Chapter 619 Quick fix

He frowned and raised his head.

More than ten meters away in front of him, dozens of energies were floating out of thin air, and their hollow and indifferent eyes locked him tightly.

It was actually an energy body, and its power was terrifying. It turned out to be a sacred energy body with two corpse paths.

Seeing the strength of the earth energy body, Yang Hao frowned even more tightly.

If it’s one or two, it doesn’t matter, but in front of him is the tenth brother. He has never encountered such a fight. At least this is his first contact with the energy body.

Such a lineup, put on top, belongs to the first-class clan force. Unfortunately, these are just energy bodies.

Indeed, they are very powerful, but because of this, they will attract more greedy eyes, let alone two saints. Even the practitioners of the Three Corpses Dao saints will do their best to kill them. No, this energy body, in principle, cannot be so concentrated, or near the energy curtain.

Yang Hao alerted immediately.

A bloody smell immediately caught his attention.

He raised his head and looked around.

Not far away, the cores of several fierce beasts had already cracked at this time, and blood spewed out, followed by strong-great energy.

Yang Hao’s eyes closed slightly. There are not many people who can do this kind of thing. It must be those guys Zhuli. There is no doubt that this is to prevent him from chasing, so there are these energy physical blocks, and they can also get revenge. Even Zhuli may be nearby, just waiting for him to be seriously injured, and then go to repair the knife.

Although this is just a guess, it may be true.

Yang Hao looked up and looked around.

However, the most important thing is to get rid of these energy bodies first, otherwise it will attract more energy bodies.

Make a quick decision, otherwise it will bring changes later. Yang Hao secretly said.

Then the figure flashed and disappeared in the same place strangely, and the next moment, Yang Hao suddenly slapped his palm, an energy body suddenly shattered, the energy between the sky and the earth dissipated, leaving only one energy core.

Unlocking an energy body, Yang Hao once again stormed towards the other energy body.

This battle did not last long. In less than three minutes, Yang Hao hit and killed ten energy bodies, and at the same time ten energy nuclei the size of pigeon eggs appeared in his palm. Abundant energy overflows and spreads around like fog.

For him, these things are dispensable, but for many Dragon Sage realms and people, they are a good supplement.

…For flowers…

With a wave of his hand, he put everything into his sleeve.

After all along the way

After Yang Hao finished solving these energy bodies, he raised his head and looked at the area in front of him, where the blood disappeared.

Yang Hao’s eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Hunting is actually a pleasure.

True north is the direction where the bloody smell disappears.

“These people cannot stay.

The cold light flickered in Yang Hao’s pupils.

Escape is also a way of fleeing. This way of escape does not forget to plot against him, and dare to set traps here. Naturally, Yang Hao can’t ignore these moves.

Originally, I spared your life, but never thought that you would ignore the bottom line again and again. Are you playing desperately?

“In this case, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Yang Hao took a deep breath, and the cold light in his eyes faded.His feet were a little bit, and his figure swept towards the front area.The Seventh Stage God Tomb is obviously more terrifying than the Sixth Stage God Tomb. This kind of single oppression It was terrible, it was a feeling of chill in my heart.

In the area directly in front of him, several four or five figures flashed past, and his eyes suddenly closed. There was a cold smile at the corner of his mouth. Inch.

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