Chapter 644 Easy pass

The number and form of looting are different.

There are Lightning, Yuan Ling, Tianshui, Demon Law and God

Its power can be divided into three levels: the nineteenth tribulation, the twenty-ninth tribulation, the sky, and the sky.

The highest is heaven robbery, which belongs to the most violent and most abnormal existence. Generally speaking, it will only appear when it reaches a disintegrating analysis. Usually, it is the market world or the broad world. Because of the analysis of the chaos of the six parts, the gods and the evil Demon, the ultra-control of reincarnation, the exhaustion and imbalance of energy,

In this case, the dimensionless robbery will not be a person, but will rise to the market world and the vast world, where the entire monk’s practice, where their 670 can be perceived by the supreme, will be covered and included!

Its power will be terrible. Unless the powerful people in the market obey the supreme and can handle it correctly, the market society and the disintegration will analyze that all existence will disappear and return to the supreme.

Yang Hao raised his head and rushed towards the boundless sky.

This should be a robbery for three or nine days. Don’t be too strong. With his current strength, he can easily pass the level.

In addition, this may be a good opportunity for him.

Shen Tao’s bottleneck may be overcome overnight and enter the supreme strong territory!

Yang Hao looked at the billowing angry spirit, I took a deep breath.

I don’t know why, when he saw these billowing thunder and rage spirits, his eyes were shining brightly. He felt that this endless disaster was a gift from God and good luck!


Finally, a Lei Jie broke out, mixed with thunder of three colors, suddenly roared towards Yang Hao, the entire void was trembling, as if there was a kind of Conan Destroyer’s power!

“Is it finally here?

A strange light suddenly flickered in Yang Hao’s pupils.

With a wave of his sleeve robe, the roaring thunder swept toward him, his robe was knocked into the air, and his body was constantly being swept out by the energy of the earth to become supreme and powerful!


The power of the earth swept out of his body frantically.

(bcdb) Yang Hao’s shadow flashed, and then facing the first boundless tribulation, he raised his hand and slammed forward with a punch.

Yang Hao point actually competes with this endless calamity.

If you are an ordinary person, you dare not do this at all. After all, how powerful is martial arts? In the endless calamity, there is still a smell of a mantis cart in front.

But I don’t know, Yang Hao really did this.


A punch was very heavy, Yang Hao felt a commotion in his body, and the blood in his body could not help but boil. It felt like his right fist was no longer his own.

That feeling was very numb, and the blood in his body seemed to be burning.

Yang Hao’s heart was astonished. It’s worthy of an immeasurable calamity. Fortunately, this is the calamity of the sky. If it is the second or third line, then the power will be quite terrifying. Living, it is estimated that it will become more restless.

But the blood in the body seemed to be accelerating, and Yang Hao was surprised to find that this drop of blood from Emperor Wu, which had not been fully refined, was burned when he used martial arts to contend with the first catastrophe this time.


The essence and blood of Emperor Wu began to be absorbed by him. This scene shocked him. He didn’t expect Emperor Wu’s essence and blood to be so magical that under the bombing of the First Heavenly Tribulation, he began to help him refine it.

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