Chapter 840 Dead Mountain and Sea of ​​Blood

Seeing this scene, Yang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, making sure that those guys could not break through the Chaos Array. Looking at the more than 10,000 characters who entered the Dajin Inner Pool, he grinned and said: “Very well, since you are in a hurry to die, the emperor will help you.”

Qinglian Sword Song, Dead Mountain and Blood Sea

While speaking, Yang Hao waved his hand, and the sword of time and space suddenly appeared in his hand.

Shaking the sword of time and space, quietly rising with the heroic energy of enemy ten thousand

This scene was immediately seen by tens of thousands of monks. Most of these people are false saints, and the lowest are quasi-San Dochins.

At this moment, looking at people who have nothing but the false saint period mid-career so arrogant, I can hardly consider the shock of being trapped in the chaotic Jin Da Nei. After everyone looked at each other, they were all killed, and their eyes came and went: “Arrogant intruder, you want to die!”

“Brothers, let us kill this damn invader together now. Whose body gets the credit then will be the power of that party!”

“Yes, this arrogant intruder is just trash in the middle of the false saint. How dare he pick me up like this and must kill him!”

In almost an instant, tens of thousands of monks achieved their goal of 790.

Then, everyone raised their weapons, the wings of the demon clan powerhouse instigator flew, and quickly attacked the area where the Yang Hao point was.

Seeing this scene, Yang Hao passed away with disdain.

Although his cultivation has been suppressed, he can only be attacked by the false saints. Even if there are tens of thousands of false saints, there are only a few more people.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao moved his heart, waving the sword of time and space in his hand, and the Qinglian sword song that had not been used for many years bloomed again at this moment.

In the moves, Yang Hao’s figure dances like a famous sword master. Every move is very simple, very simple, but there is a big trend with Tao Yun in it. Um

Buzzing, colorful lotus flowers fell from the sky.

Time, Jinneichi was in chaos, and endless lotus flowers were scattered. After the lotus platform touched the monks’ corpses, they just pricked their skins with spikes, constantly absorbing their Xie Jing.

“what ”

The screams sounded, and the Qinglian sword song had not fully erupted. The horrible devouring power just now made thousands of monks rushed and embarrassed, and they did not even rush to the Yang Hao point, constantly dodge (bcdb) from the sky. Colored blood light is very embarrassing.

Compared to the momentum of everyone uniting to kill Yang Hao just now, the tens of thousands of monks at this moment are like headless flies in the inner pool of Chaos Dajin.They did not realize that this knife was controlled by Yang Hao, and only attacked Yang Hao. In order to alleviate one’s own crisis.

As more and more colorful lotus flowers fall, thousands of monks have gone completely crazy, and all the crazy attackers want to pull out lotus flowers themselves.

It’s a pity that the lotus of this color is different now.

Yang Hao is now a saint. Although cultivation has been suppressed, the essence is still there.

In addition, this place is located in the chaotic Golden Neichi. The evolution of that colored lotus has gathered the power of yin and yang, but it can be pulled out at will.

Crucially, Yang Hao is now purple, and its essence has undergone a qualitative change. Qinglian Sword Song evolved from the power of his body. If you can’t find a suitable method, few people can break it.

In that era, this was Yang Hao’s killer.

But as his cultivation improves and he has mastered more and more powerful methods, Yang Hao has hardly used it.

After all, this Qinglian sword song is a deadly style, it is not divided into friends and enemies. No one dared to send an army to surround him.

But it’s different now. Yang Hao is a saint, facing the siege of so many monks, this Qinglian sword song is enough to exert its true power.

Seeing that the chaotic large array area was almost covered with colorful lotus flowers, and even all the monks were covered by purple flowers, Yang Hao couldn’t help but dance his sword.

Put away the sword of time and space, slowly stretch out your fingers and say: “Art is an explosion!”

The voice of the fingers is clear and pleasant.

Almost in an instant, the color of the chaotic Jin Neichi surging out, and those straight and quiet lotus flowers were completely rioted at this moment.

In the next second, the terrifying force within the blood light began to move. Under that force, the expressions of the tens of thousands of monks in the imperial court changed instantly. Everyone felt the throbbing from the heart, and the fear of death occupied their hearts almost instantly.

Suddenly, thousands of monks were panicked and they couldn’t care about anything else. They shouted: “No!’

“Damn it, what the hell is this!”

“Asshole, the intruder should stop, what do you want to do!”

Regarding this Qi, Yang Hao stood by with cold eyes, there was no pity in the eyes of the whole world, only endless murderous intent. After about a breath, the first lotus flower exploded.

In an instant, the brawny man called the false saint was broken meat, his body and death disappeared, and even the screams were too late.

This is just the beginning. With the explosion of the first colored lotus flower, more and more colored lotus flowers showed endless brilliance when they were generated, and exploded under the horrified eyes of the monks.


The deafening roar resounded across the sky, and under the endless explosions, the screams were concealed, the entire chaotic array vibrated, and the colorful fireworks bloomed, each time taking away the lives of prospective saints or false saints.

The monks in the outside world knew nothing about this, and the chaotic array hindered their progress and vision. The outside world can only see bright colors, but they don’t know what happened.

On the other hand, the white bones monks turned their heads subconsciously at this moment.

When I saw Yang Hao easily kill all tens of thousands of false saints, I couldn’t help swallowing, and said, “Strong, is this the method of the Lord?

Soon, the White Bone tribe people came back to their senses, and after a heavy spit of sleep, they did not look behind them, and their full strength was injected into the altar. At this moment, the speed of setting the gate of hell was accelerated. A lot.

Surprisingly, after seeing Yang Hao’s strength, this guy was also a little excited, causing his strength to be extraordinary.

In this scene, Yang Hao can see in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth can’t help but outline a silky smile, which is very satisfied with the performance of this white bone tribe man.

After a long time, the roar disappeared, and the endless colorful fireworks also disappeared.

On the ground, countless stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the ground, and purple, black, and scarlet blood was scattered and dripping. However, there was a river of blood in the collection room, matching the scattered corpses, but in an instant, the cultivating holy origin field was formed.

Continue to kill, be afraid

Watching the court return to calm, Yang Hao drew a smile from the corner of his mouth and moved his mind to open the gap of the Chaos Array again.

Suddenly, this chaotic scene of Jin Neichi was seen by the monk outside.

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