Chapter 832 reel

The moment he saw this figure, God Demon Demon frowned. He opened his mouth and said: “Sanctuary Demon King, my lord, we are messengers sent by evil Demon. I.”

Before the god Demon Demon finished speaking, the Sanctuary Demon King waved his hand and said, “Don’t pretend. King Demon and I still have enemies. He will not send anyone to come to me. Although your people have a huge shadow, don’t Forget that I am the Sanctuary Demon King and I practice the soul law, and your soul fluctuates and betrayed you!”

“Everyone, one of you is God Demon Demon. Although I didn’t fight with you back then, I still caught the fluctuations when you shot. You can’t hide from me!

“As for the other two, I have never seen your soul fluctuate in hell. It is undeniable that you are the first invaders who broke into hell some time ago!”

With the words of the Demon King of Sanctuary finished, the face of “Seven Nine Zero” Yang Hao was completely ugly.

When the technique of changing the highest heaven was lifted, Yang Hao stood side by side and looked at the Sanctuary Demon King” Sanctuary Demon King, since you know it is us, if you dare to show up, you are not afraid that I will kill you together!” , Sanctuary Demon King laughed immediately.

For a long time, the Demon King of Sanctuary stopped the laughter in his mouth and looked at Yang Hao and others and said, “Kill me? In this immortal valley, even Satan can’t kill me by himself, just because you want to. kill me?”

While speaking, the aura of the Sanctuary Demon King, and then the terrifying aura swept out, and it was the point of Shengzongchen.

Seeing this scene, God Demon Demon’s eyes narrowed, as if thinking of something. He immediately said: “Sanctuary Demon King, you are not injured!”

“You pretended to be injured and deliberately didn’t open the door of hell here. You are not afraid of being discovered by Satan, will he kill you then?”

Not only God Demon Demon, Yang Hao and Sheng Yuan were also a little shocked at this moment.

The fact that the Sanctuary Demon King was not injured is not good news for them.

The most important thing is that people are trapped here now. Although Yang Hao is absolutely sure to escape from this place, if the other party is a saint’s clan, if the state is too different, it is impossible for the law of time and space to leave this place immediately. Facing the evil Demon’s words, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the demon king of the sanctuary, and then he said: “This king is indeed not injured, but that

So what, you know but you can’t tell. ”

“The most important thing is that even if Satan knows that I am the Demon King of the Sanctuary, and I have the pulse of immortality, he must use my power to go to the first wilderness.”

“Furthermore, my undead vein is the mainstay of hell. If I lose the undead vein, the whole hell will fall when the angelic holy war breaks out. He can’t do anything to me!”

When Yang Hao heard it, his expression changed drastically.

The actions of the Sanctuary Demon King were obviously fearless. The most important thing is that, as the latter said, even if they knew it, they could not spread the news. After all, people are still under the control of the Sanctuary Demon King.

Crucially, Yang Hao seems to have heard this servant’s dissatisfaction with Satan from the simple words of the Sanctuary Demon King.

Thinking of a possibility, Yang Hao is one step, he said: “Sanctuary Demon King, tell me, what do you want?”

“Since you see our identity, but you have no intention to do this, you can see that you have your own goals and plans!”

“Now we are all under your control. Just say what you have. As long as it’s not too much, I can promise you!”

Accompanied by Yang Hao’s words, the bright green luster under the cloak of the Sanctuary Demon King gleamed and said, “That’s right. You are the most cautious and smartest of all.”

“Although smart people die fast in this era, this king likes to deal with smart people like you.”

“Let’s put it this way, this king knows that the purpose of your coming here is nothing more than to leave hell and return to the first wilderness. This king can help you, but in the same way, you must help this king do something. As long as you complete this If something happens, this king will personally take you away. Even if you see us again in the future, there will be no embarrassment!”

So, do you agree or disagree with this king’s terms?

The purpose of the Sanctuary Demon King, greedy Yang Hao?

Hearing the words of the Sanctuary Demon King, Yang Haomin’s brows immediately frowned.

Although Yang Hao guessed that he had other plans for the latter, he did not expect that the Sanctuary Demon King would say such things.

You know, people are obviously prisoners now, but it is incredible that the Sanctuary Demon King will not kill them, or even let them go.

Of course Yang Hao is also very clear. Since the Sanctuary Demon King was fired under such attractive conditions, what he wanted to do for himself and others was certainly not done casually, and might even fall into crisis.

But do people now have choices?

Even if you don’t expect the Sanctuary Demon King to really send them out of hell and return to the first wilderness, if you don’t agree, someone will probably die.

Thinking of this, the Yang Hao people looked at each other, and then said, “I don’t know what the so-called things are in the mouth of the Sanctuary Demon King?” Wen Yan and the Sanctuary Demon King looked at Yang Hao’s eyes and immediately said: “This is very Simple. I need you people to help me break the seal. As long as you break the seal, this king will keep his promise and send you away.

The Sanctuary Demon King said while waving his cane.

As the law of the soul fluctuates, we can see a door open for people to pass through.

At the moment the door opened, there was a strong breath of death, and this strong fluctuation was thousands of times stronger than that of the Sanctuary Demon King.

The inside of the gate is similar to the existence of a small world, with endless breath of death, and the roar of absolute ghosts resounds through it, which looks like a gathering place in Death Square.

Yang Hao glanced, frowned, and said, “What is this?”

Not only Yang Hao points, Sheng Yuan and Tian Demon Demon are also very curious at the moment. The area that radiates makes them feel palpitation. To be honest, there is still a trace of fear in their hearts.

Regarding Yang Hao’s question, the Sanctuary Demon King had no intention of answering.

In the next second, the Sanctuary Demon King waved his sleeves. In a loose cloak, Zhang Shan flew out with Shengjie’s glorious sheepskin scroll and directly fell into Yang Hao’s hands.

Before the Yang Hao people recovered, the Sanctuary Demon King continued to speak: “You don’t need to know this. This is a map. As long as you enter it and destroy the altar according to the map, even if the transaction between us is completed, the king will also Will personally send you out of hell and return to your original world.

Hearing that, Yang Hao’s eyes suddenly looked at the sheepskin scroll.

Looking at the opponent’s eyes, Yang Hao lost his mind and made sure that the scroll had not been tampered with, so he stretched out his hand and opened the scroll. .

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