Chapter 286 Outburst! Zhun Emperor Ninth Stage Heavenly Combat Power!

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The golden giant incarnation of Yang Hao became more and more majestic.

In the dark, the power of cause and effect rushed to him continuously.

Yang Hao naturally knows the source of these causal powers.

“The world owes me cause and effect.

“Now it’s time to repay some.”

Yang Hao looked indifferently, looking at the power of cause and effect coming from all directions.

He is very clear.

The curtain of the great world was opened by the goddess king and he opened it with his own hands.

In the past years, he had a strange dream in the long river of time.

That strange dream, as he now breaks through and becomes holy, he has already given birth to enlightenment.

At that time, he had a spiritual exchange with the goddess king and opened the curtain at the same time.

Therefore, whether it is Yang Hao or the goddess king, they are the ones who opened the curtain.

This result is what Yang Hao had guessed a long time ago.

Now as he collects the power of cause and effect, everything is confirmed.


Just when Yang Hao sensed that his combat power was rising crazily at this moment and was about to behead Hao Di, he suddenly looked into the distance.

There, a divine light surged to the sky.

“Goddess King?”

Yang Hao saw the soaring divine light, there was also a huge shadowless shadow.

That shadow is exactly the same as the goddess king who walked out of the undead medicine back then.

“If she came back, it would be a little troublesome.”

When the goddess king was born, he joined Jiang Wu and many people to almost behead her.

Even if there is a mysterious connection between him and the goddess king, Yang Hao is also very clear.

If the goddess king returns, there will be a battle between the two.

But it was the moment when Yang Hao was vigilant.

His eyes moved slightly, and the breath of the oncoming goddess king was clearly felt by him.

“Little girl?”

Yang Hao was a little surprised.

The silhouette and breath of this goddess king is clearly similar to that of Xiao Nun.

He transformed Xiaonan into a family, naturally it is impossible to admit his mistake.

Because of this, Yang Hao was surprised in his heart.

“It seems that the relationship between Xiao Nun Nun and the Goddess King is even more unpredictable.”

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered, and he let go of his guard.

Xiao Kuan will not pose any threat to him.

Although he didn’t know why Xiao Nuan appeared here as the goddess king at this moment, but after confirming that the visitor was a friend or not an enemy, he looked at Hao Di again.

At this time, Emperor Wu had already transformed into a scarlet divine light, rushing out of an unknowingly distant distance.

But it’s useless.

Yang Hao is now collecting cause and effect.

Yang Hao can easily trace the trail of Emperor Wu through the power of causality between the two at this moment.

“Today, kill you Ming Daoxin.

At this moment, under the power of causality, Yang Hao’s eyes were sharp, just when he was about to make a move.

The goddess king transformed into Xiaoyu Nuan has appeared around him.

Before Yang Hao could react, the goddess king hugged him directly and gradually merged.

“what’s the situation?”

Even Yang Hao was stunned at this time.

Immediately afterwards, scenes began to appear before his eyes.

Those pictures are exactly the scenes of the goddess king walking on the big star of Ziwei, while walking, while giving birth to the endless world of ancient trees, accompanied by the sound of preaching, and the scenes of enlightened practitioners.

These pictures appeared in the eyes of all the practitioners of the crape myrtle star at the moment when the goddess king and Yang Hao merged together.

“This, this 々,

“Yang Hao? How could it be him? Did he become the goddess king back then? Has the curtain opened!

“Impossible, the goddess Wang Fenming had already left Hangu Pass to the west and walked into the ancient starry sky. How could it be Yang Hao!”

“There are too many mysteries in this, but everyone in the world owes Yang Hao a great cause and effect, but there is no doubt.

“The emperor has broken through the saint, and now he is here to collect benefits.”

Voices resounded through the void.

Most of the practitioners of Ziwei Daxing are confused.

In their eyes, the grand age of the year will repeat itself again.

But the person who appeared was not the goddess king in memory, but Yang Hao walking on the big star of crape myrtle, bringing an endless world of ancient trees, and giving away the principles of Vientiane.

Such a scene is just like that dream of Yang Hao in the river of time.

At this moment, it was completely upside down.

In Yang Hao’s eyes, he saw the scene of the goddess king opening the world.

In the eyes of others, it was Yang Hao who opened the scene!

No wonder these ordinary practitioners looked around blankly.

Only the extreme powers above the sage realm are enlightened and know why they are deprived of power by causal power.

Back then, everyone thought it was the goddess king who opened the big screen, which was totally wrong!

It has always been two people who opened the big screen.

One person is the goddess king that everyone thinks.

The other person is naturally Yang Hao!

“How can the person who opened the curtain of the era be the one who destroys the world?”

“If you want to destroy the world, why do you need to open the curtain of the times?”

“I’m afraid we have misunderstood Yang Hao, this must be a conspiracy.”

“Nine Dragons pulls the coffin, I’m afraid there is no mystery inside.”

“Shengzhong Road in the coffin is not necessarily burial, it may also have other meanings.”

An extremely powerful person, at this moment, suddenly awakened like a dream, and mumbled to himself.

