Chapter 263 The giant whale falls, all things live! (2/7, please customize)

In the distance, clouds are cascading.

A behemoth shuttled in between.

How big is it?

Within thousands of miles, his body was hidden in the clouds.

That is a whale.

An incredible whale.

Just so grandiose, it appeared directly in Yang Hao’s eyes.

[Received 1.86 billion points for “discovering all whales”.]

The system revenue record flickered, allowing Yang Hao to confirm his guess.

“Good vitality and luck.

When Yang Hao saw this huge whale, his eyes were shining.

This whale is really amazing.

In his eyes, constantly walking through the clouds, it is very conspicuous.

But Yang Hao is very clear that this whale of all things falls into the eyes of other practitioners, and they can’t see anything at all!

“Only people whose luck exceeds it can see this whale of all things.”

“The breath of the whale is very special, it seems that there are endless roads, but it is more of the power of the world and the power of luck.”

“It’s very strange.

“It clearly feels very powerful, but it doesn’t have any dangerous aura.”

“This kind of legendary creature seems to be able to be refined directly, and it should be able to be directly income into my prehistoric killing array.”

Yang Hao stared at this whale like a god, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he chased the whale away instantly.

Although it seems to be right in front of you, it is actually because this whale is too big.

According to Yang Hao, he is at least several million miles away from this whale.

“high speed.”

“We must seize the opportunity, suppress it, refine it, and earn it into the predators.”

Yang Hao is galloping, but this whale of all things is also swimming in the clouds.

The South China Sea is really too big, almost in just a short time, all whales have cruised far away.

Yang Hao knew that if he didn’t seize the opportunity, he couldn’t say that this whale would just slip away.

He was able to meet all whales today. Needless to say, he also knew that he was so lucky because of the atmospheric fate.


He is so fast that he can catch up with whales very easily.

When approaching the Whale of All Things, Yang Hao directly hit the Shocking Gate!


This time he walked out of the Eternal Sanctuary, he did not bring the Great Wilderness Sword, but chose the Shocking God Gate.

After all, the purpose of this visit is to capture all whales, not to kill them.

Compared with the extreme killing sword of the Great Wilderness, the Shocking God Sect, as a punishment for the Emperor Dao, is extremely powerful, and it is even stronger than the Wuya Pagoda!

With Yang Hao’s current cultivation base, facing some saints, he can even directly use the Shocking Gatekeeper to collect and enter, which is enough to see the overbearing of the Shocking God Gate.

Of course, a behemoth like a whale is not that easy.

Yang Hao is just hitting the Shocking Gate first, to try his luck.

In addition, his whole person has leaped towards the whale of all things.


At this moment, the whale that had been captured by the Shocking God gate uttered a strange cry, and the whole world seemed to begin to shake.

“not good.

In the next moment, Yang Hao moved in his heart.

The divine light that was purged from the Shocking God Gate did not capture the whales at all, but the whales directly completely resisted the divine light of Shocking Gods gate.

The Whale of All Things has already noticed Yang Hao, and it did not travel lazily above the sky again, but directly dived and fell suddenly onto the South China Sea.


All whales dive directly into the South China Sea.

“this is ”

A scene that made Yang Hao stunned appeared.

In his eyes, with the moment the whale fell.

There were no waves or waves in the vast South China Sea!

But at the moment when all whales fell into the water, land was born out of thin air on the sea!

These lands are transformed into islands with vigorous vegetation, with endless greenery in an instant.

The sky trembled!


All eyes are the power of the world!

“Is this the origin of all whales?”

When the giant whale falls, everything is born.

This legendary creature just fell into the sea from the clouds above the nine heavens, and then washed out the power of the endless world, and created a place of vitality on the entire sea surface, and everything was born on it!

“It’s amazing.

“If it can be collected and entered into my premature killing array”

Yang Hao only thought of the scene here, and his eyes flashed endlessly.

Knowing the information from the jade slip and witnessing it with your own eyes are completely different things.

He came into this world with a noble status and rising all the way. What rare treasures have not been seen?

Even the rarest Jidao Emperor Soldier in the world, he can now access several pieces at any time.

But now, in Yang Hao’s heart, there is a strong desire!

He wants to get this whale of all things!


Yang Hao almost didn’t hesitate, and headed towards the water of the South China Sea.

As he jumped into the deep sea, everything in the ocean appeared in his eyes.


