Chapter 656 murder

His heart became more and more anxious. If Yang Hao’s point of soul flame was successfully compressed, then the power of destruction would not be what he could imagine. That kind of terrifying power would be unparalleled horror, and it would explode. At the moment, the whole world could not stop this terrible energy shock.

People raised their heads and walked in the direction of Yang Hao.

At this moment, Yang Hao’s shape moved backwards at the same time, and his hands were not idle. With a pinch of his palms, the terrifying “six seven seven” energy trembled violently, and the endless power of the gods smashed violently in all directions, forming an amazing Breath fluctuates.

Xu Wanhong’s face was suddenly embarrassed.

Yang Hao is so desperate that he is entangled by Long Aotian and Ling Xuanqing

It seems that if he does not completely get rid of these two people, then he will undoubtedly be unable to go all out and will always be blocked by these two people. This is not a good thing for him.

He crossed his swords and looked at Long Aotian and Ling Xuanqing, “Damn, you two bastards, in that case, I will kill you!”

Xu Wanhong said in a cold voice, and then his body rushed away and rushed directly to Ling Xuanqing.The battle knife in his palm burst out with a dazzling light, followed by the terrifying power of heaven and earth formed in the sky, that incredible power of destruction, crazy. The earth roared between heaven and earth.

Stepping out, slashed towards Ling Xuanqing with a knife.


Sword Qi and Demon Qi, madly swept out.

Ling Xuanqing’s face changed slightly, but he did not flinch. The weapon in his hand was immediately raised. His hands trembled, and a dazzling light roared out.

The two attacks suddenly collided.


Ling Xuanqing’s figure was severely cut into the air, and his chest was chopped with red blood by sword qi.

When everyone saw this, they couldn’t help taking a breath.

How did Ling Xuanqing repair Immortal?I didn’t expect that he could not resist Xu Wanhong’s murder?

Seeing this, Long Aotian secretly took a breath of cold air in his heart.

Fortunately, Ling Xuanqing’s judgment is accurate. If he wants to escape, then this knife is probably irresistible. After all, this Xu Wanhong murder case is too terrifying, I can’t even think about it, I can’t help but take a breath .

“What a terrible way to fix Immortal.” Seeing the scene in front of them, the crowd gasped.

Ling Xuanqing leaned back, he raised his head, and walked towards Xu Wanhong with lingering fear. If he had retreated, he would not be able to escape with the knife that Xu Wanhong had chopped out. Fortunately, he was right.

Although his knife was blocked, it can be seen that he blocked the knife effectively, so it clearly did not cause him fatal damage.

But at present, Long Aotian is solving this problem.

Ling Xuanqing took a deep breath and quickly swallowed a Hunyuan knife, recovering his body’s consumption and the open wound on his chest.

Yang Hao didn’t change anything, his palm rubbed lightly again.


At this moment, Yang Hao’s hand is holding a seven-color Primal Spirit Lotus, seven flowers of different colors, exuding the power of destruction, which makes people have a lingering energy wave 3.1.

Everyone raised their heads and walked in Yang Hao’s direction, and couldn’t help but gasp.

The energy fluctuation has exceeded the previous few times. They can still feel the terrible fluctuations of energy and the chilling awe at such a distance. It’s incredible to think of it.

At this moment, Xu Wanhong’s pupils also shrank suddenly, and he couldn’t help but raise his head and look in the direction of Yang Hao. .

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