Chapter 494 Wan Jian Zhen Qi

At this time, the evil emperor was also shot suddenly, and a spatial barrier appeared, directly blocking the golden ribbon, but the golden ribbon dissipated again. Only in the middle of the spatial barrier, it still could not stop the belief of the Xuan Emperor.

This result not only shocked the four evil emperors, but Yang Hao was also a little surprised.He did not expect that the gray snake of the Dragon Secret had swallowed the power of faith and could not be isolated.Even if it was isolated by a spatial barrier, it could not be completely sealed off. Unless the power of Emperor Xuan’s belief will completely disappear, this strange swallowing power will completely disappear.

However, this result also made Yang Hao secretly pleased. Originally, he thought it would be difficult to swallow the power of the Profound Emperor’s faith. Since it has already started, and it can’t be stopped, it saves him a lot of trouble.

“Kill him!” Huang Xuan drank the wine coldly, secretly suppressing the transmission of the power of faith, and fought back again. Because the transmission of faith power is unchangeable, it will only kill Yang Hao. Although the evil Heavenly Sage, the evil Demon’s Heavenly Sage, and Ji Yudi don’t know what influence the power of consumer belief has on Yang Hao, they will not allow Yang Hao to survive.

Now, they will start to soar into the sky, mad ~ cut down madly.

Although the attacks of these four people seem to be the same, the power they show is completely different.

The astonishing rainbow cut by Huang Xuan is golden brilliance, showing the unparalleled majesty of the dragon saint, and there is a voice, like the Sanskrit singing of all living things, shocking people’s hearts.

The black rainbow cut by Emperor Ji Yu had a crisscrossing aura, but it made sharp and screams, like ghosts crying, and sentient beings cursing.

Evil The rainbow cut by Demon Heavenly Sage is turbid like mist, showing a powerful tyrannical dragon, like a wild behemoth, with wild air spreading throughout the world.

The sword light of the Evil Heavenly Sage also emits a pale golden light, but the king’s breath is stronger, like a king standing on the nine heavens, bowing to the people, and letting all creatures submit.

Four powerful attacks, these four completely different breaths shocked the audience, making everyone look sideways, and the first Yang Hao felt the strong impact of these four breaths, even with a benevolent heart. The dragon’s soul turned upside down, and there was also a violent tremor.

During the operation of the word tactics, Yang Hao Zhen immediately calmed down, the dragon consciousness was moving, and the ten thousand swords in the void were true energy. The power of each lightsaber was equivalent to the peak of the supreme. The power was not weak, but in front of him. The opponent is stronger.

…For flowers…

Wan Jian went out to meet the attacks of the four Heavenly Sages. The deafening roar echoed quickly, but it could not be stopped.

In an instant, the four incomparable rainbows fell to Yang Hao like a collapsed sky. At this time, Yang Hao’s body disappeared, as if it had completely evaporated under four attacks.

The four rainbows collided violently, the void shook violently, the rainbow collapsed, and the powerful aftermath swept all around.

After a while, a shadow suddenly appeared behind Emperor Ji Yu, a wooden sword was pulled out, and immediately fell on Emperor Ji Yu’s back.

“… Emperor Ji Yu gave a cold snort, his body suddenly changed, from a human body to a hideous body, and at the same time the peach wood sword fell on his back, and his dragon attacked quickly like a snake’s tail, straight to Yang Hao.

“You’re too confident!” Without a cold drink, Taomu Jian didn’t have any power, but the flesh of his entire right arm suddenly cracked, and the blood was flying.

Then, the Taomu Sword made a harsh sound and forcibly pierced Ji Yudi’s defense and penetrated his body.

At this time, Emperor Ji Yu’s dragon tail also fell heavily on Yang Hao’s chest. Amidst the roar, Yang Hao snorted, it did not retreat. Inch,

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