Chapter 768 Brotherhood

Zhou Tong’s words also aroused the brotherhood of the other two people. His loose hands suddenly clenched, and his black eyes seemed to flash with their shirts. The scene when he was sworn in that day seemed very vivid.

“Brothers, I was wrong!”

Gu Sen suddenly fell to his knees with a “plop”, his eyes were slightly red, and his low voice was slightly hoarse.

The tough guy was shaking and was about to cry.

Seeing Gu Sen really knelt down and confessed, Zhang Huaqiang’s eyelids suddenly jumped and hurriedly stepped forward to help him. He screamed: “Man, man, can you easily kneel down, we are brothers, what can’t be revealed?”

“Hehe, Hua Qiang, it doesn’t seem to be from your mouth.” Seeing that the conflict between the teams was resolved, Shangguan Lin suddenly smiled, and actually laughed and joked.

“Shangguan, can you not count me? I was too impulsive just now.” Zhang Huaqiang lowered his head slightly in distress, his voice mixed with deep apology.

As the captain said, the brothers have lived together for nearly a year, and there has never been any betrayal during this period. Under Zhang Huaqiang’s careful consideration, he may have misunderstood Gu Sen. If it leaks out, it will not benefit any of them. Besides, Gu Sen is a fool who can only fight with people.

Looking quickly across the crowd, Zhou Tong nodded in satisfaction and said in a low voice, “This is like a brother!”

“One Zhoutong can solve the differences between the teams in a few words! It seems that I still underestimate him.” Aoki, hiding in the thick bushes, only used a few words to watch this stable. situation. He couldn’t help but exclaim in a low voice. He deserves to be the leader of this huge team, and he has two brushes.

“Hey, but I don’t believe it. You don’t think of the child in your heart.” After a brief surprise, Aoki’s face flashed a sneer again. He is shrewd and can’t tell

Zhou Tong’s intentions, what shit brotherhood, he obviously does not want this team that can benefit him to be disbanded because of mutual suspicion.

This matter, if Zhou Tong cannot be resolved smoothly, it will inevitably lead to a gap between the players. How much combat power can a team with grievances play? More importantly, a team that has been running for a year has a tacit understanding that the new team cannot match. Once lost, the consequences can be imagined.

“Let me observe again.” Aoki said inwardly. Based on the above guess, the answer is not clear enough. In order to ensure the accuracy of the guess, and to ensure that Zhou Tong has a strong battle against the infant captured by the Yang Hao, He must bear it again.

Aoki should become a conspirator. Soon, Zhou Tong brought the topic to the main topic again: “Brothers, I have something to tell you.” “Captain, just say what you want. Brothers are listening.” Shangguan Qingfeng waved his hand and smiled. road.

With the consent of the team members, the corners of Zhou Tong’s mouth rose slightly, and then he pretended to be angry and said, “Brothers, are you willing to hand over the liquid of gravity?”

“Of course there will be no reconciliation.” The people mobilized with blood and brotherhood hardly hesitated, clenching their fists one by one, and said angrily.

After hearing Wenren’s answer, Zhou Tong’s eyes suddenly lit up, and the corners of his mouth were a little bit of joy. Senran said, “Do you want to get back the earth’s heart juice?”

At this time, Zhou Tong finally stated his ultimate goal, to regain the frost of the earth! The Brotherhood is just a cover, and his key is

Refining the skin with geocentric green, thereby consolidating its position in the inner courtyard

The energy value was robbed, and Geocentric Frost was probably taken away by the opponent. Zhou Tong was so happy that he absolutely couldn’t accept this feeling of losing his wife and breaking down. Since he recovered, his heart seems to have been burning with fire.

Enemy, he must report!

“Oh, it seems that the time is almost ripe.” Aoki sneered softly among the dense bushes.

Program implementation

The virgin forest at night is quite gloomy, with towering old trees standing between the sky and the earth, and between the dense forests, there seems to be endless darkness. Occasionally, a beam of moonlight falls on it, making people shudder.

On the edge of this dark prison-like forest, Zhou Tongren stood at will. After a while, a low voice full of anger suddenly appeared from Gu Sen’s mouth: “If you let me see those rabbits again, I won’t blow them up one by one!!

“Yes! We must report this kind of hatred!” The thin steel fan in his hand closed heavily, and Shangguan’s breeze raised his sword eyebrows. A hint of anger quickly emerged on the woman’s delicate face.

“Brothers, let us inquire about the whereabouts of those little guys. This time we must beat them by surprise.” Gu Sen’s eyes gradually closed, and the sorrowful words were revealed in his mouth. His eyes narrowed into a thin line, as if shining with Li Yin’s light.

“This is my good brother!” I smiled and looked at the Gu Sen people, who formed a united front by themselves. The enthusiastic Lang drank a glass with deep eyes, but he couldn’t restrain it. It is like a silver water mark in the deep sea, passing quietly.

“Captain, it’s too strange for you to say that. Besides, this evil Demon always comes out!” Gu Sen clenched his fist and said viciously, “Once you find 743 their whereabouts, I will definitely break their bones one by one. , Give them a profound lesson!”

When Zhou Tong heard it, he walked over and patted the latter on the shoulder.

He said, “You don’t have to worry too much.” We have to report, baby. We will definitely get it back, but this time, I plan to change it. “”Another way?” When he heard this, Gu Sen’s eyes were a little frozen, and he was confused. “Captain, didn’t we knock them down from the front?”

“Of course, it’s from the front line, otherwise how can we solve our hatred!” Zhou Tong said slowly, in the air of xenon hydrogen, the fierce color under his eyes surged wildly. Compared with Yang Hao, this battle is simply his. shame!

If he doesn’t get revenge, he can’t practice with peace of mind!

“Then what is our method?” Shangguanfeng frowned slightly and said softly.

His eyes flickered violently, and Zhou Tong narrowed the corners of his mouth. Sen smiled and said: “In your own way, we will use whatever methods they use against us.”

“Should we cooperate with other veteran teams of the Sky Sky team? After hearing the meaning of Zhou’s call, Zhang Huaqiang on the side was shocked and said without hesitation.

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