Chapter 652 Void Burn

“Yes.” Long Aotian nodded.

At this time, Yang Hao got busy, and quickly used the Daoist Demon method, an aura that seemed like nothing, spreading out from the corner of the meteorite market.

There is nothing more than a mile in the northwest. Yang Hao said hurriedly.

Long Aotian’s expression was startled and surprised. He didn’t expect to find the whereabouts of Emperor Shengyan so quickly. If he hadn’t known that Yang Hao was the reincarnation of Emperor Liang Wu from the ages, he would not believe in such evil methods. .

“Okay, hold it down first, I will find a chance to shoot!” Long Aotian said.

The two figures moved in front of us and disappeared. At the next moment, these two figures appeared in another 12 voids.

Yang Hao feet, sweeping forward.


A group of Yuan Lingyan frantically swept out from the ground.

A figure appeared in front of me.

Arriving at Yang Hao, he was shocked immediately.

“It’s you!” The Emperor Sheng Yan said in surprise.

Yang Hao nodded lightly.

“It’s me.” He said: “I have received ten types of Xuan Yuan Ling, but I haven’t reached the first place on the Xuan Yuan Ling list. If you obey me, then I will give you a chance to live and enlighten You, let you enter into human nature and practice in the true human form instead of in the human form.”

The emperor of the feast sank his face.

Although Yang Hao’s words seem to sound beautiful, he still wants to subdue him. If not, he will be forced to destroy his mental power and then subdue.

“If you look at it from the perspective of the ontology, there may be some room for discussion, but you are just a member and want to appease me?” The Emperor Shengyan sneered.

Yang Hao knew that the communication between the two had ended. Since they couldn’t agree, it would be murder.

Immediately, the two sides began a silent battle.

On the other side, Yang Hao summoned the Yuan Lingyan and was immediately compressed, and his body quickly swept back. The sword in his hand kept cutting off the air.

Xu Wanhong was also blocked.

He raised his head and fixed his eyes on Yang Hao, he was probably out of Yang Hao’s intentions now.

“Haha, don’t you want to compress this Yuan Lingyan and create a killing tactic?” Xu Wanhong sneered: “Whether I give it to you or not, I can only say that you are a deadly force compressed by the Yuan Lingyan. Maybe if You add another mysterious elemental spirit, it may still have some destructive power. However, the mysterious elemental spirit in your hand is really too few.”

“Do you really think so?” Yang Hao suddenly smiled.

I don’t know why, Xu Wanhong wears Yang Hao’s smile, and there is a feeling of fear in his heart.

At this moment, two figures walked in in surprise, followed by violent energy fluctuations!

Fusion lotus

Xu Wanhong’s pupils suddenly shrank, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Yang Hao.

But at this moment, two places of Yang Hao 673 and Long Aotian both landed at the same time, and two places of Yang Hao ignited the original spirit flame at the same time. This is the emperor of the feast, but the soul of the emperor of the feast is destroyed.

As the first place on the Xuanhe list, the power of Xuanhe can be imagined how terrifying. It spread wildly. At this time, the world became extremely hot and dry. The billowing heat wave swept the earth and formed an amazing force.

The crowd walked towards Yang Hao, and I took a deep breath.

The Yuan Lingyan, under the surging surging, unexpectedly brought up a strong temperature, this kind of temperature burned into the void for a burst of distortion and fantasy.

Xu Wanhong surprised Yang Hao.

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