Chapter 611 Nine Profound Wild Pagoda

This possibility does not mean that there is no such thing.

However, even if you count one item, he still has three or four ghost forks in his hand, which is unusual, and this is the tomb of the gods, which is impossible.

Therefore, he can basically conclude that the tomb of the gods where he is now should be the tomb of the Black Emperor.

Yang Hao continued to sweep forward, looking for other information about the owner of the tomb.

Unfortunately, after searching for most of the time, he still couldn’t find the relevant information, which made him look disappointed.

Did he guess wrong?

At this time, Yang Hao almost thought he was wrong.

Yang Hao took out 12 ghost forks from Gan Kun ring and arranged them.


At this moment, the ghost fork suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the magnificent hall suddenly shook the void. A stone tablet suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall. This stone tablet looked like an epitaph, but it was not an epitaph when it was carefully distinguished.

Yang Hao’s body flickered, and then swept forward, the blink of an eye disappeared in front of everyone, waiting for the next moment, he will appear in front of this area, and the stone tablet in front of him can’t help but flicker Strange light.

As soon as he saw the light, Yang Hao’s pupils suddenly shrank!

The Yin Vessels in the Daxu

In Yang Hao’s pupils, the place where his eyes could reach turned out to be a strange inscription, which turned out to be the same as his Nine Profound Desolate Pagoda!

Yang Hao looked startled, then frowned.

Nine Profound Wild Pagoda, he rarely uses it. Had it not been for this strange inscription, he had even forgotten that he had such a mysterious device.

But he was a little curious, why is there such a strange inscription in this tomb? Is it exactly the same as the Nine Profound Desolate Pagoda?

This thing has become more and more weird.

Yang Hao points with the scriptures, and the stone tablet suddenly generates a suction force, and the ghosts are all sucked into the stone tablet again. Jin Shuo’s words are shining with dazzling light. Before Yang Hao points awake, the inscription immediately disperses.

Not many words are condensed, and the thinking is obviously not clear. It is probably written before death, condensed with these ghost fork weapons.

This kind of method is very concealed, Yang Hao just took out the ghost fork casually, unexpectedly, in this hall, the inscription was exposed.

The inscriptions on the bronzes are not much and messy. It can be seen that this person was very in a hurry when inscribed

“This method is extinct. What is the order? After all, when all the laws are put together, there is no one, and no one.”

Yang Hao frowned and raised his eyebrows. These two sentences are really strange. We can see that these two sentences belong to Buddhism and Taoism.

Does this have anything to do with the Buddha?

Almost subconsciously, he frowned at the first glance, so a strange expression appeared on his face. I seem to be somewhat arbitrary in this regard. I can’t think that it is related to the Buddha just because it is Buddhism. The people of Hei Di might not want others to know about this. In addition, these two sentences seem irrelevant.

Is this another settlement?

In addition, what is the connection between these inscriptions and his Nine Profound Desolate Tower? When he thought about it, one question after another came to his mind.


The stone tablet suddenly shattered, and the void was sealed again. This method is indeed very mysterious, but from the perspective of the environment of the gods and people, it is not too difficult to reach this level.

Yang Hao is more about thinking about other things.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao moved his heart and took out the Nine Profound Wild Pagoda.

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