Chapter 894 Soaring to the sky

“Yes, Yang Hao is really smart. Miss Sister, what Jin Yuyan and Luo Xi in your dreams with the elder brother’s “Ren Qing” surnamed said with a smile, but he caught Yang Hao unconsciously from the corner of his eyes. Looking at Yang The expression of Hao’s disappearance made Jin Yutang overwhelmed with imperceptible loss.

“One day, if I leave you temporarily, would you think of me like this?

Yang Hao didn’t know what Jin Yutang was thinking. People took the little girl along the street and asked questions, and then they found the so-called Taixuxing Street

Taixuxing Street is the entire outer city, a relatively remote street, most of which are said to be residential areas. Walking on Taixuxing Street, the more you walk behind, the fewer pedestrians there will be. Until the end, I couldn’t even see the personal shadow.

Luo Xi, are you sure your people are here? There is no personal shadow here. Yang Hao looked at Zhou, always feeling a little strange.

“How come there is no figure, look!” Luo Xi raised his hand and pointed to the shadow in front of him.

On Yang Hao’s forehead, a black thread was hung directly.

“Brother Yang Hao.” Jin Yuyan touched Yang Hao lightly, “There really is her family here. The first time we come to Taixu City? Will we be deceived?” What are you talking about? My clansmen are already Arrived. Luo Xi motioned to Yang Hao, Yang Hao raised his head.

This is a small bungalow, but it is in dilapidated condition. No one seems to live long.

“This is, is this a place where people live?” I frowned slightly and looked at the little girl seriously. “Miss, don’t lie to us.”

“No.” Luo Xi raised his head and looked at Yang Hao innocently. The expression is as sincere as possible.

“Enough. This is your family. Go back by yourself.” Jin Yutang smiled slightly and took Yang Hao’s hand and walked away.

Luo Xi hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Yang Hao’s other arm. “No no, you have to go back with me!

Jin Yutang saw that Luo Jin actually hugged Yang Hao’s arm directly, and still used the slightly raised arm. Yang Hao brother!

Jin Yutang blinked and tore off Luo Xi’s hand. “Look, see, you have a bad intention. If you have to pull us in, then you must not be kind…”

“No, you help me find the clan. I just want Chisongzi to entertain you.” Luo Xi waved his hand quickly.

“Weiwei, just don’t go!” He pulled Yang Hao, who was full of regret, and stuck out his tongue.

However, when Yang Hao smiled bitterly, a dull voice rang.

“Come on, you little kid is so powerful? Still planning to bully my great-granddaughter!” The voice seemed to come from the void, Yang Hao hadn’t reacted yet, and a burly figure appeared in front of him. When Yang Hao didn’t react, a strong pulling force followed.

When Yang Hao opened his eyes, he and Jin Yutang were already in the same hut. And this hut is full of dust, it looks like it hasn’t been taken care of for a long time.

“This, this is the Luo Xi family? This is dizzying. Good speed!” Yang Hao then looked forward.

There is a person here, smiling Yang Hao. At this time, the door of the room was opened.

“Well, there used to be red pine nuts! You are so fast, Xiao Xi can’t catch up!” Come, it’s Luo Xi

“Well, Xiao Xi, thank you for taking them here. Chisongzi is done, I’ll take you to play. Why don’t you go out first?” There was an old man in the middle, who was taken away by Jin Yutang in an instant.

His name is Luo Gang, which is the old man with short white hair. Although he is older, he is still very burly. The slightly thin face and bright eyes are still healthy and full of vitality.

“You. You. Who are you?” Yang Hao stutters, he hasn’t gotten out of the terrifying speed just now. Old man, the cliff is awesome!

“No, no, I’ll be here.” Luo Xi pursed her mouth, her face full of dismay.

At this moment, a red figure stood up. “Don’t be so pitiful in front of me.” The woman in red was named Hong Ling

When Luo Xi saw Hong Ling’s cold look, he walked out with regret. “Hongling, I know you want to see him, but don’t scare Xiaoqian.” At this time, the rest of the people finally spoke.

“Okay, let’s get back to business.” Hong Ling looked at He Sheng coldly, and walked to Yang Hao.

Yang Hao felt the extremely strong pressure and stepped back unconsciously. After a few steps back, Yang Hao found that he couldn’t even retreat suddenly.

“You. What did you do!” Yang Hao’s voice was a little flustered. This is the first time he has encountered such a strange thing.

Hong Ling did not speak, still his face was cold. Unconsciously, Yang Hao actually wrapped a few red silk threads. However, the slender red line allowed Yang Hao to break through and remain profitable.

“. “You let go of Yang Hao!” Tang at the side, he also found something wrong. He raised Tian Mingxuan’s spear and rushed towards Hong Ling

“Quiet!” The majestic cold air came from everywhere, and it was directly suppressed. Tang couldn’t move. He originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the heavenly ghost to attack, and then drive Tang out of Yang Hao, imagine it, and directly shattered, just because the other party was too much. Strong. Too strong.

Unwillingness and resentment have all turned into fighting spirit, which is concentrated in today’s eyes. Gold and fighting spirit rose to the sky.

Golden war pupils, open!

The fighting spirit turned into golden light, and the light rose to the sky, passing directly through the roof, and the terrible fighting spirit was also permeated.

“Taixu’s pupil! War materialized!” While surprised, the old man regarded Taixu’s pupil as the most mysterious and powerful existence in Taixu. And this kind of fighting intent is produced by practicing the top-level fighting intent Taixu. Moreover, the fighting spirit can be materialized at such a young age. An old man, in this life, has not seen much, Tang, is the first one. Luo Xi also felt at the door (

The money is good) Shocked. Looking at Jin Guang, he knew that this was not an old man’s masterpiece. This is the child. Now, Luo Xi feels that this world of Taixuyu does not lack the sky.

Hongling was the first person to withdraw his thoughts. When she only flicked, the red thread flew out. In the next moment, Jin Yutang was entangled by the red thread.

The originally impossible Jin Yutang, that soaring fighting intent, was like a ball of fire being poured with cold water, instantly extinguished. The golden light also disappeared instantly, as if I had never seen it.

Outside the house, Luo Xi looked at the disappearing light beam, shook his head, and walked straight away.

Jin Yutang only felt the too weak qi in the whole body, and was forcibly sealed in the body in an instant, which made her unable to create a little too weak qi and he finally understood why Yang Hao couldn’t earn a few silky red threads.

Not the red thread, but the power of this well-dressed woman, unfathomable. .

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