Chapter 822 Soul stone

No matter how they attacked, they could not eliminate these hidden guards, and the hidden guards had no intention of retreating. Those who tried to go directly to the Star Screen God Lord had no choice but to stop the Hidden Guards from advancing. Although Hidden Guard has no fatal weakness, it is just strange.

Although Emperor Wudi had no weapons in his hand and no hidden guards around him, the hidden guards attacked by Emperor Wudi just bypassed it and had no power to fight back.

In historical books from ancient times to the present, there is no record of these hidden guards, and no one knows where they came from.

When the confrontation was at a deadlock, I only heard a shout:



All the hidden guards have disappeared,

The surroundings are suddenly open, I

They turned to look at the star screen god

I saw him slowly stand up, the star in front of “Seven Eight Three” disappeared. “OK.”

The star screen god said hoarsely, his voice and appearance are much older, and it seems that it took several years to complete the operation of the starry sky.

“Oh my God, how did yours become like this?”

Emperor Wu Ji asked in surprise.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. This kind of star technique is beyond my imagination. It’s natural to rest for a few years.”

The star curtain god is very tired, but he is obviously very happy.

After all, to do this kind of star art, it must be inseparable from the display of the descendants of Nanling the Great. “God, have you found where the spiritual objects are distributed?”

Yang Hao asked eagerly.

“Looking at my face, I know I must have found it. Don’t worry, don’t worry, everyone criticizes, sit down and wait for me to elaborate.”

The star screen god said with a smile.

“If you don’t sit down, just say where those things are and what turns!”

Nan Wujing has no barriers, and when he sees Yang Hao, he is anxious to know, so he wants to have it.

“Hey, brother demon, you don’t understand. What I saw on the stars can be said in a few words. First sit down, drink some tea, stabilize your mind, calm down, and then listen to my story. Wouldn’t it? better?”

Nan Wu’s scenery could not be distinguished, and the star curtain gods walked out of the side room.

When everyone is seated,

The star screen god snapped his fingers.

Immortal women in beautiful clothes came in,

Give everyone at the table a cup of tea.

“Come on, give it a try. The name of this tea is Geelong, and there is nowhere except me. You drink it is your fate.”

The Star Screen God said proudly.

“God, tell us, what do you see?”

Yang Hao had no intention of drinking tea, and asked again.

“Speaking of the time, the Ruthless Empress collected the world’s supernatural things, gave her life skills, and cast a god-killing sword that could cut off the god Demon.

This sword is a sensational world, but for thousands of years, no one has actually seen it, and no one has cut it. Why?

The Star Screen God Lord watched people deliberately sell it, and he was taken aback for a while, watching people’s eager smiles and continued:

“In those days, although the sword of the god of the gods has been cast, it is not right to taste the spiritual things after all. If the water is used to inject the beads, then the great power of this sword will not be exerted.

As a result, Ruthless Female Emperor Qiang pierced the blood in her heart, making the world feel like water. Indeed, the power of the Sword of Killing God is shocking the sky. However, this sword of killing the gods is inherently evil, and the sword spirit needs to pump blood into her heart every day to be satisfied. When the Queen of Nanling saw this scene, she felt that evil like the Sword of God could no longer be used.

Existed. However, Jian Ling has learned human nature, and the Nanling Queen is kind and can’t bear to destroy it.

So I told Jian Ling that there will be a disaster in the world in tens of thousands of years. If you can recast the Son of Destiny and put the world back on the right path, you can get a new life.

The star screen god sipped his tea and continued

Seeing that there was no room for recovery, the sword spirit nodded in agreement, so the Queen of Nanling turned her hand into a cloud and sacrificed the sword of God. In this darkness, the Queen of Nanling separated the synthetic spirit of the Excalibur, and the spirit of the sword was attached to the Queen of Nanling.

The Queen of Nanling sent Po Meng to take away other spiritual items except Ruoshui and Heihuo, and asked the messengers to distribute them to the God Realm, Immortal Realm, Demon Realm, and Ghost Realm. The messengers were not allowed to tell each other where the spiritual objects were, nor were Meng Po or others allowed. After doing this, they drank Meng Po soup and forgot this memory

Po Meng carefully brought a spiritual object back to the ghost world and found a messenger who seemed honest and humble, and he brought the reincarnated soul to the ghost world

“Can angels in the ghost world go to heaven?

Nan Wujing echoed and questioned.

The star curtain god shook his head.

“Naturally not,

This is also the wiseness of Po Meng. She told the two messengers who distributed the heavens and the heavens that there must be a god Immortal in the theater of the world, and they don’t want to watch the drama of the world alone in the heavens. You just need to secretly put the feather beads and the thousand-point hammer in the corner, and they will show up and bring them back.

After the two messengers listened, they tried this method. If it succeeds, they will return to my life.

Evil Demon world’s black iron is better to be released. Evil The world of Demon has no enchantments. Just put the black iron in the deepest and most secret place. As for the messenger of the ghost world, although the messenger is honest, in fact, it is tricky inside, and found that this stone can shock the soul, especially those difficult ghosts who are afraid to see this stone in daily life. At that time, the ghost world did not

It was not peaceful, so I obtained the consent of Po Meng and dedicated it to the ghost king, but did not tell the ghost king the reason and origin. It didn’t matter if the ghost king got the big stone. He went deep into its origin-the name of the soul calming stone, and raised the level of the messenger to the level of Zhongsilian as a reward.

But it also breeds the selfishness of the messenger, so that the messenger did not drink the bowl of Mengpo soup that Mengpo gave him to forget his memory.

This is what happens when the angel places the spirit body.

The star curtain gods breathed a sigh of relief and finally finished.

“God, you haven’t said where is the spiritual thing?”

Nan Wujing said again.

“Did I say it?”

“You have said so much, except for the soul stone of the ghost world that we know, no other things say the specific location at all.”

“I have leaked too many secrets, so you need to understand it yourself. If everything is too white and transparent, it would be inhumane for you to entrust the world to you.”

The star curtain god said lightly.

“I know where the Demon Realm Black Iron is.”

Nan Wuxuan said suddenly. Yang Hao, there is no scenery in the south, and there is no mystery in the south. .

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