Chapter 852 Destiny is connected

When the sound of footsteps stopped, Yang Hao looked at the laurel tree and said, “Dao Fellow, didn’t you come out to greet you?

Accompanied by Yang Hao’s words, the moon hung on the tree and floated. Then I saw the light beam fall, and a man with white hair, white eyes and wearing Confucian costume appeared in the stadium.

After this person appeared, his eyes were blind, and then he looked at Bai Ze, Taihe, and frowned.

This scene immediately made Taihe Baize nervous.

The moment that person appeared, they felt the terrifying power of the latter. His power was born and he was also a saint.

But soon, Tai woke up, took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions, and bowed and said: “Junior, too, I’ve seen senior!

After finishing speaking, Bai Zedun came back behind him, and hurriedly bowed: “Junior Bai Ze, I have seen seniors in “80 Zero”!”

In response, the person nodded and immediately said, “I have something to say to Qinglian, but I can’t entertain you.”

While talking, the man just clapped his hands and said, “Yue Shu, come out!”

At the moment when the man was speaking, in the moon palace, a woman in a white skirt floated out.

I saw this woman with white hair and white eyes, icy muscles and jade bones, handsome and elegant as an official, with a strange body.

Soon, this woman named Yue Shu came to the court and said: “Yue Shu Dragon King!”

The man nodded, pointed at Taihe Baize and said, “Take these two friends to the Moon Palace for tea!”

When Yue Shu heard this, she raised her head and looked at Bai Ze, and Tai Hemei’s eyes flashed with curiosity, like an innocent child, full of curiosity about the people outside.

On the contrary, this moment is like being struck by lightning.

Everyone stood in place, only Yue Shu in their eyes. Yin and Yang attract each other. It is the Lunar Star Mansion, the Sun Star Mansion. The two sides are attracted to each other. This time, it was too shocking at first sight. Rao was the demon emperor in the latter, and he couldn’t help but feel at this moment. He opened his mouth, speechless.

In this scene, I was seen by Bai Ze next to me. Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in my eyes, and then I said, “Then, trouble Miss Yueshu!”

After hearing this, Yue Shu also recovered. He bowed his body and looked at his wife, and immediately said, “Two fellow Taoists, please!”

After speaking, Yue Shu turned and walked towards the Moon Palace.

Seeing this situation, Bai Ze breathed a sigh of relief, looked at it, stood motionless, and stared at Yue Shu’s wife with a dull look. He couldn’t help rolling his eyes, leaning down and saying, “Emperor, we should go in!”

Dialogue with Yue Gui, Tian Xing shows his hand

When I heard Bai Ze’s words, I woke up like a dream, and said twice in my mouth: “Oh! Oh!” Suddenly, the whole person walked towards the moon palace in a strange way. Near the gate of the Moon Palace, I even tripped over the threshold and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Bai Ze suit did not embarrass him too much.

Until so, Bai Ze followed Yueshu into the Moon Palace, and the rise of Taoism directly blocked the connection between the Moon Palace and the outside world.

After finishing this section, the man said, “Qinglian, the person I felt back then was really you!”

Hearing that, Yang Hao looked at that person’s gaze, and did not think of the scene when he entered Tai Xiao Demon’s domain.

At that time, he did feel the internal fluctuations from the lunar star, but when he was still a saint, he did not dare to venture to the lunar star. If it were not for treating Xiao Qing, I am worried that he would not dare to come here.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao suddenly became a boxing ceremony: “Dare to ask a friend to call you?”

Hearing this, the man saw Yang Hao’s eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. Then he said: “My name is Yue Gui, I have met friends from all over the world!”

Obviously, Yue Gui also understood the meaning of “Yang Hao” and did not continue to call Qinglian “Yang Hao”

Upon seeing this, Yang Hao let out a sigh of relief, he is not used to being called Qinglian

Now that the title has been changed, Yang Hao did not continue to struggle with anything. He just looked at Yuegui and said, “Father Daoist, your cultivation base should be above the level of the deceased saint. Why hasn’t that fellow Daoist transformed?”

This is Yang Hao’s most critical question.

This kind of laurel-style cultivation is still above him, and it hasn’t changed so far, which is really puzzling.

Facing Yang Hao’s question, Yue Gui’s face was very ugly. After pondering the incense, Yue Kwa sighed, and said, “The destined love, I can’t change it because of some things in that year.

Then, Yue Gui told all the reasons.

After listening to Yue Gui’s story, Yang Hao couldn’t help but suddenly realize…

Among other things, this laurel was taken away by the god Demon Demon, and naturally did not get the fate connection of the great chaos holy thing, but he was in the area of ​​the head of the little Demon, and this area was almost behind the corpses of the great chaos Demon. The evolved, born creatures are stronger and more fierce than wild beasts.

It is precisely because of this that rooted in the lunar star, the laurel tree in the sky naturally becomes the target of these cruel creatures. Every day, countless people come to Lunar Star to catch the laurel tree. With the outbreak of endless fighting, Lunar Star has no time for peace. There are dead mountains and blood, and the sand is everywhere. Almost all stars in good hands will be destroyed.

When the laurel tree takes root on the lunar star, once the lunar star is destroyed, the laurel tree will die. In desperation, Yueguo was determined to follow the path of Demon Law.

The roots of the lunar star and the laurel tree are completely enveloped, and they are constantly absorbing the breath of Xie Jing, the corpse and the soul powerhouse after the tragic death, swallowing everything that improves oneself, and the growth rate of body strength can be described by unparalleled search. As early as two eras ago, Taixu Shenlong and the most powerful Dragon Emperor and Fenghuang Emperor of Taixu Valley Peak led the army to conquer together.

Serve laurel. In that war, Laurel went all out and buried everyone from the two major forces on the Moon Star, while he himself swallowed those who were powerful to the level of saints.

Although he has reached the realm of a saint, the laurel tree has almost merged with the moon and stars, and the laurel 3.1 has lost the last chance of transformation.

After listening to Yue Gui’s explanation, he immediately said: “Then, why did Fellow Daoist call me?”

After speaking, Yang Hao flashed a trace of fear in his eyes looking at Yue Gui.

If he came to this place, this laurel would not have no idea for him. After all, the spiritual roots of Innate are connected, and the identity of Demon God from Tian Demon is exposed. Laurel took back its destiny.

It can be said that Laurel now wants to transform, the only way is to use the out-of-body technique to occupy a large Innate spiritual foundation. Only in this way can he transform again, and Yang Hao Purple Body is also the best choice. After all, Purple Saint Yuanlan is the master of nature. It has the same destiny and background as the laurel tree, which can fully accommodate the charm of laurel. .

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