Chapter 919 Increase power

“Really, Liuxiangdao’s tone is very friendly. Today, let Xiaodao and others take a look. Friends of Liuxiang, in just a few years, you can understand the achievements of the famous Yuanheluo formation in the past.” said After that, Guang Chengzi, he took the lead in driving the chaos magic weapon and rushed into Liuxiang’s body.

Xuan Du and Duo Bao, who were next to each other, were not to be outdone. They offered the two hexagrams, Zijinlu and Duobaota respectively, to attack Liuxiang. Although Guangchengzi’s people performed very well, they were more concerned about Liuxiang, the mixed Yuanheluo array set up, but they were afraid of the mixed Yuanheluo array set up by Liuxiang. After all, Hunyuan Heluo Great Array has a reputation for being over wild, so

So they are not afraid.

Although they did not know that Yu Liuxiang, the power of the mixed Yuanheluo formation had been weakened, but if they could seriously damage Liuxiang, then the mixed Yuanheluo formation would lose the control of Liuxiang and its power. Will be greatly reduced. At that time they will break through the team, but it will be much easier than they are now.

Looking at the chaotic magic weapon hit on his body, Liu Xiang made a handprint and mixed it into the Qiankun pen above his head. This handprint just fits into the Qiankun pen, and the Qiankun pen is shining. After that, the power of the mixed Yuanheluo array was instantly integrated into the Chaos Magic Treasure Qiankun Pen, making the Chaos Magic Treasure Qiankun Pen shine several times.

Feeling the power of the Qiankun pen, Guang Chengzi’s complexion became extremely dignified, because at this time the power of the chaotic magic weapon Qiankun pen made Guang Chengzi feel the danger of the formation. Seeing this scene, Guangcheng’s son drove his chaotic magic weapon faster, hitting Liuxiang, trying to interrupt Liuxiang’s movements.

Unfortunately, at this moment, under the control of Liuxiang, the dry pen on the top of the head danced quickly and wrote in the void, mixed yuan characters, and when these two characters appeared, they quickly merged Arrived in the Hunyuan Heluo Formation, thereby enhancing the power of the Hunyuan Heluo Formation.

After that, Hetu Luoshu, the top chaos magic weapon used by Liuxiang for deployment, instantly appeared on Zhou Liuxiang, who was flying fast, and it happened to resist the chaos magic weapon of Guangchengzi and others. Seeing that his attack was resisted, Guangcheng Ziren didn’t feel angry, but a smile flashed in his eyes. Then, he drove his chaos magic weapon, quickly to the big

Array walked. The Hetu and Luo, the Book of the Formation, were taken out by Liuxiang to insulate the formation. Therefore, the power of the Hunyuan Heluo Formation must have weakened a lot, and now is a good time to break the formation.


Seeing Guang Chengzi’s actions, Liu Xiang ignored him and let Guang Chengzi drive his chaotic magic weapon to attack Hunyuan Heluo’s large array. However, Liu Xiang was nothing, he did nothing. When Guangcheng Ziren attacked the Dazhen, Liu Xiang opened the Qiankun pen on top of his head and wrote all the characters in the air.

When these words appeared, they instantly merged into Hunyuan Heluo’s great formation and disappeared. However, when Guangcheng Ziren drove his chaotic magic weapon to fight Yuan Heluo, the big formation, the words that had been integrated into the Hunyuan Heluo formation instantly appeared under Fan Tianyin’s Lingbao, and Fan Tian Yin Waiting’s attack on the magic weapon of chaos was also resisted.

Although the reverse of the single word cannot withstand the attack of Chaos magic weapons such as Fan Tian Yin, it will soon disappear under the attack of Chaos magic weapons such as Fan Tian Yin. Strike

However, before Liu Xiang wrote a large number of antonyms, an antonym disappeared, and then another antonym appeared under a chaotic magic weapon. It went back and forth like this, and finally resisted the attack of Fan Tianyin and other chaotic magic weapons.

So, Liu Xiang was moved, and quickly opened Qian Kun’s pen, and wrote the word “Luo 々, He” in the void. When these two words appeared, Guang Chengzi felt the danger. Seeing this situation, the sons of Guangcheng hurriedly drove their chaotic magic weapon and hit the “Luo” character of He in an attempt to destroy the “Luo” character of He, and did not give the opportunity to attack the “Luo” character of He.

Unfortunately, the word “He Deluo” has just appeared, it has become the light of time, and soon hit the people of Guangchengzi. At the same time, the strength of Hunyuan Heluo Formation was instantly integrated into the word “He Deluo”, enhancing the power of the word “He Deluo.”

Touching the chaos magic weapon of the hexagram purple gold furnace, the powerful force contained in the character “Luohe” blows out the magic weapon of the hexagram purple gold furnace chaos. However, the offensive power of Guangcheng Ziren is great. After the word “Luohe” was resisted against the attack of the hexagram Zijin furnace and other chaotic magic weapons, the word “Luohe” became untrue, just like the word “Luohe” and “Luohe” would disappear into the void in the next moment.

Seeing this situation, Liu Xiang frowned, his heart moved. He instantly integrated the top chaotic magic weapon, He book, into the word “He” and the top chaotic magic weapon, He book. Luo, which has just merged into the word “he”, bursts with unprecedented dazzling light, carries infinite power, and once again strikes the Guangcheng people.

Seeing this scene, Guangcheng Ziren drove his chaotic magic weapon and typed “.” Luo” on the river. At the same time, he typed the words Taiqing Leiyu Qinglei, Shangqing Lei and “Luo” on the river. See this In this case, Liuxiang poured out powerful mana and merged it into Hunyuan Heluo’s great formation, so that the turbulent Hunyuan Heluo formation continuously poured out the power of Luo in the river, hitting it.

Guangchengzi’s people made Guangchengzi’s hands and feet in a hurry, unable to control his chaotic magic weapon, and then attacked Luohe’s “Guangchengzi” younger brother, Duobao’s younger brother, and the poor Dao Zijin furnace all have good defensive capabilities. This defense will Handed over to Xiang Dao. However, this attack will cause trouble to the two younger brothers.” After speaking, Xuan Du brought back the Zijin furnace and poured out powerful mana.

Melted into the top of the Yao Zijin furnace, let the Yao Zijin furnace spin quickly, prompting the chaos dragon energy to surround Zhou and the surname, thus resisting multiple attacks from Zhou

Guangchengzi and Duobao have seen (for the money), and they nodded quickly: “Brother Xuandu, don’t worry, this attack will be handed over to the poor Taoist.” After finishing speaking, Guangcheng and Duobao, with powerful mana gushing out of them. Fusion into their own chaotic magic weapon, making Fan Tianyin and Dubao Tower shine. After that, Guangchengzi and Duobao swiftly drove their chaotic magic weapons, banging frantically.”

The word “Helo” is trying to break free from the word “Luo” in this river.

If this is the case, if they can break the word “Luo, He”, then it will be much easier if they want to break Hunyuanhe and Luo again. However, when Fan Tianyin and Duobao Tower typed the word “Luo”, something that Guangchengzi didn’t expect happened.

I saw Heta typed the word “He” and was directly shaken by the powerful force contained in the word “He”. After that, the word “Naheluo” became the light of time and hit the chaotic dragon driven by the Gua Zijin furnace. Angry. .

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