Chapter 684 Nine Heavens Way

“Unbelievable! In a month, from the middle to?”

“But this kind of strength is far inferior to Big Brother Li. If he can really make it to the finals, it will be the biggest tragedy.”

Many people are shocked, but they still don’t like the duel between Yang Hao Dian and Tian Chengzi

Tian Chengzi easily defeated Lowry, who ranked third in the three moves, and Yuan Chi, who ranked fourth in the competition, only narrowly won. Who is strong and who is weak seems to be clear at a glance.

“With your strength, you are not qualified to raise the sword with Senior Brother Li Yuanchi again, his face is a bit hideous.

call out!

Yuan Chi waved his long sword and attacked again. The sword light on the ring became denser. The air was filled with smoke, and dark clouds covered the top. As the rain fell, it swept across and crisscrossed, surprisingly 690 fierce.

“Go to hell!” Yuan Chi roared.

Yang Hao still looked calm, sword light and sword shadow, Qing Ying shot in abruptly, dispelled the smoke, broke the rain, the dark clouds dissipated, and the sky was clear.


The blood gushed out suddenly, and then Yuan Chi flew back screaming.

Above the ring, the disgusting smell of blood suddenly spread.

“Oh my God!””

All the audience were shocked, and the sons were excited.

Some people curse Yang Hao deliberately, which is too vicious.

Some people say that Yuan Chi is retribution. Just now, he deliberately tried to cut off the legs of Venerable Tianhuan, where he lived. Now he has been cut off.

The fracture of both legs is as smooth as a mirror.

This is Yang Hao’s anger.

But in any case, Yang Hao can beat Yuan Chi, who is ranked fourth in strength, and chop off his leg. This glorious residential group that once genius turned into a waste unknowingly showed its edge. If he can defeat it, he can prove that these three words are well deserved.

“Ah. Ouyang waste, you are so cruel!” Yuan Chi screamed and fainted quickly. Yang Hao remained unmoved and stood calmly on the stage.

When you tried to cut my brother’s leg, why didn’t you think hard?


The sound of tapping the table suddenly sounded.

Even the voice of the supreme made the audience speechless: “How can such a vicious person let him stay at the entrance of my Nine Heavens (bcdb) heaven and holy land? I will take him down and put him in the precept hall, He was executed according to the rules for killing the same clan.”


The voices of those who did not fall have turned into an afterimage, and they were photographed on the stage, roaring, roaring, and hitting Yang Hao hard with the surprise of their fists.

No cowards

Fist power may be destroyed forever.

Although the people at the entrance of the Holy Land of Jiuxiao Tiandao City are not good at adding fists and feet, the power of the clan in the lake is beyond the ability of the son of the mouth of the city, and even his will can’t compete with it.

Even if the supreme says “win”, he uses his fist.

Who takes things with their fists?

Yes, speaking of life.

Yang Hao’s eyes narrowed immediately, and he felt a strong danger.

“Supreme? How about it? It’s not that easy to kill me!” If you clenched your fist without hesitation, you will make every effort to break the pale fist.

At this moment, someone suddenly pulled Yang Hao away.


The fists collided, and the earth-shaking sound rang from the ring, as if it was going to spread throughout the Nine Heavens Dao, and the terrifying wind of the city was sweeping.

The voice of the deacon sounds a bit ironic: “Even if you are a supreme, you are at least a supreme, can you not be so shameless?”,

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