Chapter 907 Forced interrupt

But the point is, this one is in the building.

“Come in.” At this moment, a small voice came from outside the door, “I am not a woman, my name is Ouyang Jie

Yang Hao came back to open the door this time. Despite being mentally prepared, Yang Hao was taken aback. Currently this person is really like a girl. If it weren’t for his hoarse voice, Yang Hao really didn’t believe it was a man. Pointy chin, soft facial curves, fair skin, thin eyebrows on Pills’ phoenix eyes. This wound should grow on a man’s body, so it fits. I’m afraid the only

What proves that Ouyang Jie is a man is his figure, Adam’s apple, voice and some characteristics.

“Don’t look, I really am a man.” Looking at Yang Hao’s incredible eyes, Ouyang Jie said helplessly. “Hey, I have to explain every time I meet someone.”

“Hey, it’s really this brother. You look so much like a woman. “Eight 30″.” Nuno scratched his head and spoke embarrassedly.

In the embarrassing scene, Yang Hao had to introduce himself first. “I called Brother Yunyi and Ouyang to meet for the first time. Please advise me a lot in the future.”

“Haha, since you are roommates, should you be together at night?” Ouyang Jie also saw Yang Hao’s embarrassment, so he suggested.

Yang Hao hesitated. “It’s another day, something tonight!” Yang Hao remembered one thing, he was going to Yu Tang to see her situation, and made an appointment with Qian Zhenduo in the evening.

“There is a problem, can you say something?” Ouyang Jie raised his face curiously, and the fragrance on his body drifted over. The consciousness below Yang Hao’s degree receded again. “Oh, Ouyang, brother, you are so fragrant.”

“Sheng!” Ouyang Jie’s face was indignant. “Can’t wash it off, I’m so annoying!”

“Well, I took my sister and settled in Yucheng. When I wait, I will go out and have a look. At night, I have to go to Wusheng Battlefield. I have made an appointment to learn from others.” Yang Hao relieved his embarrassment, his tone was already Ended his evening arrangements.

“Yo, sister?” Ouyang Jie came over again, with an evil smile on his face.

“Go, go, so, don’t scare my sister away.” Yang Hao moved, but somehow, I still rejected Ouyang Jie’s idea in my heart.

“By the way, it’s the drama. Ouyang Jie put away his smile and became serious.

“Well, about the war. Resolve some personal grievances.” Yang Hao smiled lightly. In fact, he is also looking forward to it. After all, this was his first battle since reaching Taixu Sheng.

“Help, brother.” Ouyang Jiebi made a fist.

Yang Hao patted Ouyang Jie on the shoulder, smiled and said, “Thank you brother Ouyang for your kindness, but I still have to come by myself!”

Ouyang Jie said nothing. He just asked to go out from Yang Hao, have a meal in Yucheng, and see Yang Hao sister by the way. Yang Hao did not refuse any more. After completing the dormitory, he walked through Ouyang’s protruding door

This is a good day for the registration season, and here is the first day. Although it is only the first day, there is already a sea of ​​people at the foot of Nanyu Mountain. After all, most people choose to come on the first day

After changing into uniforms, Yang Hao and Ouyang Jietong passed through the light curtain. Yang Hao still carried Lan Mang and walked side by side with Ouyang Jie.

However, it didn’t take long to get out of the Yang Hao point and found that his and Ouyang Jie’s rate of return increased significantly.

But after listening to the evaluation of others, almost no blood was sprayed.

Wow, look, this classmate has had a female student since then,

“I also saw them coming out of the dorm!”

“Wow, wow!”

Ouyang Jie suppressed a smile, but his face turned black and he lowered his head and walked away. “I think I’ll go out by myself in the future.”

A few minutes later, they walked to the north gate of Yang Hao. And now here, there are people everywhere. On one side of the street, all the shops are open, and there are many stalls on the side of the road. The walks and meals are all from Taixuyuan, Nanyu students,

On the first day, I knew my roommate and couldn’t help but leaned in. And shopping, which is what girls like.

When she got here, Yang Hao suddenly remembered. She didn’t know where Tang lived, and she hadn’t waited until Senior Xuan’er gave her the address.

Seeing Yang Hao stop suddenly, Ouyang Jie wants to know, “Brother Yun Yi, what’s wrong, why don’t you leave?”

Yang Hao smiled bitterly, “I don’t know where my sister is, no, I have an idea.”

Suddenly remembering something Yang Hao, he took out a gray badge from the empty Taixu Ring. This is the transformation of ghosts, the old man and the old woman gave it to Yang Hao and Yu Jin’s Lingbao!

The combination of Yang Hao points and Yu Jintang’s badge is a mysterious treasure of the Holy Spirit. This is a natural change. There is only one place for this badge for you, that is, the transposition of ghosts. With this ability alone, Ghost Teleport has the reputation of Xuanpin Shenglingbao. But the badge in Yang Hao’s hand is secondary, and Jin Yutang is the master. Therefore, Jinyutang can summon

Yang Hao passed, and Yang Hao must agree with Jinyutang. Of course, when Yang Hao is too imaginary to surpass Jin Yutang a lot, it can be interrupted forcibly.

Now, Yang Hao will use the resonance of the badge to position Jin Yutang.

Adjust your mentality and firmly grasp the gray badge. This is the key to finding rain.

The too imaginary energy slowly melted into the gray badge, and Yang Hao’s too imaginary knowledge dispersed. It slowly enveloped most of Yucheng, but this was Yang Hao’s limit.

At the limit of Yang Hao degree, somewhere near the east, the familiar too virtual gas fluctuated. It was still moving fast!

Yang Hao’s heart beat, as if thinking of something, holding the badge, he took a step in the void, and his figure disappeared in place. When Ouyang Jie was still in a daze, Yang Hao jumped directly onto the roof, and then quickly rushed in the direction of Jin Yutang.

At this time, the sound of wind rang in his ears, and Ouyang Jie fanned and caught up with the red Taixu Wing. Why not use Taixu Wing?

“” At this time, Yang Hao remembered that he was already a sage of Too Xu, and Too Xu Yi, he had not yet summoned cohesion. “I didn’t. Condensed.

When Ouyang Jie heard Yang Hao’s answer, he almost fell 3.1. “What, it’s not condensed yet!”

“I just broke through Taixu Street, and I haven’t had time to sign up.” Yang Hao turned red. “In this case, I feel relieved to speed up, and Brother Ouyang will follow!”

The ethereal dragon wing was carved down and appeared after Yang Hao’s point. The wings of this kind of Taixu Dragon Imperial Art, so condensed Louis, almost close to the essence,

The figure of Louis Fan Yang Hao disappeared from the roof and appeared in the next moment, and it was already on the opposite street.

Although Ouyang Jie was shocked by Yang Hao’s speed, he persisted. With the blessings of Tai Xuyi, it is impossible for Yang Hao to really leave Ouyang Jie

It didn’t take long for Yang Hao to find a street with few people. It’s still a few meters away. A man in black brandished his dagger, and in front of him, Jin Yutang was lying halfway on the ground…

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