Chapter 871 Green Python

“Ask so much.” When he wanted to refuse, Jin spoke up. “Long Lord, for your initial help, you should say something, but don’t grab it in the future. There is a mixture of fish and dragons here, and it is difficult to gain a foothold only by the strength of Saint Huangwu.”

“Let’s talk about it, since Sister Yutang has already spoken, I will help you once.” Yang Hao also gave in.

“Sister Yutang’s face couldn’t help being given to it.” Ling’an, who was silent, also spoke. At that time, Guo Ji seriously looked at this stunning little girl. There was no expression on her cold face, like a white ice lotus, blooming only for the people she likes.

“There is a holy beast on the mountain on the edge of the valley, but it restricts each other and cannot come down to attack us. But we don’t want to live this terrible day. As long as you help me get rid of the Void Beast, we won’t rob anymore. An’an Fenfen is the mercenary here. This can be regarded as asking you for help. After the work is completed, if necessary, our mercenary group can give you more money.”

“Money is free, remember your words.” Yang Hao said. Turn around and take Hejin and leave

Outside the tent, on the open space, and Jin and others are discussing this matter.

“Only people, division of labor and cooperation, the fastest! Yutang, you are following Ling’an, you are also in the early days of Wusheng Refuge, and can help Ling’an.

“Why, look down on me? You are just in the middle of Wu Sheng’s Sanqu, and adding an initial Yutang girl to help you is almost the same. At the peak of Wu Sheng’s Sanqu, the Taixu beast dealing with the beasts in the Sanqu is not a matter of shaking hands.” Ling An realized that Yang Hao looked down on her, but Yang Hao’s original intention was to make them safer.

“No, it’s just “But I can’t say anything, just say I don’t want you to get hurt. Thinking of this makes Yang Hao blush. When he first set foot in Hongchen, he suddenly stopped talking. “You are amazing, so ~ I want you to take care of Yutang

This sentence sounds very comfortable, but Jin is not happy, “Yang Hao, what do you mean! It is said that I am also Wu Sheng’s holy land, at least I can protect myself! -”

Pale evil Demon Demon beast.

“Ah, anyway, you and Ling’an Group, my personal group, have already decided like this!” Yang Hao said angrily. This is a two-way error, so Yang Hao didn’t say it either. He bends his knees directly and disappears to the original place, only the phrase “Give me the fire dog!” is left in the air.

Ling An shook his head helplessly. In fact, she understands that Yang Hao wants Yutang to help her, and they take good care of her. As for the Taixu Beast, it was just the fiery red Demon dog in the middle of the Sanctuary Beast, and it was just the pale demon Demon Beast in the early stage of the Sanctuary Beast. Yang Hao may be considered the Holy Beast’s mid-term trouble was picked away. However, Yang Hao seems to have forgotten what Guo Ji said, only Taixu Beast

Restrict each other, so this shows that only Taixu Beast has similar strength. Ling’an also understands that the Blue Demon Demon’s ability is very strange, it is not easy to provoke, but Yang Hao that idiot has already run away, just let him go. Ling’an looked at Jin Yutang, “Let’s go, Yu, don’t worry, but Demon is not easy to deal with, so be careful in the future.

“Yeah.” Jin Yutang agreed, looked at the direction of departure, and then followed Ling’an to another mountain.

On the other side, between the trees, every time a figure jumps, it jumps over a few big trees, then falls on the branches, jumps down again, and walks a few meters forward. This is Yang Hao, he is advancing fast. Guo Ji said that the fire dog lives in a cave halfway up the mountain, and the surrounding temperature will be higher. Because the fire dog has a bad temper, the flame of the whole body raises the temperature. In this case, the cave is attached.

The vegetation near it should be sparser than the surrounding area. So Yang Hao stepped forward to search.

“Find a big tree.” An hour later, Yang Hao point has reached halfway up the mountain. After Yang Hao looked at it, he found a towering tree, and several leaps jumped to the top of the tree. Looking at Yang Hao Zhou on the top of the tree, he was looking for a place to live.

Suddenly, Yang Hao’s back was cold, and a chill came to his heart. Yang Hao rolled forward and jumped directly from the tree, but when I went down, I turned and turned into a sword, and pointed the sword light. As it scattered, it was a big snake that was split in half. Yang Hao kicked the snake. “Only the king beast-level other holy beasts dare to attack me!” After kicking, Yang Hao squatted down with his right hand

Shining, Yang Hao only has gloves in his hand and the box in his other hand. “Towering trees and green pythons can sell their teeth for a good price!” After speaking, Petty took out the snake’s teeth and put them in the box.

…For flowers…

Then, he put away the box, but Yang Hao didn’t plan to put away the gloves, because in his imaginary sense, several smells were approaching. At the corner of Yang Hao’s mouth, there are just a few green pythons. In Yang Hao’s eyes, all came to send money. However, the hiding ability of the sacred beast and tree green python is still good, but Yang Hao is much better than them, so in Yang Hao’s perception

Nothing will happen immediately. There was only the sacred tree green python, and the strongest was only the king beast level similar to the one just now.


Yang Hao just stood quietly. He didn’t want to scare away other green pythons, but he put the purpose of making money on dealing with these green pythons. Yang Hao closed his eyes, Tai Xu knew, and felt the cutting around. Only left in his hand, the golden emptiness flowed between his fingers.

“Kill!” At the next moment, Yang Hao suddenly opened his eyes, stepped forward to point out the sword light, turned halfway, walked out again, and walked out again. The golden light swept away, only the body of the green python was left. Then, with a grin, he grabbed the fangs of the sacred tree green python, jumped on the towering tree again, looking for a place for the fire dog.

This time I finally saw areas with sparse vegetation. Those vegetation are more heat-resistant, so the fire dog’s residence must be there. There is no such place in other places, and it is unlikely to be other fire animals. Yang Hao did not hesitate. He was still anxious to find Ling’an. When he passed by Jinmangshan, the towering tree top suddenly lost ーhalf, Yang Hao was like golden light.

A few minutes later, Yang Hao walked cautiously on the ground. There are no big trees around, only a few trees are black. That is black iron, which can produce trees of wood material. Although it is wood, it is as hard as iron, weighs the same as iron, and weighs more than twice that of iron. Therefore, the black iron wood produced by black iron cycad is also very popular in the market.

However, Yang Hao did not plan to chop it down and sell it. With such a big one, his empty Sanwuhuan has limited storage space. Inch,

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