Chapter 699 first rank spirit sword

Yuan is a huge sum of money and can buy a lot of resources.

Although the ninth rank spirit sword is the lowest level among spirit warriors, after all, it has entered the rank of spirit warriors. Its sharpness is like tofu in front of the spirit sword.

In addition, the level of spirit swords can be improved by some methods. The higher the level, the stronger the power. Legend has it that some powerful masters of swordsmanship have reached the level of the first rank spirit sword and can kill people thousands of miles away.

Over the years, the spirit warrior has won rewards in foreign holy land competitions. In the past, they had to enter the Inner Holy Land to get enough mission points, otherwise those who made great contributions to the Nine Heavens Heavenly Dao Holy Land will be rewarded with the Spirit Sword. Another set of Nine-Rank swordsmanship is also enviable.

The martial arts credits that can enter the 9th rank in the world, the 9th rank is the lowest, just like those products that have not entered the sword outside, it is the lowest of the 700 martial arts.

It is said that the son of Inner Holy Land is strong because Zhenyuan is at least responsible for this lake. More importantly, they have the opportunity to practice swordsmanship.

There used to be some Holy Sons who entered the inner sacred land, learned the sword of imported products, and easily killed scattered training, the original force was the same as the true element state.

The Hunyuan Tower in the inner holy land is also enviable for three hours of practice. I heard that the Hunyuan Pagoda in the inner holy land is twice that of the Hunyuan Pagoda in the outer holy land. Chen Ke saving spent six months practicing three times.

Of course, the spirit sword in the Inner Holy Land Hall (bcdb), the Ninth-Rank Sword Technique in the Inner Holy Land Hall, and the Inner Holy Land Hunyuan Tower are also in the inner holy land. All three rewards need to go to the inner holy land to receive. Now he can only get yuan. There is also a temporary card. In order to facilitate him to enter the inner holy land to receive rewards, it will be withdrawn after receiving the rewards.

The award means that this year’s tournament will be completely over.

Many people gathered to congratulate Yang Hao, which is even more icing on the cake.

Yang Hao responded with a smile, and then took the initiative to talk to Lu Ping and Xie Dajiao. Their performance made a good impression on him.

Lu Ping and Xie Dajiao were equally happy when they saw Yang Hao, the eldest son’s son, voluntarily come over in the holy land. They also joked that they didn’t believe it and wanted to break through to Hucheng Lake and enter the inner holy land faster than Yang Hao.

Don’t laugh, don’t talk.

After chatting a few words, Yang Hao left the square and went directly to the medical hall.

Of course, good things should be shared with good brothers first.


In the medical hall, Venerable Tian Huan and Linglong both looked at Yang Hao happily.

The complexion of Venerable Tian Huan looked much better, after all, he was also the cultivation base in the mid-stage of refining Qi, and his recovery ability was also much stronger.

“Haha, thank you. Since you congratulate me, I have to give you a red envelope.” Yang Hao smiled and took out the Hongmeng Shengyuan ticket in US dollars and stuffed it into the hands of Venerable Tianhuan. “Take it to the Hunyuan Tower to practice. If you are a brother, don’t be polite to me. Money is something outside of your body. This is a way to increase your strength.”

Now Venerable Heavenly Fantasies needs Hongmeng Sage Yuan more than him to go to the Hunyuan Tower, so he gave the Hongmeng Sage Yuan to Venerable Heavenly Fantasy, wondering if there is any way to help Venerable Heavenly Fantasy to win the Hongmeng Sage Yuan

My brother treated him this way, but I think he is capable now and should do his best to help him improve.

“Haha, then I’m not welcome.” Venerable Tian Huan didn’t refuse, and smiled and accepted Hongmeng Shengyuan’s ticket. His eyes are full of tears. There is no regret for having such a brother in his life. .

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