Chapter 873 Flame Demon Dog

The dragon, Blizzard, directly smashed the purple flame wave at the method of reckless formation. The Blue Demon Demon became more and more frightened, several claws were repeatedly swung, and the purple flame wave changed again. At this time, the first group of purple flame dragon slowly took shape.

However, in Ling’an’s eyes, all of this is false, and the power is suppressed. When entering this illusion, she also felt the cultivation of this pale demon Demon beast. In the early days of the Sanctuary Beast, even the Sanctuary Beast with a higher blood level, Ling’an had no fear!

The giant dragon, Blizzard, stepped forward and directly smashed the purple flame giant, while the glowing formation above his head was just a little dim. Cang Yao Demon Beast was finally really scared. It used to be panic, now it is fear.

The unicorn head began to emit a faint purple glow, and the purple light began to envelop the unicorn head of the pale demon Demon. Ling’an also frowned at this time, this pale demon Demon beast has learned this trick?

A world of disillusionment! Cang Yao Demon’s talent, imaginary skill, 12 perfectly integrated into the Zhou Dynasty with a powerful fantasy imaginary energy, changed the environment, and was able to control the horror of this world. If this pale demon Demon beast is a level above those divine beasts, this trick will come in handy, just like controlling the world!

Although this pale Demon is not powerful, Ling’an will not underestimate the ability of this phantom to burst the world. Yinfa’s hand continued to stretch, and the shadow of frost and snow floated in front of him, and the snowy seal remembered to turn the shadow of frost and snow.

This method, seal, is a specialty of Ling’an, ice! It was used directly before. When you have time to create seals, your power will be stronger. Of course, this was also to prevent the Blue Demon Demon beast from having a chance to turn over.

On another mountain, Yang Hao finally found Fire Dog, but the situation was not optimistic.

“Damn! Nonsense Guo Ji, you fool me!” Yang Hao galloped away cursing. Behind is a fire dog, yes, yes, only male and female. The male is cultivating in the sacred beast’s late stage, and the female is the sacred beast’s mid-stage cultivation.

Yang Hao secretly scolded Guo Ji if he only saw it, he would be stupid and just ignore it. As for the difference between the Fire Demon Dog and the Blue Demon Demon Beast, several Fire Demon dogs can’t beat the Blue Demon Demon Beast.

Because in the illusion, the actual combat power of the pale demon Demon beast is not superficial. He is not afraid of quantity, but quality! Under the indiscriminate attack of the illusion, a few weak beasts are useless.

Therefore, it can be restricted by the Blue Demon Beast in the early stage of the Sanctuary Beast, which is actually the Flame Demon Dog in the late stage of the Sanctuary Beast. As for the intermediate stage of Sanctuary Beast, it is just counting. But Yang Hao is not the Blue Demon Demon, but only for him!

This task is really not that simple. This Guo Ji actually dared to beat me, wait for me to go back and beat you! Yang Hao was crying bitterly in his heart, but his pace was not slow. In the blink of an eye, he threw the burning Demon dog among the holy beasts. However, in the late stage of the holy beast, the distance between Yang Hao and Yang Hao is shortening, but this is what Yang Hao wants, one by one! Looking back, in the sanctuary

The flames in the middle of Demon had already left the distance, and it would take a few minutes to catch up. We ask ourselves, is it enough minutes to kill the flame Demon dog in the sacred beast late stage? For this low-level blood beast, Yang Hao is still certain. At the next moment, Yang Hao turned directly, Xu Li’s long-standing Heavenly Sword stabbed a thorn of light.

This sudden change made Demon stunned for a while, and his footsteps stopped immediately. At this time, Jin Mang was already carrying him, as if he was about to pierce Jin Mang’s mouth, and quickly enlarged the pupils of the Flame Demon Dog. Flame Demon somehow is also a late beast in the refuge, the overlord of the mountain, his limbs suddenly jumped back, and his mouth was rolled out by the fire.

However, the golden edge pierced through the flame, like a light shuttle breaking through the waves, still pointing to the head of the flame Demon dog. The flame Demon dog quickly retreated, waving the paws of the burning flame, shooting the paws of the flame again and again, trying to stop the Phnom Penh. However, the sharpness of the gold is still rolling, and the pieces of the fire claw are broken again and again, but the gold is already dimmed.

At this time, the flame Demon dog stopped, the dark red hair all over his body was fluttering, his eyes turned dark red, and the flame around him changed from red to dark red, turned into a Demon flame, and the flame Demon dog finally Got real!

After the angry dog ​​barked, the flame Demon canine genius is too virtual, the ocean of fire and Demon magic!

Under the terrifying heat, Jin Yuan could not move. A few meters ago in the flame Demon dog, it was entangled in the dark red flame, and then burned. There are more and more dark red evil Demon flames, and in a blink of an eye, they gush out from the flames of the Demon dog, rushing into the sky like dark red waves.

“Roar! The flame Demon dog roared, the dark red Demon flame all over the sky rose, Demon flame poured down in the air, aiming at the Yang Hao point before reaching the flame Demon dog rice. The dark red immediately covered the sky, like a piece of To submerge the sea of ​​fire lit by Yang Hao.

I can’t wait any longer. If I go down, only the Flame Demon will arrive. I really couldn’t complete the task. Yang Hao gritted his teeth, a golden Taixu crystal appeared on his chest, and the golden light enveloped Yang Hao. Gradually, Yang Hao, who couldn’t see Jinmang clearly, clicked on the Demon Dog. Only the roar of the dragon came out at 810, which made the Demon Dog’s legs tremble.

The dragon is the bloody saint beast, no matter which divine realm or plane it is in. As a flame Demon dog of lower blood, he almost knelt down in fright. This is the direct gap between the superior and the superior. Even the newly born young dragon makes the flame Demon dog stronger, it is afraid to start. This is the fear from the depths of the Holy Spirit.

Yang Hao Taixujing has already been stamped with its own mark, each limb is attached with a piece, and the chest is covered with fragments, and the last piece, divided into about several pieces, appeared on Louis’s body behind the illusory Yang Hao , Thus providing the golden too virtual air.

This is the stage where Taixu Dragon Emperor decided to build Wu Sheng and Hua Yi. At this time Yang Hao has already used it up. As Lian Yunming didn’t know the level of Wu Sheng’s decision, Yang Hao had already mastered the previous stage. Under the blessing of the country, it has already possessed the peak power of Wu Sheng’s Sanqu. The next moment I was taken aback by the sound of the dragon’s roar, Yang Hao was like lightning in the flames of Demon

The speed is gone, the step blessing ability of the Void Flying Wing! At this time, Yang Hao’s speed is comparable to ordinary Tai Vu. Under the flash, the flames of Demon’s pupils shrank, and a gap appeared in the sea of ​​Fire Demon, but it was nowhere to be seen. ,

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