Chapter 666 Back view

“Students, please stay.”

Suddenly, Yang Hao’s voice rang in the bluestone square.

Da Zun Di looked around and found that Yang Hao stopped the other person who bullied him.


The person who was stopped was also beaten violently by Yang Hao. The screams are like fat pigs being slaughtered. Obviously, Zun Di’s help was bullying Yang Hao in the past than He Hai’s domineering, so the hands below Yang Hao’s degree are heavier.

For no reason, Dazundi “Six80” felt a pain in his cheek.

Of course, some people can’t help but give a thumbs up to Chao Yang Hao.

If there is revenge, there will be kindness, and this Zhaidi group is a character.

People with thumbs up didn’t think of this. Before today, when they heard the word “waste”, their first reaction was to think of “waste” and give it a thumbs up.

There is no more respect for power than this.

This is also the way of the world.

Yang Hao, continue.

As long as he is considered by Yang Hao to be the one who bullied him, he will definitely stop him and beat him.

Unfortunately, on the way forward, he has only revenge and no chance to repay his kindness.

The sons of the outer holy land, except for Venerable Tianhuan, who have ever looked up to him?

They all bow their heads because of waste like ants.

However, don’t deceive the young poor. The more young people walk, the bigger their stature. Everyone looked up, as if the number was higher than the sky and reached outer space.

“Students, please stay.

This sentence spread throughout the holy land within a day.

For a long time, it became the mantra of the emperor outside the holy land of heaven.

If someone wants to make trouble for others, a fight is followed by the phrase “classmates please stay”.

As for what the classmates meant, Da Zun Di thought it might be the same.

Yang Hao finally saw Hunyuan Pagoda through Qingshi Square.

“Brother Yang Hao, Brother Yang Hao

Suddenly someone shouted behind him.

“Brother Yang Hao?”

Yang Hao was taken aback.

I haven’t been a brother for many years. Who would call him that?

An evil dog barking

“Brother Yang Hao, it’s really you. I saw your back from a distance.

A little girl, who seemed to be only about age, already had a few beauties, the embryo, panting, ran to the Holy Land of Hongmeng the Great. Because she ran too fast, she almost fell. Fortunately, Yang Hao almost helped her.

She stood still and raised her head. Her big black eyes stared at Yang Hao’s face, which became brighter and brighter.

“Who are you?

no doubt.

“Brother Yang Hao, you don’t remember me anymore. You really don’t remember me anymore” The little girl was very sad, and she shed tears. “My name is Qingcheng Guyue. You helped me drive away the evil dog in Mud Bottle Alley!

That year, when he was eight years old, he was still the monarch of Shaocheng, leading a carefree life. He was naughty and active, running all over the city.

That year, when she was five years old, her mother was careless and separated from her. She ran to play alone. As a result, heavy rain came, and she ran into Mud Bottle Alley in a panic to find a place to shelter from the rain. As a result, 3.1 two evil dogs appeared.

Now, it is definitely the most desperate time for her, and it is also the day he will imprint on her young heart forever. The storm is raging.

She was panicked and kicked to the ground. She was covered with mud and water. She yelled for help and yelled at two vicious dogs from time to time.

The more so, the more two evil dogs barked at her, and for the first time she felt that the world was so terrible and desperate. ,

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