Yang Hao just jumped into the deep sea, he almost instantly sensed the breath of the whale of all things, and chased it up again.

“Master, I’m afraid something is wrong.”

At this time, Yunyin’s worried voice came.

“After all whales enter the ocean floor, they seem to be getting smaller and smaller.”

“The concubine feels that it seems to be entering another world, rather than escaping in the sea.”

When Yang Hao heard Yunyin’s bystander words, his face also darkened slightly.

indeed so.

He can also sense that all whales seem to be disappearing from the bottom of the sea.

That huge body has disappeared for most of it.

But can he go there?

Yang Hao was chasing frantically on the bottom of the sea, but at the moment when he was about to catch up with the whale, his heart was shocked.

“I see.

He understood instantly.

Looking at this whale that was chased by him, Yang Hao suddenly came back to his senses.

“Avenue World!”

“It shook the power of the world, and even entered the world of the Dao.”

“It was mentioned in the emperor’s information that this legendary creature is extremely friendly to the avenue.”

“so it is.”

When Yang Hao was about to catch up with the whale of all things, he sensed a familiar breath.

That breath is exactly the similar breath he felt when he once entered the world of the Five Elements Avenue.

All whales can even enter the world of avenues.

“Trouble now.”

“Unless there is a door, you can’t continue to enter.”

“And even if there is a door, I don’t know how many avenue worlds this whale can enter.”

Yang Hao’s heart sank.

When he caught up with the Whale of All Things and shot again, the huge body of the Whale of All Things had completely entered the Dao World.

According to Yang Hao’s estimation.

It is very likely that all whales can not only enter the Dao World of Water, but also enter other Dao Worlds as well.

If this is the case, even if he finds the door of the water, he may not be able to capture all whales.


Yang Hao looked at the empty, sometimes only a few sea beasts swimming on the bottom of the sea, and couldn’t help showing regret.

He knew that it was extremely difficult for this whale to capture.

“Let’s study this whale carefully, and then let Wen Wan stare at Lin Feng.” Yang Hao made a decision.

The message that the Emperor Yongsheng left to me only mentioned the names of all whales, but the record of all whales is really vague.

After all, from the beginning, no one thought that whales of all kinds would appear.

Yang Hao can only do some investigations at the moment, and make plans after he understands the characteristics of all whales.

In addition, since Lin Feng came with gentleness and wanted to catch all whales, there must be a way.

Lin Feng was the protagonist, and Yang Hao immediately sent an order to Wen Wan to return more information to him.

“Next, let’s take a look at Tiantong Holy Land.,

Yang Hao thought for a while.

It’s a bit troublesome to go back to Eternal Sanctuary to check the information of this whale.

It just so happens that there is a big sacred place in the South China Sea, and it is the holy place that is known as the world and knows everything.

This Tiantong Holy Land is the holy land that was listed on the Tianjiao list.

According to Yang Hao’s understanding, Tiantong Holy Land claims to be able to buy all information with money.

Of course, the so-called money to buy everything does not mean real money.

As far as Tiantong Holy Land is concerned, everything is accepted.

As long as the value is in place, you can get any news if you want to know (Nuo Zhao).

This is in line with Yang Hao’s current requirements.

He just thought about it for a moment, then made a decision, and headed towards the heavenly sacred place.

With Yang Hao’s footsteps, traveling through the South China Sea is not too slow.

Not long.

Yang Hao’s figure appeared in a azure blue sea area, underneath it was the Heavenly Sacred Land.

“I have seen Saint Master Yang.”

“Sacred Master Yang is well.

“The arrival of the Immortal Holy Master is really a loss to welcome.”


Yang Hao, who had just arrived in the sky above Tiantong Holy Land and did not hide his figure, was instantly greeted by a group of figures.

With Yang Hao’s current strength and status, even if it is the Holy Land of Heaven, it is extremely humble and extremely respectful.

Among the crowds who came to greet them one after another, the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Pass Holy Land suddenly appeared.

“You’re welcome.

“I’m here, but I want to know some news slaves.”

“What’s the price?”

Yang Hao asked straightforwardly.

The Holy Master of Tiantong Holy Land did not feel strange when he heard this.

People in this world who come to seek their heavenly sacred place, in all likelihood, are seeking news.

I saw the Holy Master of Tiantong Holy Land chuckled, and said to Yang Hao: “Eternal Sanctuary, the Holy Master is here, what a price.”

“What you want to know, we will give you.”.

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