Chapter 843 Sanctuary Demon King

With the words of the Sanctuary Demon King finished, Satan, who was angry in the air, immediately calmed down.

Feeling the change in Satan’s aura, the hostility in the eyes of the master-level powerhouse also slowed down.

After a while, Satan fell from midair and looked at the demon king of the sanctuary: “Your cultivation base has been restored. When can you open the gate of hell!”

As Satan finished speaking, the look of the demon king of the sanctuary changed a few times.

To be honest, the Sanctuary Demon King is unwilling to open the door of hell, at least for now.

Crucially, when Dan Yang Hao and others are arrested, it means that he may be exposed.

Once the goalkeeper’s affairs are exposed, things will become very serious and he is likely to be killed by Satan

It is precisely because of this that even if he feels the fluctuation of Yang Hao people opening the gate of hell, he dare not stop it.

As early as when the flares were triggered, the Sanctuary Demon King knew that things were beyond his expectations. The Yang Hao people escaped his control and even started to open the gates of hell and leave.

It is precisely because I know that the Sanctuary Demon King did not stop him, and even the incident of Pa 12 Had Hades will be exposed, which also helps Yang Hao and others stay in the dark. The concretization of the gates of hell has accelerated. This is not only something a bone monk can accomplish, but also the help of the Sanctuary Demon King secretly.

Crucially, Satan fired, and the Sanctuary Demon King was very afraid of the altar being destroyed. Yang Hao and others were caught before they went too far, so they shot and attacked Satan. Then, this is the current situation and attitude.

Now Satan asks him to open the door of hell. Although the main purpose is the holy element, the demon king of the sanctuary is unwilling, at least until Hades is not resurrected. He didn’t dare to let Satan go to the first flood, once Yang Hao was arrested, he would be exposed, and he would be dead!

Thinking of this, the Sanctuary Demon King just said: “King Satan, do we have to plan this thing? After all, this person is not weak, and we don’t know much about the situation in the first flood, I.”

Before the Sanctuary Demon King finished speaking, Satan said: “Stop talking. A year later, when the door of the local hell opens, this king will take everyone to the first flood, and he will kill all the damn barbarians. !”

“Let’s go down and get ready. After a year, the army entered the first flood, if anyone dares to violate this king, this king will kill him!”

As Satan finished speaking, the body of the strong Demon ghost behind him also trembled.

They are aware of Satan’s methods. If it really annoys Satan, they and others will die, and even their own nation will perish.

Thinking of this, these strong guys at the Demon ghost level tremble all at once, saying: “Yes!” After reading this, Satan nodded, then looked at the Sanctuary Demon King and said: “Sanctuary Demon King, I will prepare it for you next year. I hope you won’t let this king down in a year!”

After speaking, Satan’s body shook and disappeared from the place!

At this time, the crisis was lifted, and the Yang Hao people who were advancing in the tunnel did not expect that the last thing to help them was to calculate their Sanctuary Demon King.

Until Satan left, master-level powerhouses also appeared in my mind. Looking at the scenes in the corpse mountain and the blood court, their faces were extremely ugly.

There, more than 20,000 hypocritical powerhouses were killed by Yang Hao, which is a shame for their major races.

no way. Those evil Demon-level powerhouses coldly snorted and said, “Damn the first great wild, you will be dead after the Barbarian New Year is over!”

While they were talking, these evil Demon led their monks to leave in a hurry, and Satan had already issued orders. After many years, they had to take action.

As time went by, the entire valley was empty, only the Sanctuary Demon King stood on the edge of the altar, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, the Sanctuary Demon King woke up and looked up at the direction Satan was leaving. Under the cloak, he clenched his teeth in a bright green luster. “Satan, wait for me!

While talking, the Sanctuary Demon King flashed away and disappeared from the original place. No one knew where he went or what he did.

In the first flood, in the deep sea pit below Tiansheng Palace, the gate of hell opened, and the figure of Yang Hao walked out embarrassedly.

After coming out, Shengyuanquan had just smashed a big rock, and immediately said: “Damn bastard, if Satan dares to come to the first flood, this king must kill it!”

Yang Hao and Tian Demon Demon couldn’t help but look at them more when they heard it, but they still felt a little disapproving.

Not to mention anything else, Satan’s cultivation alone has reached the point of consummation. The latter is chaotic and will not be restricted by rules, resulting in its own strength being suppressed. Even when it comes to the first flood, this is an extremely difficult existence. It is unrealistic for Shengyuan to kill him.

But this Yang Hao and Tian Demon Demon did not speak. After all, even though Sheng Yuan was angry, there was a reason. He should be very clear about this, and naturally he will not really have no plans!

With Shengyuan, the space Demon god who cooperated has left

Sure enough, after a while, Sheng Yuan quickly calmed down.

He turned around, clenched his fists, and said: “Satan has noticed my presence and will soon be back. The king must go back and prepare. When they arrive, they will also be called to me. At that time. , This king will definitely bring the elites of Demon method to help. Don’t hesitate!”

Hearing this, Yang Hao nodded.

He 793 knew that this Saint Yuan would die with Satan, and now the only possibility is to join forces with Tiansheng Palace. Although the Demon Church will lose a lot of benefits at that time, his purpose is very simple and clear, and that is Satan’s body! Thinking of this, Yang Hao nodded and said; “Well, once the Satan Hell Legion comes, the Emperor will first Know friends all the time

, It’s hard to say how to divide the spoils, but as long as we kill Satan together, his body will belong to fellow Taoists!”

However, Sheng Yuan’s eyes suddenly came in and shot out.

He really didn’t think so much. In his opinion, even if he killed Satan, he would have to pay a huge price to start the corpse from Yang Hao. Even he is ready to be blackmailed by Yang Hao.

But now?

Yang Hao actually took the initiative to say that he would give Satan’s body to himself, which made Sheng Yuan feel very surprised, but it was more of an accident.

Although I don’t know why Yang Hao is like this, it is undeniable that Yang Hao makes him feel good.

Immediately, Sheng Yuan nodded and said in a boxing way: “Then, there will be more Xie Tiansheng next!

Yang Hao waved his hand and said, “In this case, fellow Taoist, let’s leave here!”

While talking, Yang Hao, God Demon Demon and Saint Yuanren left here and flew straight to the sea.

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