Chapter 922 Enlighten

Thinking of this, Ji Chang’s heart was full of doubts, and now Ji Chang’s mind flashed brightly. Before thinking of Ziya, he suddenly paid tribute to Qingcheng Mountain with confidence. Ji Chang understands that this must be a Yang Hao saint, and the fate between him and Lei Zhenzi will be broken.

However, why did the sage Yang Hao do this, what is the fate between him and Lei Zhenzi? Thinking of this, Ji Chang was very curious, and then he wanted to ask Ziya, wanting to know the doubts in his heart.

However, before he had time to ask, he heard Ziya’s voice. He said in his heart: “Master Hou, there are some things you still don’t know. Knowing too much is not good for Master Hou. As for the poor Dao, this disciple, I did have something to do with you. However, the poor Dao teacher has other things to Lei Zhenzi. Arrangement, I don’t want to have too much ties to Hou Ye.”

After saying “eight or four zero”, Ziya looked at Ji Chang directly, wondering how Ji Chang would react after hearing his words. Hearing the voice of Ziya, Ji Chang felt angry at first, but after the anger, Ji Chang felt weak again.

If Ziya severed the relationship with Lei Zhenzi, then he could complain. However, now we know that when the person who broke off from Lei Zhenzi became a Yang Hao saint, Ji Chang had nothing to do.

Hearing Ziya say this, Saint Yang Hao didn’t want to have any connection between himself and Lei Zhenzi, Ji Chang was angry at first, but after the anger, Ji Chang felt weak. The power of the sage Yang Hao is strong, even those sacred sages, facing the Qingcheng Mountain, the sage Yang Hao will give birth to weakness.

Thinking of this, Ji Chang sighed weakly, then nodded to Ziya, saying that he already knew what to do. Seeing that Ji Chang was so interesting, a slight smile appeared on Ziya’s face. Then, looking at Ji Chang, “Master Hou, you came to the poor road mansion today to find the poor road, but what is it?” Hearing Ziya’s question, Ji Chang and others also remembered that they were looking for Ziya this time.

Yes, I looked at Ziya anxiously and said, “The prime minister is not good. I got the news not long ago. Supervisor Guan Du bailed Wanma to attack. I heard that Supervisor Guan Du has learned a lot of stunts and they are very powerful. We are in the prime minister now? What should we do?”

Although Xiqi’s soldiers are now stronger than their horses, the combat effectiveness of Xiqi’s soldiers is still quite inferior to that of the Shang dynasty. If we fight now, I am afraid the soldiers in Xiqi will suffer a lot of casualties. Their population in Xiqi is far less than that of the Shang Dynasty. There are fewer soldiers than the Shang dynasty, and it cannot withstand too many casualties. Therefore, when the Shang Dynasty Ji Chang and others sent troops to attack Xiqi, they were not worried.

Hearing Ji Chang’s words, Ziya’s eyes flashed triumphantly, and then looked at Ji Chang confidently, “Don’t worry. This Zhang Guifang will be left to Pin Dao to deal with. Rest assured, Pin Dao will not cause Xiqi’s strength to lose too much. . Maybe there will be many improvements, maybe.” After all, if you can kill Commander-in-Chief Zhang Guifang, with your own ability, it is very likely that you can recruit many

Soldiers under Zhang Guifang.

When they heard Ziya’s assurance and confidence, Ji Chang and others felt relieved from the accident, which made Ji Chang and others extremely anxious. Settle down again. “Then Zhang Guifang, the prime minister, will be handed over to the prime minister, but we are in the prime minister? What can we do?

Poor, there are some important things here that require the help of Lord Hou. “As soon as Ji Chang’s words fell, Ziya said with a smile. When I heard Ziya’s words, my fragrant eyes were brighter and I looked at Ziya excitedly. “Please say, as long as Xiqi can do things. , We will do our best to help the prime minister. “The more Xiqi helps Ziya, the more he gets.

“This is not a difficult thing. In the near future, the disaster of the Conferred Gods will completely erupt. The poor road needs to build a sealed platform and a list of gods. There are many Bodhi evil Demons in the disaster of the gods, and death is doomed. Creatures who want to be on the list of gods will enter the list of gods, let the poor road end the disaster of the gods, and be peaceful

After that, Ziya took out the array map from her arms and handed it to Ji Chang. “Hoye is the blueprint for the construction of Fengshentai. Lord Hou, Fengshentai, plays an important role in Fengshen Daye and Xiqi, please be careful of Hou Ye

Seeing Ziya’s extremely solemn appearance, Ji Chang was first stunned, and then solemnly looked at Ziya, “Don’t worry, this matter will be personally supervised to ensure the smooth construction of this sacred platform. There will be no surprises.” When I heard Ji Chang’s assurance, Ziya’s eyes were full of smiles. “So, the construction of Fengshentai will bring trouble to Master Hou.”

“Don’t worry, I will supervise it. Prime Minister I will gather a lot of craftsmen in Xiqi to start building the Fengshen platform.” After that, Ji Chang left with many Xiqi ministers who came with him. After Ji Chang and others left, Ziya ordered the servant to take good care of the disciples. Then, Ziya began to arrange other things. After all, after that, Zhang Guifang will come to attack Xiqi, he needs

Be prepared. He said: “Yang Hao drives merits, resists causes, flashes his figure, and walks quickly. Yang Hao came to the boundary of ten thousand, entered the boundary of ten thousand, suddenly opened his eyes in retreat, appeared outside the city, waiting for the arrival of people.

When I felt Liuli Shenjun appearing in Zhuangguan, in the suburbs, his body swayed and appeared in front of Liuli Shenjun, smiling at Liuli Shenjun Dao. When he heard Yang Hao, Liuli Shenjun’s face was also exposed. Si smiled and looked at Yang Hao with a smile. “Yeah, Daoist Yang Hao, long time no see, Daoist Yang Hao, and the poor Dao

After that, Liuli Shenjun welcomed Yang Hao to Zhuangguan. After the two of them sat down, Liuli Shenjun looked at Yang Hao curiously. “Fellow Daoist Yang Hao, are you free today, come to Zhuang Guan, poor Dao, is there anything important happening?,

After all, this was a catastrophe, and the two disciples of Fellow Taoist Yang Hao were in the catastrophe. In theory, this Daoist Yang Hao should have no time at this time, so he should come to his place 3.1. Zhenyuan Road, a poor friend came here today and wanted to ask a friend for two ginseng fruit,

When he heard Yang Hao point, Liuli Shenjun was stunned at first, and then looked at Yang Hao in a wrong way. “Daoist Yang Hao, is it for such a trivial matter?” My friendship with Taoist Yang Hao is very good. If you just want to ask for some ginseng fruit, Yang Hao University can send you Taoists around you. Come and say no, why let yourself come in person?

Facing the gaze of Liuli Shenjun, Yang Hao smiled and said, “Zhenyuan Dao, friends, after the catastrophe of God, chaos will change tremendously. At that time, our saints will get out of chaos and will change. It was extremely difficult. Therefore, Pindao came to invite friends this time. In Bigan and Ziya, they can take care of Mount Qingcheng before they grow up.”,

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