Chapter 677 Invincible

Yang Hao suddenly poured a large basin of water on his body to clean the stains.

The skin is smooth, like a newborn baby, but it feels very strong.

“Don’t…” Yang Hao suddenly thought of something, he hurriedly washed his body and rushed out.


First, she drew the sword, and suddenly, between her teeth, she pulled the sword to her arm.

Although this sword is not a sword that can cut iron like mud, it is very sharp, but this sword can only make a white mark on his arm and then disappear.

He hesitated a bit, then suddenly gritted his teeth, brandished a sword, and slashed on his arm.

A large white mark was cut out, the skin was not damaged, and it quickly returned to normal.

“I wipe it, invulnerable and indestructible?”

“Zhen Wu Po Cang Boxing actually has such a magical effect. The pain that every boxing practice brings is actually that this boxing technique is changing my physique. In other words, this boxing technique is extremely powerful, and it also has Advanced physical strength. Haha, this is not double happiness, but Third Stage happiness!”

Yang Hao looked excited.

Both Zong Zhen and Zhen Wu had practiced the first step of breaking the Cangquan, and their bodies were invincible. The strength was completely changed all at once, increased several times.


Yang Hao suddenly clenched his fists.

The air vibrates like wind.

At this moment, he felt that he was invincible.


Zhenwu Pocangquan hit the only table in the room for the first time.

Although I did not try my best, the fist on the table broke instantly and turned into crumbs all over the floor, like flour being squeezed.

This kind of power, where is the broken wood, is clearly the broken wood turning into powder!

If I fight with all my strength on those who inherit the lake, they will definitely die.

Tian Chengzi, I’m ready. And you?”

Yang Hao raised his fist and breathed a sigh of relief. In my mind, I couldn’t help but see a picture of a marksmanship expert blowing up smoke and muzzle in the movie.


The sword of self-pity is broken, and the murderous aura at night is terrible!

Early in the morning, the first ray of morning light fell on the earth and everything was awakened.

The annual Holy Son contest is undoubtedly the biggest event in the outer holy land, so people gather in the bluestone square earlier than the morning light.

Most of the sons from the outer holy land have arrived. They stood together in groups, whispering, talking and laughing. The scene is very vivid.

It is said that Senior Brother Tian Chengzi has successfully broken into Hu Cheng!

“Yes, I have also heard of it. There are also old brothers Zhou Yuan, Luo Rui and Yuan Chi who ranked second, third and fourth last year. They have made great progress. This year’s championship is definitely better than last year. Intense, the overall strength is stronger.

Do you mean that Yang Hao really dare to fight Tian Chengzi to the death? “How can 687? He only knows that he can’t make it to the finals before gambling with brother Li.

“Don’t say that for now. Don’t you know that in the late qi refining period the day before yesterday, he defeated Senior Brother Lu Biao with one punch?

“do you have anything else?”

“Hey, he had better not participate in the competition, otherwise he would definitely die in a duel with Senior Brother Tian Chengzi

“Also, how can he compare with his senior brother Tian Chengzi?

“Who can say for sure about this world?

Among the various voices, there are expectations for the game, but the most talked about topic in the mansion is the duel with Tian Chengzi’s Yang Hao

“The Supreme is here.”

There was a sudden commotion in the western crowd, and only six supreme members gathered together. Uncorrectable.


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