Chapter 819 Underworld Stone Bead

“Yes, please go here.”

Aunt Mo Yu led Yang Hao out of the main hall door and walked towards the side hall.

“My son, the old slave is talkative and talkative. Is there anyone in your heart that you like? Is it the woman who entered the palace with her?”

Yang Hao stopped,

“Aunt Mo Yu misunderstood, Nan Wuxuan and I have no feelings for men and women.”

“That’s good. My son and my princess are a match made in heaven. Does my son agree to get married?”

“What is marriage? Dugu, brother, who are you going to marry? Is it the princess in this temple?”

Nan Wujing’s sudden appearance asked in surprise.

Yang Hao nodded slightly:

“Good brother Dugu, you really have hands, so you will become a great master in a short time.”

Palace Banquet

“How did Brother Nan come out?”

“I’m bored, just come out and walk, I didn’t expect

“The inner courtyard of the palace is not free to move around, the second son, go to the side hall.

Aunt Mo Yu coldly interrupted Nan Wujing’s words.

Nan Wu Jing came up again and was about to say a few words. Yang Hao walked up to him and patted Nan Wujing on the shoulder.

“Go in and talk.”

Take a deep breath without depth of field, turn around and leave.

In the side hall

“Brother, what’s the matter?” Nan Wuxuan saw Nan Wujing enter angrily, sitting on the stool without saying a word.

Yang Hao and Aunt Moyu also came in one after another.

Aunt Mo Yu said:

“Dear guests, the king has prepared the banquet. Please follow me to the main hall to visit the princess, and then to the old slave. I will warn you a few words.” You two must tie a rope around your waist so that you can Will not find each other on the road.

Black and white impermanence interjected:

After hearing this, Emperor Wu Ji felt unreasonable, so he instantly turned into a long piece of silk, tied to Yang Hao and his waist.

The black and white impermanence naturally sees that these people are not starting to talk about looking for the women they like, and also see that these people’s cultivation and techniques are indeed excellent, and they must have another purpose. But they were worried that these two men would never come back and would suffer a great deal, so they kindly reminded them that they were actually protecting themselves.

“Princess, be careful!”

Nan Wujing was worried.

Emperor Wu Ji looked at the south, smiled and nodded.

Such a beautiful woman smiled at the south where there is no scenery, her face instantly flushed to her ears.

“In order to prevent the gods from visiting day and night, you can’t use the technique if you don’t use it, don’t be discovered!”

Heiwuchang exhorted again, if the ghost king knew that they would bring in an unknown person and demon, he would be dead.

“Let’s follow me!”

Yang Hao said to Emperor Wuji, “Okay!”

Nan Wujing confirmed Yang Hao’s point, and Emperor Wu Ji walked away, turning his head to ask Nan Wu Xuan Dao:

“Sister Xuan, you have never been a timid person, why just now?

“elder brother!”

Nan Wuxuan interrupted Nan Wujing.

“There are countless monsters in the evil Demon world waiting for us to save, and my father is still suffering. Emperor Wudi is the descendant of Emperor Nanling, and Yang Hao is the son of destiny. They will not have trouble!”

Nan Wujing said coldly:

“This is not allowed in the future. Evil Demon also has a good way. They must have backbone and loyalty outside.”


The cold wind blows quickly,

From time to time there was a miserable ghost cry in my ear.

Yang Hao, although the Emperor Wudi is invisible, he still tries his best to avoid encountering those angry ghosts and countless vicious bronze snakes and iron dogs.

Most of the souls at this level are wicked, but at this moment they can’t see the half vicious look. They are both passive and nono, and they move forward in small steps with their heads down. The souls of the wicked who had been bitten by bronze snakes or iron dogs screamed in pain.

Emperor Wu Ji closely followed Yang Hao, and the two walked cautiously, even more cautious than the evil spirits walking in front of the team. They were afraid that they would not encounter anything, and walked for a long time. Not far away, Wangxiang was built in a strange way, with a wide upper part and a narrow lower part. Its face is like a bow, and its back is like a bowstring. Except for a stone path,

The rest are swords and trees, all very steep. Standing on it, you can see all the continents and oceans.

Seeing that he was going to Taiwan and looking at his hometown, Emperor Wu Ji was relieved.


The two Qi Qi felt that the tabletop under their feet was unstable,

The bottom of the Naihe Bridge began to shake violently.



Countless evil souls fell under the bridge,

Suddenly, the evil soul behind Emperor Wuji couldn’t stand still, and walked into Emperor Wuji staggeringly.

Seeing that Emperor Wu Ji was about to fall into the abyss of terror,

A backhand grabbed Long Ling, and squeezed the Emperor Wu Ji into his arms. Emperor Wu Ji was obviously frightened, panting in Yang Hao’s arms.

Yang Hao saw that the bridge was shaking more and more severely, and then lowered his head to the Emperor Wu Ji:

“The front is the Taiwan, Wangxiang let us fly over. It is impossible to wait here.

“it is good.”

Emperor Wu Ji answered softly, a faint pink glow on his beautiful face.

In the blink of an eye, they flew to the platform from Naihe Bridge, Wangxiang Terrace, and the pavilion on the edge of Wangxiang is particularly eye-catching. Two souls are waiting in line for the Meng Po Tang that can forget the past.

Point Yang Hao, Emperor Wu Ji walked to Meng Po Pavilion and stood beside Meng Po

Emperor Wu Ji looked at Po Meng directly. Po Meng in front of him was a beautiful young woman, unlike the old woman in the book.

Po Meng seems to be able to see these two people. After giving Po Meng the last soul soup, he turned his head and looked at Yang Hao and Emperor Wu Ji and said:

“. “You shouldn’t be here!”

“You are Po Meng, I am actually

Before Emperor Wudi finished speaking, Po Meng hung the square black cloth in front of them.

“Meng Po! There seems to be someone from the non-ghost world just now, have you seen it?”

“Ye Yu Shen, I have been scooping soup, I haven’t seen it. Are you wrong? There have been many things in the ghost world recently. If you are not discovered, you will make the ghost king angry, afraid that he will be difficult to protect.

“Hey, you are right, then I’ll go back and keep watching.”

When the night walker left, Po Meng took the black cloth.

“Who are you?”

I am Emperor Wudi, and Emperor Nanling is my ancestor (Zhao Qian’s)

Po Meng’s eyes lit up and asked:

“Emperor Nanling, are you a descendant? Can you have tokens?”

Emperor Wu Ji took out a small piece of colorful jade hung around his neck and showed it to Po Meng

Po Meng nodded and said:

“Are you coming to me to ask about the Nanling Emperor? Is the queen entrusted?

“Yes, we want to know where the spiritual objects are placed?”

Emperor Wu Ji asked directly.

Soul stone

“At the time when the God Realm calmed the Demon Realm and fought hard against the human world, the Queen of Nanling wrote a word tactic and asked the messenger to follow the word tactic to place the spirit body in the world. This word tactic is:

Everyone in the world has a degree,

The huge black flame reflected the clouds,

Dark iron needs a stone fixed hammer.

If the water drops into the pearl.

The hammer even Xuan Tilian,

If there is no Demon fire,

There are always tears of lovers in the world,

Underworld solid stone beads.

Po Meng recalled and said slowly. .

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