teach you a profound lesson and let you know the outcome of hindering the great cause of Conferring Gods.” Ya quickly hit the mysterious

Mudra and integrated it into the list of gods. .

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