Chapter 220 Alien quasi-emperor, ancient prince, waiting to be spared? (6/7, please customize)

“Xiao Qing’er, betrayed Human Race, is it to deal with me?”

Yang Hao showed an expression of interest.

Through the spiritual saint, he already knew that the reason why there were so many corpse slaves surrounding him and wanting to capture him was because of Xiao Qing’er.

The opponent turned out to be the king of the eternal forbidden zone.

He has not forgotten the testimony of Emperor Changyu.

The kings returned and the aliens recovered.

It’s just that Yang Hao didn’t expect that this alien king would have a place in Xiao Qing’er.

“Master, I know Xiao Qing’er very well. Although she is a little arrogant, she shouldn’t be able to do anything to betray the human race.” At this time, Yunyin said to Yang Hao.

She is completely loyal to Yang Hao, naturally it is impossible to prevent Yang Hao from dealing with Xiao Qing’er, but to provide more information to facilitate Yang Hao to judge the truth.

“Of course I know.”

“She is just a trash.

“If you betray the Human Race, you still have a bit of courage.”

Yang Hao heard the words, but said to Yun Yin with a smile in his heart.

The spiritual saint told Xiao Qing’er to let the corpse slave escort Tan Lan Sheng away, and he knew that Xiao Qing’er was not really betraying the human race.

He knows a little about Lan Sheng, this person is very vigorous, is one of the most enchanting “two or six zero” since the end of the dark age, and even once compared Lan Sheng and Jiang Wu.

Such a Tianjiao has no reason to betray the Human Race and stand on the opposite side of the Human Race.

Xiao Qing’er, naturally there is no need to do this.

After all, what if the alien race recovers?

When the human race was weak, they could suppress the alien race.

Now that the human race is so powerful, who is really afraid of foreign races?

He didn’t need to think too much, he could also know that Xiao Qinger had chosen to become the king of alien races just to deal with him.

The reason why Xiao Qing’er is a trash is also because of this.

If Xiao Qing’er is cruel and completely stands on the side of a foreign race, she can’t really use the power of the foreign race to match the protagonist’s luck, which will pose a fatal threat to him.

Choosing the two ends of the first mouse will be vacillating, and the alien will not be stupid, and will definitely not help.

“Since she has set the battlefield in the Eternal Forbidden Zone, Lan Sheng is not beside her, this time she will be completely finished.” Yang Hao made a decision while hesitating.

Now that he made the decision, Yang Hao naturally no longer paid attention to Xiao Qing’er, but instead focused on another important message provided by the spiritual saint.

That day, the spiritual saint followed Xiao Qing’er secretly and hid all the way to the core of the Eternal Forbidden Zone.

Discovered the Peerless Secret.

“Wangu restricted area, will this time revive a quasi-emperor who is expected to prove the way?”

“Besides, there is an ancient prince from a foreign race who will recover.

Yang Hao showed a thoughtful look.

The quasi-emperor who is expected to prove the way through the revival of the alien race must be for the birth of an alien emperor again.

In the age of no emperor right now, if this quasi emperor is allowed to successfully prove the Dao, the consequences will be unimaginable.

“In addition, the ancient prince who is about to recover is no small matter.”

“The existence of a foreign race who can be respected as an ancient prince often represents a true push of the same generation. Whether it is a foreign race or a human race, it is impossible for anyone to defeat him.

“In a foreign race, the so-called generation does not refer to the strong peers of one’s own generation, but refers to the strong peers of the entire era. No one can do it.”

“The peerless arrogant of ancient times.

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered, but he was a little expectant.

Such Tianjiao has recovered from ancient times and has come to the present age.

Regardless of the opponent’s strength, may he fight him?

Compared with the fear of the revival of the alien quasi-emperor, Yang Hao is more looking forward to the revival of the alien prince.

“Emperor, now you will leave with me.

“Although it is a bit slow in the Yinjie Tiandi, the victory lies in safety. Unless the Emperor Zhun who controls the Dao of Insight takes action, it will never be possible to detect us.

Seeing Yang Hao gradually raised his head at this moment, the spiritual saint said with a smile as if thinking was over.

“Need not.”

“I have other plans.”

“You are very good, I have someone in my heart, and I won’t give it to you.”

“But you are qualified to be my follower. If you are willing, you can withstand the rain and dew grace by then.,

Yang Hao looked at the spiritual saint with admiration, and said casually.

He told the truth, he wanted to sever the mind of the spiritual sage, but he pityed the talent of the spiritual sage and wanted to subdue it and become his second follower.

To make Yang Hao tempted, the spiritual saint’s talent is naturally extraordinary.

This woman controls three special avenues.

Hidden Avenue!

Hades Avenue!

And Tiandi Avenue!

These three special avenues are superimposed together, allowing her to travel through the weird world of the dark world, no one in the hidden country can match, even Yang Hao has never seen her.

Only this time.