A person who can open the curtain of the times with his own hands, is the world destroyer?

This is totally unreasonable!

If you want to bury the avenue and destroy the crape myrtle star, why do you need to bring the great world?

Before the great world, Yang Hao was still like a broken bamboo, overwhelmed with thorns and thorns, and the rising speed far surpassed the endless evildoers.

If he wants to destroy, there is absolutely no need to do so.

The great age is not here, and quasi emperors like Emperor Wu dare not walk out at all.

They need to endure the pain of the five decays of heaven and man, so they can only quietly proclaim themselves.

Many people understand this simple truth.

The depths of the Eternal Sanctuary.

“so it is.”

“Unexpectedly, the curtain of this era turned out to be the emperor’s Daoist friend. No wonder he would confidently search for the eternal emperor that day.”

The incarnation of Emperor Hongkun said with a smile.

Although they are only incarnations, they are also in the world, and it is not surprising that they know everything.

“Wonderful, it’s a good move.”

“The world owes him such a great cause and effect, and misunderstood him so much. Isn’t this a wonderful thing that is a blessing in disguise.”

Emperor Tiandu also said with emotion.

The person who opened the curtain of the times is not an exaggeration to be called the creator of the world.

Now that people are framed as destroyers of the world, I am afraid that many people will feel guilty towards Yang Hao, and will feel ashamed of Yang Hao in the future.

not only that.

There are many hidden benefits in it, these are very clear to all the great emperors.


“It seems that this little guy will really be upset today.” The Emperor Yongsheng also said slowly at this moment.

Before Yang Hao refined the corpse of the emperor, he deliberately came to look for him, begging him to take care of the Eternal Sanctuary and help in time.

At that time, Yang Hao probably had already anticipated that there would be a situation where the whole world would attack.

Even if Yang Hao made a move and showed supreme combat power, none of the five great emperors were satisfied.

Their views are somewhat similar to those of Emperor Wu.

In their view, the more powerful Yang Hao showed, it would only bring more danger.

After all, the faster he grows, the more secrets he proves.

Not only the practitioners of Ziwei Daxing will target him, countless emperor ranking powerhouses will also fight him.

But now it’s different.

Yang Hao reclaimed the cause and effect, so that the world once again witnessed the grand occasion of that year, and the people who destroyed the world are self-defeating.

Not to mention whether there will be any hostility.

If anyone shoots against Yang Hao now, he will suffer causal backlash.

In the eyes of the incarnations of the five emperors, this is indeed a wonderful move.

But at this moment, Emperor Wu had already lost his face.

That scene naturally appeared in his eyes.

Emperor Wu had already understood that all his calculations had become empty.

“.” He had already made plans.

“It’s no wonder that if you break through the Saint Realm, you can’t wait to get out.”

“It’s not that he is stupid, it’s that I’m too stupid.

“Today, unless you escape from the big star of Ziwei, under Yang Hao’s pursuit, even if he hides in the yin and yang holy land, he will not be able to avoid disaster.

Emperor Wu’s face was embarrassed, and he couldn’t expect Yang Hao to personally open the curtain of the great world back then.

From the beginning, he had made a wrong move in this move.

This kind of cause and effect cannot be sensed or predicted by him.

Although the final cause and effect should be in his body, it is buried in it, which belongs to the extremely special cause and effect.

Knowing everything, the character of Emperor Wu is of course unwilling to sit still.

He immediately went west and headed towards Hangu Pass.

The goal is the ancient starry sky!

Yang Hao wants to kill him, and the whole crape myrtle star can’t tolerate him.

Only when he entered the ancient starry sky and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​stars, could he have a chance to save (good enough Zhao) to live.

Even so, he would lose his orthodoxy and cut off all the luck he got on the big star of Ziwei, which is tantamount to a life of nine deaths.

But the gecko’s tail is broken, and there is still a way to survive.

If you choose to stay, there is only one way to fall.

With such a choice, Emperor Wu naturally understood how to do it.

“Want to escape into the ancient starry sky?”

“It’s that easy.”

Yang Hao’s faint voice sounded.

At this moment, the golden light giant he incarnates has gathered supreme cause and effect, and his strength is already extremely powerful.

Even if Emperor Wu’s speed is as frightening, he has already reached Hangu Pass.

But it’s a pity that Yang Hao’s figure had already appeared before he entered the last step of the ancient starry sky road.


Yang Hao’s voice fell calmly.

Subsequently, the endless mighty force followed him to play the Astral Orb.

“90 Ninth Stage, Chaos Kyrgyzstan.

The celestial bead has evolved like an endless black hole in the depths of the ancient starry sky.

In an instant, they swallowed Emperor Wu!

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

The screams of Emperor Wu came.

His immortal golden body was obliterated by chaos madness.

Linghai also began to shatter!

“Ninth Stage Heavenly Fighting Power!”

Emperor Wu’s expression was miserable, and the next moment he fell while Yang Hao waved his hand.

ps: Four more should be updated after ten o’clock in the evening. Special circumstances will be notified. .

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