Chapter 582 Follow the strategy

Therefore, the three people stared at the figures who rushed up the stairs to repair the Immortal Way, carefully watching.


Finally someone shot, the dense figure, the three of them took the lead, grabbing a figure left behind.

The other two candidates looked at the scene in front of them, and their faces changed slightly. The three of them have formed a formation, but unfortunately, the opponent took advantage of this gap and cleverly attacked the last one.

They will certainly not help. Even if they can, their help is extremely limited. After all, they must be wary of other candidates in the same position, and they must divert their attention and not deal with the oppression of Immortal Way.

“hurry up!”

The other two people quickly said anxiously.

At this point, they had landed for the first time, landed for the first time, and landed for the first time for the last time, with a front-to-back distance of meters.

At this time, what they can help is too limited. It is always impossible to go back, otherwise they will be wiped out on the spot.

But at this moment, that person’s face changed slightly, facing the dealings of the three people, he naturally suffered a lot.

However, being a candidate is not a good thing in itself. After facing the attack of three people, he quickly regained his balance after a brief panic.

He looked depressed.

Zhou Long, are you three sure you want to do this…?” He said glumly, “Although I am weak, if I am forced to hurry, you won’t feel better. “Looking at this person’s cold light flashing, the other three people were a little bit awkward when they heard this. This is too terrifying, it seems to be for the fish to die.

“Hehe, this is just a one-minute blessing, and the maximum is only a minute. In a team competition, the difference is at most an hour. Are you sure you want to take some time to bully us?” Another sneered: “Shoot!

In an instant, the soles of his feet stepped out, and his whole body was full of strength. He immediately cracked down frantically and smashed the man with one punch.

A punch suddenly broke out, the void shattered and everyone’s pupils shrank at this moment.

Sure enough, he was going to work hard.

On the stage, one pair of eyes watched three men besieging one, and he was secretly surprised.

That person was not a good stubble. A strong Immortal aura erupted, Xuan Bing was sacrificed to the figure that swept like a storm, and then a strong murderous aura broke out, and it rushed straight towards these people.

The destructive power of horror crazily overwhelms everything between heaven and earth.

Everyone was surprised by the power of the killing and the riots.

Suddenly, everyone’s face changed drastically.

This killing is so powerful and terrifying, they are still fighting on the ladder of Immortal Way. The risks are huge.



In an instant, the battle began.

However, Immortal’s Dao Ladder possessed a strong defense force and tyrannical strength, and it was annihilated without a trace when the candidates met and rushed out, as if it had never existed.

In front of this scene, Ziyuan (Wang Hao) and Lin Yun also changed slightly.

If they rush forward now, maybe they can’t escape this fate. Fortunately, they followed Yang Hao’s strategy. The two of them now believe in Yang Hao even more.

The real storm.

Two minutes later, most people have reached the Third Stage to repair the Immortal Way.

“Let’s start.” Yang Hao said lightly.

“But there are people behind us.” Ziyuan tilted his head and looked at the three groups of people, asking with some uncertainty. .

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