Chapter 673 Aura of Genius

Yesterday, I checked Yang Hao’s point, and Venerable Tian Huan’s hand was completely restored. When he entered the ward of Venerable Tianhuan, Linglong was already there, and Venerable Tianhuan had already taken a bath and put on a brand new suit.

“Haha, ghost.” “When his arms were fully restored to be good friends, Yang Hao was happier than before.

Of course, Venerable Tianhuan’s mood is the best. He patted Yang Hao on the shoulder. All thanks are in this shot.

The three people left the medical hall and went to the sacred restaurant outside to celebrate. Linglong returned to the medical hall to continue his work, and Venerable Tian Huan went straight to the Hunyuan Tower. In the complex eyes of the guards guarding the tower, Yang Hao and Venerable He Tianhuan entered the Hunyuan Pagoda.

“So many people are waiting, don’t we have to wait for a long time?” When we met Hongmeng Shengyuan, Venerable Tian Huan couldn’t help asking Yang Hao beside him.

Yang Hao was also very surprised and asked the deacon for the fee:” “What’s the matter, why didn’t the Da Zun Mansion come today?”

“Do you still want to ask?” When he saw Yang Hao, the deacon kept his face black. When he heard this, he felt excited and yelled, “Who dares to come in before you? ”

Venerable Tian Huan looked at Yang Hao, looked at it. His brother is doing very well now!

“Me?” Yang Hao was shocked and pointed at himself. But he soon understood that every time he went to practice the Hunyuan in other rooms, he would become thinner, so Dazun Mansion waited for him to cultivate before going in, so that he would not “grab” Hunyuan.

“Hey, this is really a bit embarrassing. But Dazun Mansion is sure that Venerable Heavenly Fantasy will go first, and I will be back in an hour.” After paying the money, the two had nothing to let Venerable Heavenly Fantasy go first, and he didn’t want to “Grab” the aura of Venerable Tianhuan.

Da Zun Di looked at Yang Hao blankly. Is what the big house gang said true or false?

After Venerable Tianhuan entered Hunyuan, Yang Hao entered the room really unintentionally, and the Great Venerable Mansion responded, rushing into the room one by one at the fastest speed.

Yang Hao sat in the corner of the lobby honestly and waited. fully use

If one succeeds, the dog and chicken will ascend to heaven.

Venerable Tian Huan knows that these people are very enthusiastic to him now, because he has a good brother named Yang Hao.

He is also proud of having such a brother.

But he didn’t understand why when he entered the Hunyuan room to practice, the Hunyuan in other Hunyuan rooms became thinner and thinner.

Venerable Tianhuan and Yang Hao didn’t even think that this incident disturbed the Supremes. The Supremes can’t understand either. They are just secretly observing.


Others can’t wait to sit in the Hunyuan room to absorb Hunyuan, and Yang Hao points to continue fighting.

In a secret room at the top of Hunyuan Tower, the five Supremes looked at the mist mirror in front of them. The number in the mist mirror is Yang Hao neighbor.

The Supremes are a little surprised. What happened to this little tribe? Is this the first step? The emperor from nine days is practicing boxing, it is still such a strange and primitive boxing.

Is it because (Wang Qianhao) practicing this rough and extreme boxing technique will make other people’s air chambers thin?

One hour passed and no one came out. Everyone who chatted with Venerable Tianhuan took the initiative to say hello.

Yang Hao smiled and nodded, chatted with the mansion courtyard very kindly, and then left with Venerable Tian Huan

“Look, Ouyang Tianren does not have dignity

“As expected of a genius.”

Losing without being discouraged, being strong without arrogance, is a kind of character…

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