Compared with other people, Yang Hao has systematic perception, and his heart is on guard. Next time, just pay attention to the sage of the spiritual heart and he will not be able to lurk to his side.

But for other powerful people, even the sages and even the spiritual sage said, unless it is the Zhun emperor who controls the insight avenue, even the Zhun emperor cannot detect the spiritual sage.

This is why the spiritual sage is so brave that he not only dared to follow the corpse slaves in the eternal forbidden area, but also chose to stay outside the sea of ​​blood and wait for the return of Yang Hao under the riots in the eternal forbidden area.


When the spiritual sage heard the words, he blinked.

He was a little angry at first, but when he heard the words behind Yang Hao, he showed a rather satisfied look.

But as the spiritual saint entangled and said: “Although it is very attractive, I am afraid my mother will not agree.

“Well, wait for me to return to the Holy Land to discuss with my mother. If my mother agrees, I will be your follower.”

Hearing the frank words of the spiritual saint, Yang Hao was stunned for a moment.

He just asked casually, and didn’t think this spiritual saint with a strange personality would agree.

But he never thought that the Spiritual Saint was preparing to return to the Lunar Holy Land to discuss with her mother.


Yang Hao laughed and shook his head and said to the spiritual sage: “Send me out.”

Since Lingxin Sage’s mother is still alive, the other party still needs to discuss with her mother. The mother who wants to come to her is not an ordinary person, and will definitely not agree to let Lingxin Sage become his follower.

However, Yang Hao has always been grudges and grudges, if the Spiritual Saint has an enmity with him, then it will do whatever it takes.

But the other party not only has no grievances and no grudges against him, but also deliberately came to help him, and Yang Hao naturally would not force to interfere with the other party.

“Go out? The corpse slaves haven’t dispersed yet, and the news that you are going out will definitely be received by Xiao Qinger.”

“She is now the king of alien races, but there are many sages around her, which is too dangerous.”

The spiritual sage knew that Yang Hao had another plan, and did not force it.

But when he heard that Yang Hao wanted to get out of the world of overcast world, he became a little anxious.

She was telling the truth.

Although the corpse slaves from outside seemed to have been slaughtered by Yang Hao a lot, they would only increase.

“It’s okay.”

“I have my own arrangements.

“Although this overcast world is peculiar, it is not difficult for me to get out.

Yang Hao had his own plan, and naturally would not listen to the persuasion of the spiritual saint.

He is also telling the truth.

The world of overcast world, the emphasis is on concealment.

From the outside to the inside, it is extremely difficult to sense this special world hidden between heaven and earth.

But from the inside out, if you want to go out, there are too many methods you can use.

“Alright alright.

“Since the emperor has a plan, the concubine believes in you.”

“If something cannot be done, call the concubine body with a sound, and the concubine body will appear.”

Lingxin Sage said helplessly, with a sly flicker in his eyes.


Yang Hao heard this and did not refuse.

With the help of the spiritual sage, he once again walked out of the world of the underworld.

Next, a scene that made Lingxin Saint stunned appeared.

The corpse slaves in the outside world are like mountains and seas, and as Yang Hao reappears, they naturally fall into a state of incomparable madness.

But under her attention, Yang Hao exploded with terrifying strength, and instantly annihilated hundreds of remaining corpse slaves!

“What is that method?”

“The concubine body has never been seen before, it is too powerful.”

“Could it be the method created by the emperor?

“The evildoer is so talented. The emperor has not only become an emperor, he has also created such a terrifying method!”

The spiritual sage recalled that after Yang Hao had just walked out, the scene of clearing the scene like a sharp knife cut the numbness in an instant, there was a divine light in his beautiful eyes.

After seeing Yang Hao, she found that instead of disgusting each other in 3.1, she admired and admired each other more.

Only such a powerful existence is worthy of her entrustment.

“Who does he want to be his Taoist companion?”

“Maybe it’s good to be a follower first.”

Lingxin Sage murmured, but she knew that there were many legends in history that followers and their masters became Taoists.

“Kill these corpse slaves, what will the emperor do? Will you just leave?”

The spiritual sage continued to pay attention to Yang Hao with gleaming eyes, guessing what Yang Hao would do next, but never thought Yang Hao would stand with his eyes closed, waiting for something quietly in the same place!

As long as there is a corpse slave or a fierce alien beast approaching, he can easily slaughter it, his style is superb!

“Does he want to wait for Xiao Qing’er?”

The spiritual saint suddenly shakes his heart!

She instantly understood why Yang Hao didn’t leave, but waited in place!

What a great spirit!

In today’s crisis, when he knows that the alien race is recovering, Yang Hao is still so calm and unhurried, making her fascinated!

Right now.

Yang Hao, under the gaze of the spiritual sage, suddenly sacrificed a flood of killing array, attracting a piece of time and space, and instantly broke it!

Two beautiful shadows walked out immediately. .

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