Chapter 624 Yang Hao:””

What are the meanings? Laozi is either a human or a ghost. Or energy body?

“Oh, no one has been here for a long time. It’s so boring,” the woman said.

Yang Hao showed a strange expression.

This woman’s appearance is not an energy body, she has soul fluctuations, and she has blood.Although she is hidden by her, how can she escape his perception?

“Give you an hour. If I haven’t been discovered before this, I won’t tell you that big secret!” The girl said, “Now you can find me!”

At the end of the speech, when she turned around, the girl was gone and all the energy bodies disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Yang Hao couldn’t help being surprised secretly, what happened, why I don’t understand?

Yang Hao stared at this scene blankly.

The girl really left. What surprised him most was that the energy body also disappeared. Even if he didn’t feel it, he couldn’t be ignorant of the movement of these energy bodies.

What is going on here?

Watching this scene. Yang Hao has a mask.

Forget it, now is not the time to consider these issues, we must find the girl as soon as possible, after all, there is only one hour. Surrounding the tomb of the god Yang Hao, the perception quickly spread.

After scanning several times and confirming that there was no girl’s smell, Yang Hao raised his head and looked straight ahead.

Suddenly, I felt that my decision seemed a bit hasty. After all, he had no idea what secret the girl was talking about. This is too serious to let me do it rashly. .

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