Chapter 885 restraint

After a series of metal switching sounds, all the gray scales were perfectly shielded by Yang Hao’s time sky sword.

After blocking the scale, I don’t plan to go out anymore. Holding the Sky Sword of Time, a emptiness exploded at his feet, his body turned into golden light, and he rushed into the gray hall.

Golden ripples dangled from the gray fog. Jinmang’s body gleamed inside. And before Yang Hao clicked, a huge black shadow slowly became clear.

The black shadow fell from the sky and hit Yang Hao’s point. But Yang Hao discovered early that he slipped on one side of his footsteps, and he escaped from the strokes of the shadows.

Laugh! Dark shadows, roaring holes, broken green flags, and gunpowder smoke.

This is a perfect gray-scale tail. Looking down along the tail, I finally saw the real face of a huge black shadow. The blood-red eyes looked a little strange and terrifying in the gray fog. It was a huge body with several feet. This is a giant beast resembling a pangolin. In a few feet of length, the tail occupies half of the length. Gray scales

The film covers the whole body. The hind legs were thicker than the front legs, and the shiny silver claws shone sharply.

At the time, Yang Hao couldn’t tell what the Taixu beast was.

Similar to the pangolin, Taixu Beast waved his thick tail to 817 Yang Hao. Regardless of the thick tail, but the speed is not slow, even the air is beating bursts of low bursts.

“I’ll flash it again!” Yang Hao couldn’t resist such a terrifying attack. Visually, only the strong at Wu Shengzun’s level would dare to resist. The weight of the thick tail, coupled with the hardness of the gray scale, is really not something ordinary people can bear, so Yang Hao chose to dodge it again.

Jin Guangshan, Yang Hao’s figure disappeared in place. Under the tail stroke, the bluestone slab in the hall was damaged again.

“Ouch!” the pangolin Taixu beast roared, and its relatively small gray front paw swung at a slow speed. With the scale, the electricity jumped to Yang Hao again.

“Come again!” Yang Hao danced the sky sword of time again, the golden sword light of xenon chlorine once again formed a defense, blocking the large-scale offensive.

“Shoo!” This time, this pangolin-like Taixu beast became smarter. Its thick tail swept across the water and attacked with scales.

Yang Hao stared at it, if the gray tail that thundered quickly was also smoking on Yang Hao.

But there was no screaming, no gun smoke, no sound, Yang Hao dissipated under the slap of the tail.


“Go to hell!” Yang Hao’s voice sounded again. Under the gray Taixu Beast and its huge body, Yang Hao’s figure reappeared, and the Time Sky Sword gleamed with breathtaking golden light, and rushed directly to the gray Taixu Beast.

“Ouch!” the gray Taixu beast roared, and the gray air billowed away. Yang Hao Jianfeng dragged his feet on the ground, igniting a series of sparks, his figure remained the same, rushing towards the Gray Taixu

“Suck.” The gray Taixu beast took a deep breath, and the gray mist poured into its big mouth.

“Hoo~” At the next moment, the gray Taixu beast had a big mouth, and the gray Taixu’s angry storm surged out. The bluestone slab passing through the gray Wusheng gas quickly corroded and cracked, and the air was full of pungent odors, and strong corrosive gases spewed out.

“Ghost’s roar?” Yang Hao muttered in confusion. The pace under his feet was not slow. In the golden flash of light, the illusion exploded. Yang Hao’s figure became an afterimage again, and the real Yang Hao disappeared again.

The gray air swept across, and Yang Hao’s afterimage was instantly torn apart.

The next time Yang Hao’s point appears, it will be on the top of the gray Taixu beast, and the golden sword light points directly above the gray Taixu beast.

“The sword is full of thorns!” Yang Hao’s arm was quickly covered with a layer of golden dragon forest, pierced under the sword, piercing the extremely sharp golden sword light.

The gray Taixu Beast does not have a low understanding of Taixu, and the gray scales on his body are quickly expanding and opening, and a large amount of gray Taixu gas gushes out from behind the scales. “Ho ho ho ho!” Gray Taixu Beast roared angrily. The golden sword light directly stabbed (bcdb) on the gray Taixu beast’s head, and the gray scales on the head were also instantly shattered. Sword piercing

Flesh and flesh, splashed with gray liquid, this is the blood of Taixu Beast

The gray vain air also rolled up, and quickly wrapped Yang Hao point. Before the Yang Hao point in mid-air escaped, it was enveloped by corrosive gray air.

“Ah!” After a few breaths, Yang Hao’s blue clothes were corroded into a large piece. Fortunately, Yang Hao hurriedly put on the golden light too weak energy to protect his body and block the gray too weak energy. It seems that Yang Hao Guang Taixu Qi is somewhat restrained from the gray Taixu Qi.

However, the Taixu gas in the gray Taixu beast seems to be endless, rolling straight, floating around Yang Hao degrees.

No, Yang Hao is like being wrapped in a gray cocoon.

“It’s suffocated, I can’t breathe!” In the gray world where Yang Hao is in the film, the whole body is shining with golden light, supporting himself from the erosion of these gray too virtual gases.

“The more flowers will hang here.” Looking at Yang Hao, a golden Taixu crystal appeared on his chest.

“Hey, I haven’t used this trick for a long time.” Under the corner of Yang Hao’s mouth, the Streaming Sky Sword was held in front of his chest.

“Yang Yang to accompany the world!” The dazzling golden light passed through the cocoon formed by the gray empty gas.

“Yang faces the world!” Yang Hao thundered again, the golden Taixu Crystal quickly turned around, and the dazzling golden sun finally broke out of its cocoon, emitting a gray light.

The golden blazing sun, shining with dazzling light and hot breath, smashed back and forth to the gray Taixu beast.

The gray beast hissed and raised its sharp claws to shoot at the blazing sun

With a gray too weak energy, Qi Qi’s paws were swung out, with a gloomy too weak energy, he faced the hot golden sun

After Yang’s world was broken, Yang Hao quickly took out the feather wind mark, roared, and left the place.

As Yang Hao point slipped away, the thick gray tail swept the original position of Yang Hao point.

“Mom, it’s really dangerous. This Taixu beast is not weak.” After breaking up, he patted his chest.

“Hoho Ho Ho!” The gray Taixu Beast roared again, and the gray Taixu Qi swept away again. The roar of the ghost came in handy again, the sky full of gray and vain air seemed to cover the space of the day, making people feel that there was nowhere to hide.

“Well, it should have been serious!” Yang Hao said, the golden Taixu Qi began to condense, “The Taixu Dragon Yu Tian Yanhua is too empty! The golden dragon forest quickly covered the whole body.

“Tai Xu Long Yu Tian Yan Hua Rong!” Yang Hao drank low, and a pair of illusory Louis flashed past the golden light. Louis swayed, Yang Hao’s foot exploded, and the void opened in one step. In the next moment, Yang Hao’s figure disappeared in place. The golden light flashed, Yang Hao appeared at the feet of the gray Taixu Beast, and the Streaming Heavenly Sword slashed it out horizontally. .

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