Chapter 690 Hide the ugliness

The more this happened, the more angry Tian Chengzi became.How could he not accept the fact that a high-ranking official was irritated by a small trash fish, so that he lost his reputation?


Xie Dajiao’s sword was broken again before falling into the air. The whole person flew back again. This time it finally landed.

“Huh?” Tian Chengzi squinted his eyes, staring at Xie Da’s feet in the audience, the cold light flashed terribly.

Only Tian Chengzi knows Ouyang best. Xie Dajiao was rescued from power. If no one comes to rescue him, his sword can not only smash Bigfoot’s sword, but also split Bigfoot in half.

At the last moment, his sword was cut into the air, and Xie Dajiao was hit in advance by a force.

This power comes from behind. Only Duan Tang stood on the stage.

Duan Tang, I wrote down this account. When I enter the inner holy land, with enough power, I will definitely kill you. ”

Tian Chengzi killed An Yun, then pointed the sword at Yang Hao~, waiting for the battle.

At this point, the atmosphere rose again.

The result is obvious. In the duel, Zhou Yuan and Xie competed for third place, and Tian Chengzi competed for first place.

Xie Dajiao absolutely can’t fight in this way. There is no doubt that Zhou Yuan won the third place. There will be no more suspense. Only Yang Hao and Tian Chengzi are left. This is also the final battle of this year’s championship.

“Oh, my God, Yang Hao has really reached this point.”

Some people are still a little unbelievable.

Before the tournament, few people really thought that Yang Hao, a notorious loser, could reach the finals in the tournament.

But now the result came out, and he really did it.

A month ago, I was a loser who lost my pulse. A month later, I entered the final of the championship. This is a miracle.

At this point, Yang Hao thoroughly cleaned Fei Ming.

“Huh, is it a good thing for him to enter the final? This is a dead end.” “I can assure you that he will definitely be the first person to die in second place in the tournament.”

I will always support Brother Li, Brother Li is invincible,

Tian Chengzi’s loyal supporters shouted again.

Just now, in the dispute between Tian Chengzi and Bigfoot Xie, Tian Chengzi played a disgraceful role. They remained silent for a while.

…For flowers…

Now it is active again.

In their view, worshiping a person needs to include everything about him.

It doesn’t matter what Tian Chengzi’s personality is, what is important is the ability to make them admire.

A powerful cover for all ugliness, nothing more.

“I will kill you.” Tian Chengzi pointed at Yang Hao with a loud voice, and would behead his head in public to cover up the stain caused by Xie Dajiao. “I said before that I will not defeat you, but will kill you, so this is a life and death battle, and we are not bound by the rules.” Nothing on the stage.

“To be honest, it’s beyond my expectation that you can stand in front of me now. This tournament is a show for you.” After Yang Hao took office, Tian Chengzi suddenly calmed down and his tone became cold. . He once again regained the pride of controlling everything from above. But your limelight has passed, there will be no more after today,

Yang Hao did not answer, but the sword that he raised did not fluctuate, and the killing intent in his deep eyes instantly became intense.

Tian Chengzi once “killed” Yang Hao and hated suicide. He was sworn to death. Inch,

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