Chapter 780 Heart shake

call out!

The violent sound of breaking the wind quickly converged in front of Dao Xuantian, suddenly expanding the sweat pores of his whole body that he had stimulated, and his body shrank, and then quickly backed away.

After the first blow failed, Zhou Tong did not choose to pursue it. His gaze swept roughly across the divided battlefield. He made a strange chuckle: “Hehe, that Aoki didn’t come back after breathing?”

However, as soon as he came out, Qin Qiong, who was originally turbulent, was suddenly shocked, and as Zhou Tong’s cold laughter spread rapidly from the air, Gu Sen and his party, who had the upper hand, stopped strangely. On his fierce offensive, his toes were gently placed on the ground, his body floated backwards like cotton wool, and landed behind Zhou Tong one by one.

Zhou Tong, what did you mean by that sentence?” Qin Shuiyue said in surprise, thinking about why the old classmate stopped suddenly.

“Oh, it seems that you are still in the dark.” After hearing Qin Shuiyue’s question, Zhou Tong listed his mouth in an understatement in surprise, and said with a strange smile: “Forget it, let me tell you. .”

“Your whereabouts was revealed to us by Aoki. I heard that you found the earth’s heart fluid in the cave?” Zhou Tong said slowly, keeping a strange smile on his face.

Upon hearing these words, Qin Qiong and the others suddenly felt a sudden jump in their hearts. After a moment of surprise, strong anger soon surfaced on their faces. I did not expect that Aoki, who maintained a united front with them, would rebel!

“This beast!” Ouyang Jie couldn’t help clenching his fists, gritted his teeth in anger, and regarded Qingmu as his brother along the way.

Just stay, I didn’t expect to be stabbed in the back by him.

“Don’t let me see him again, otherwise, Shi Hao will give him a thousand times!” Shi Hao, who was straightforward, trembled involuntarily when he heard the news of Qing Mu’s betrayal. He secretly swears in his heart that the feeling of being betrayed by his close teammates gave him a taste of heartbreak. Once, his elder brother betrayed his family, now he is his trusted teammate. “Despicable.” Leng Yan

Disgust flashed across the charming face, but Wang Yunan’s beautiful eyes were cold.

“A guy who is not as good as an animal should be disbanded, so that he can get rid of his hatred!” Wang Yuxi’s clenched silver teeth creaked and her red lips opened slightly. This is a painful way.

As early as the beginning, I saw that he was not a good person (bcdb). Shenxuan, Zi Fangchen’s two sisters, slandered with anger in their hearts.

“Blame me, at first I chose to believe in Aoki.” Dao Xuantian lowered his head, his heart was very regretful, his hands were clenched together, because the knuckles were slightly white due to excessive force.

Seeing Dao Xuantian’s expression of hatred, Zhou Tong was very happy. He only wanted to attack them both psychologically and physically, so as to achieve the purpose of revenge. Of course, after that, the energy value and the earth’s soul fluid cannot be less.

“That guy named Yang Hao seems to have entered a cultivation state. I really don’t know what will happen if he is forced to break free from this state?” The cold eyes slowly moved to Yang Hao, who was sitting on the clearing ground. Sideways smiled and said:

Zhou Tong, do it

People won’t go too far!” Enduring the pain in his chest, Dao Xuantian strode forward, his body blocked Yang Hao’s front, blocking Zhou Tong’s vision. Then, he took it with him. An awe-inspiring Hesheng came from his mouth.

“Yes, yes, you are loyal enough.” Facing Daoxuantian’s sudden surging momentum, Zhou Tong was slightly surprised in his heart, and then nodded. He smiled coldly. He can’t feel half of this kind of brotherhood, because he is a man who uses his brothers and teammates as tools.

The cold gaze slowly moved up and down the newborn body. Zhou Tong smiled faintly, and said slowly: “As long as you hand over that Yang Hao and the earth’s heart fluid and energy value, I can choose to let you go and make you suffer less.”

“Now, what is your choice? Do you still want to keep that boy named Yang Hao?”

Facing Zhou Tong’s new doubts, Qin Qiong and others felt unspeakable tension in their hearts, but they absolutely couldn’t leave Yang Hao behind. At this moment, no one’s psychology is shaken!

“Impossible.” They all replied coldly, and the energetic breath came out of the body without reservation. Several breaths mixed together, it was very spectacular. Everyone looked at Zhou Tong with a grim look. The animal-driven scumbag regarded the friendship between brothers and teammates as a commodity. Apart from using scum to describe it, he really couldn’t think of any better words.

“Bake bread, don’t eat it.” Zhou Tong’s face collapsed suddenly, his eyes flickered, the whole

His face was gloomy as if dripping water. On the surface of his body, his ferocity suddenly swept away, like a sea wave, swaying above his head. In Zhou Tong’s deep anger, the complexion of the people behind Shangguan Qingfeng changed a little. We have been together for almost a year. Although we cannot fight for life, we have also experienced a lot during this period.

More disasters. Prior to this, Zhou Tong was still loyal and enthusiastic to his brothers and blood relatives, but unexpectedly, he became another person in an instant, and he used this friendship as a bargaining chip.

Shangguan Qingfeng is well aware of brotherhood. He knows very well that a person with a passionate friendship would never say such things. At present, they have hesitation in their hearts, and a dull pain in their hearts. The so-called brotherhood between them is not comparable to this new team that has not been established for a long time. How sad is it?

From beginning to end, Zhou Tong probably didn’t regard them as brothers, just chess pieces that could be used at will.

There was a fierce and strong appearance on the surface of his body.Zhou Tong gloomily looked at the undiminished Dao Xuantian and his party.His eyes passed Li Yin, his hands hung down, and there was rapid chills.He strode forward and took a breath. , Aiming to block his freshman, pressing hard.

“Cousin Yang Hao, this time, I will protect you.”

Seeing Zhou Tong getting closer and closer, Ouyang Qian’s smooth hands slowly clenched, and the dragon gas glowed faintly, and it stretched out along the cuff little by little, revealing firm words and beautiful eyes, and the flashing has never been crazy. pass!

give it to me


In the empty land, the rolling dragon gas reverberated like muffled thunder. Zhou Tong walked in Yang Hao’s direction step by step, the bitter cold on the surface of his body was spreading bit by bit. .

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