Chapter 662 Six reincarnations

But Xu Wanhong’s pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

Because Yuan Linglian roared at him, within a low altitude range of nearly 20 meters, the originally calm Yuan Linglian suddenly rioted.

Yuan Lingyan’s lotus bloomed with colorful light in vain.

Followed by


The energy of the earth suddenly swept away from the Yuan Linglian violently and violently!


An uncontrolled earth-shattering explosion exploded in the air.

The destructive 12 energy spread out from the void, and there are ripples in the void at this moment.

The emptiness around is a momentary collapse and division.

People raised their heads and walked towards Xu Wanhong. With this difference, what I need to do now is to embrace the power of these beliefs.

With so many markets, it can be said that one person owns two places at the same time.

However, with his own power, he must have some feedback at that time. At that time, his busy physical strength will also be greatly improved.

In addition, his first influence in Hongmeng Huanyu was to gather the power of faith. On this paved road, it is easier to move on.

Yang Hao raised his head, feeling a little cosmopolitan

Afterwards, Longshengjie came back, and the pattern of Hongmeng Huanyu stabilized again.

However, Yang Hao did not stop because of this. What he needs to do is to tell the practitioners of Hongmeng Huanyu that Hongmeng Huanyu is not only rich in the Supreme Year, but also rich in God. If he can unite with the gods, he can fly to the gods

In addition, Yang Hao also told all practitioners of Hongmeng Huanyu the secrets of the meteorite market.

Yang Hao’s doing this, naturally has his reason.

Once there are more warriors in the sacred realm, this market will more or less affect the supreme, and heaven punishment will appear more frequently. If the gods want to go to Hongmeng Huanyu, it is estimated that Fang will not be so tolerant.

Tokai God

After these arrangements were completed, Yang Hao did not have much nostalgia in Hongmeng Huanyu.

All the important people around you have been integrated into the divinity. If you fly to the God Realm, you will also experience this sacred disaster together.

My heart is still full of emotions. There are too many memories in this market.

There is friendship, love, affection, brotherhood,

Although he did not go smoothly, he knew very well in his heart that there is no perfect thing in the world, and this is also a perfect thing. The more flaws it has, the more heartbreaking it will be if it is destroyed.

The market is just a small post office. Yang Hao is very aware that there are even broader new areas in the future. He is also very clear in his heart that in this vast world, under countless days and conditions, he has a different life, and he is experiencing his own destiny every day.

680 I’m Sorry

In this life, there are too many things to guard, and there are too many things to fight for.

These are all related to power. Only strength is the foundation of Tao. Only in this way can one go further and live with more dignity. Otherwise, there will be no chance or qualification for tragedy.

Yang Hao knows very well that in this vast world, this Hongmeng Huanyu is just a small corner, he needs to climb up, and only by climbing to the top can he overlook the whole world!

And Yang Hao, once also a god realm, belonged to a strong man of the god emperor, he knew that in this world, there were not only the god realm, but the underworld, the underworld, the six worlds, reincarnation.

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