Chapter 505 Cruel

“Well, it would be nice if we came early!”

“The younger generation has already thanked the three seniors for coming. When the master wakes up, he will personally express his gratitude to the three seniors!”

In any case, the three of Gongsunlong came endlessly, even though they were late, they couldn’t deny his wish.

“By the way, Star City has fallen. I don’t know what happened over there?”

“The loss is heavy, but not bad!”

“Five seven seven” “Well, let’s go in and talk slowly!”

“OK then!”

Under the leadership of Ling Bing, the group entered the view of eternal life. However, the few people who were with Ling Bing hosted the countless three of Gongsun Long. White did not attend, and she did not need to attend.

When the white clothes enter the vision of eternal life, they will disappear and appear directly in the room where the Yang Hao point is.

At this moment, on a bed, Yang Hao and Ling Tianyuan lie side by side, with nothing on the surface, just like two sleeping people.

Only a faint golden light shined between Yang Hao’s eyebrows, and the aura of the Dragon Sage was revealed, slowly absorbing the power of the essence of heaven and earth to supplement the essence of Yang Hao’s consumption. “After your souls have merged, there is a flawless Dragon Sage soul that needs to be maintained. The ending of Yang Hao’s coma will be avoided, but your speed of absorbing the power of the dragon is too slow!”

After all, Ling Tianyuan is not Yang Hao, nor does he have such a powerful ability to absorb the power of the dragon. Although her fine dragon is now combined with Yang Hao’s fine dragon, the operation mainly depends on her fine dragon. The power to absorb the power of the dragon also depends on her.

Bai Yu waved his hand, and the entire immortal realm’s essence dragons gathered here, speeding up the absorption of Ling Tianyuan.

“White, thank you… Yang Hao heard a woman’s voice, that was Ling Tianyuan’s voice.

“Ha, I’m sorry, although I have brought together the power of the dragon of immortality for you, so that you can learn more smoothly, but Yang Hao’s dragon soul is very heavy, and this requires you to work hard for a while!”

“It’s my job to help him with nothing!”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about things outside, just focus on your things!”

“Then everything will be fine for you!”

At this moment, in the clouds above the battlefield, a shadow stood in vain, and it was the Venerable Heaven who destroyed the dragons.

“Ah, this battle is really unexpected!”

“Not only is the power of Yang Hao’s exposure astonishing, but the power of the king’s eyes and faith is also surprising. After the First World War, you must have a deeper understanding of the realm of the Dragon Sage!”

However, temporarily expelling the evil Celestial Venerable will lead to a war between us!

“I am waiting for your active challenge, but you can speed up the pace. I think you don’t want to challenge me until all the creatures in the Dragon Sage Realm are destroyed!” With a faint laugh, the Heavenly Sage Venerable who destroyed the dragons disappeared. The First World War outside the Immortal Kingdom also spread widely in all the big cities and pools in the Dragon Saint Realm within half a day after the war. The fourth generation does not

The Observer won the First World War. Almost all the masters of the dynasty, Guangming City and Dragon City handed down from ancient times have been destroyed. Emperor Ji Yu escaped with serious injuries. Evil Demon Heavenly Sage, Evil Princess 3.1 and Gu Mu were all killed.

The life and death of Venerable Heavenly Sage and Emperor Xuan are unknown. The dynasty, Guangming religion and Dragon City have all been disintegrated since ancient times.

Especially in the First World War, the evil Heavenly Sages and Xuanhuang brought millions of followers, and they were all obliterated by Yang Hao, turned into a rain of blood, and were swallowed by the zombies around Yang Hao. Cruel and ruthless. .

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