Chapter 883 Gate of Ice Mystery

At the feet of Jin Yutang, golden ripples spread around her, swept away, and the swamp no longer existed and turned into a green banner. The gray lightning is gone. In the eyes of Jin Yan, his fighting spirit was soaring to the sky, and the king’s gun was pointed at the sky in his hand.

At the next moment, Jin Yutang was suddenly too busy, thinking of a step forward. The Fangtian Ensemble is shown on a character at the same time.

This is the golden light, or golden light mark. Jin Mang cut through the space, facing Fang’s electric fire, what kind of gray sword, what kind of gray fireball and ice cone Feng En, is as fragile as paper under Jin Mang. Jin Mang was cut and went directly into the gray hall.

“Boom!” Jin Mang flickered in the gray world, and roared fiercely from time to time. Jin Yutang also brought the king into this gray world like Jin Mang.

The gate of Bingxuan, the gate of Wusheng medicine.

When Jinyutang entered the test, Ling’an on the other side also pushed in.

When Ling An walked into this hall. 12 The bronze door also slowly closed. When the bronze door was completely closed, the temperature in the hall began to drop. The whole hall appeared a kind of white, with icy ice streams from time to time.

And this environment has no impact on Ling’an at all. Each bronze gate has its own sacred object that has passed the test. This Ice Profound Sky Pills is a kind of primary holy medicine with a powerful Ice Profound and Taixu spirit, and has a powerful effect on those who practice Taixu in the Ice Element. However, this Ice Profound Sky Pills is the lowest level of this sacred item left by Emperor Taixu in the dark. so

This test, compared to the other, will be reduced to a certain extent. Ling’an is one of them, and Taixu Qi is the most powerful.

Therefore, Ling’an will be the easiest place to clear customs, but even so, Ling’an will not relax its vigilance. Contempt is often the deadliest.

Ling’an ignored this environment and walked to the center of the hall step by step. However, Ling’an has a layer of ice and snow on his body, and he is always ready to deal with unexpected situations.

Ling An’s caution was not wrong, when Ling An walked into the center circle of the hall. I don’t know when the ice cone appeared in mid-air, so I took the first round of large-scale shooting at Ling’an

Raising his hands, a circle of snow-white Taixu Qi dispersed, forming an ice and snow shield. The large-scale shooting of ice axe can only cause some ripples on the shield. This time, all the ice cones disappeared, but many white clouds appeared in the air, gathering together.

At the next moment, an avalanche poured down like a waterfall. Ling’an didn’t panic, his hands were quickly printed, and the Mang Bingxue Shield appeared on Ling’an’s head. The avalanche poured down, hit the mang ice and snow shield, and was swept away by the ice shield. And the one below was unscathed, and there was no mood swing on his face.

After the avalanche had no effect, the whiteness of the entire hall began to disappear. But Ling’an did not relax his vigilance and looked at the hall indifferently.

“If you want to pass, your ability has completely passed the test. The latter test is unnecessary, you are eligible to participate in the Ice Profound Sky Pills” White, once again, there is a strange voice at the same time. Snowflakes also appeared out of thin air, fluttering like Immortal. There is also a beautiful woman flapping her wings, with long snow-white hair, and her eyes and body are white.

It can be said that this is a snowman. The snowman fluttered its wings and fell from the sky. And the beautiful snowman still holds a box in his hands. Ling An listened carefully. If I guessed correctly, this box should be Bing Xuan Tian Pills

“Your too weak energy is already the pinnacle of Wu Sheng’s Sanqu. With the help of Bingxuantian Pills, you should be able to break through Wu Sheng’s Sanqu.” said the snowman, walking to Ling’an, and handing the wooden box with both hands. Up him. And this hall turned white again. The frost and the thread of too weak qi slowly floated out.

“In this space, ice, snow and too empty energy are very rich. You can directly break through here.” The snowman said again. Ling’an just listened to her from beginning to end, without making any comments, and stretched out his right hand to open the box.

Inside the box is a light blue round Taixu medicine. The surface of Ling Pills was still misty. Light frost condenses on the inner wall of the box, causing the temperature of the surrounding space to drop. Ling’an squeezed Bingxuantian Pills with two fingers, and the cold breath spread from between his thumb and index finger.

Ling’an did not let go of Pills. This coldness is far worse than the coldness she has experienced. It’s the kind of coldness like frozen time and space. His eyes raised slightly, he carefully observed Bing Xuantian Pills, and after confirming that he was correct, he put it directly into his mouth. But there was a subtle glow in his eyes. It seems to be a smile, or a kind of wisdom.

After winning the Bingxuantian Pills, Ling’an immediately began to run the Mang Ice and Snow tactics. Bing Xuantian Pills turned into a cold current and rushed into her stomach, and then a ray of ice and snow was too weak and was absorbed by Ling’an

When Ling’an closed her eyes and was concentrating on the too weak medicine, the snowman with ice and snow wings in front of her opened her white eyes, widened her wings, and turned into a cold current, turning around Ling’an. A few laps, and then hit Ling’an’s body. However, the corner of Ling’an’s mouth was just a chuckle, and it seemed easy to break through.

At this time, Ling’an’s body can be said to be a land of ice and snow, wandering and blowing ice and snow. Ling’an frowned, seeming to be suffering from the erosion of invisible ice and snow, tearing her thin body. The snow-white dress fluttered, and her long black hair fluttered without wind. The corpse sits on a plate, centered on Ling’an, and the ground a few meters around is covered with ice


“This. This. This Bingxuantian Pills, how strange!” Ling’an gritted his teeth and muttered. The martial spirit in Bing Xuan Tian Pills is getting colder and colder, and it erodes into Ling’an brain uncontrollably. He Ling’an hurriedly intercepted Taixu Gathering Qi. Taixu Qi, a kind of ice attribute, is fighting in Ling’an, and Ling’an’s body has become a battlefield, which makes Ling’an extremely painful, as if there is nothing.

Counting the sword of ice and snow flicked around his body.

“Well, it’s painful.” Ling’an didn’t think of a foreboding voice in his mind.

“You you? You are the snowman before!” Ling’an exclaimed.

“Haha, it’s me, you can call me Bing Taixu, Snowman, Bing Taixu’s voice is still ringing in Ling’an’s mind.” Got up, but he is getting old. In this year, I have been swallowing Bing Xuantian Pills’ too virtual spirit, and finally, I gradually acquired a kind of weak too virtual consciousness, so I

It became an Ice Profound Sky Pills waiting for someone to break through. Finally, I had a chance to bring the Ice Profound Sky Pills here. Taixu’s corpse, I have a chance to see the sky again. “Bing Tai Xu said excitedly.

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