Chapter 207 The emperor-level fierce beast? Candle Dragon! (7/7, please customize)

[Received 380 million points for “Discovering the Candle Dragon”.][Obtain 100 million points because of the horror of the dew.]

Looking at the system income record, Yang Hao swallowed subconsciously.

“Candle Dragon.

“How can there be a candle dragon in this world?”

He naturally knows the candle dragon!

“Beyond the Northwest Sea, to the north of Chishui, there is Zhangwei Mountain. There is a god, with a human face and a snake body, red, straight eyes and straight eyes. It is the candle nine yin, it is the candle dragon.”

In his memory, there is a record about the candle dragon!

It’s just that the description in the memory is naturally completely different from the giant candle dragon that looks like a world in front of me.

But there are similarities!

Its gaze is obscurity, its vision is lucid, no food and no sleep, wind and rain are greedy!

When you open your eyes, the sky changes, and when you close your eyes, it changes to night.

No water, no meals, no rest.

It’s cold winter when you breathe in, and it’s hot summer when you breathe out.

This candle dragon is so huge that he can’t distinguish the body of the opponent!

Although inhaling and exhaling are not changing seasons, they shatter space and time!

“Although they are not the same, there are similarities.”

“Emperor-level fierce beast?”

Yang Hao’s eyes changed, looking at the huge head, there was no panic, but rather calmly thinking about how to solve the dilemma in front of him!

There is no doubt that this is the first time he confronts the existence of the Great.

The opponent was so powerful that even Jiang Wu couldn’t solve it.

He was silent for a moment, but his eyes flickered more and more.

Fudo Mingwang’s state of mind made him extremely calm at this moment.

“You can’t go, auntie.”

“If I expected it to be correct, the broken time and space in the Eternal Forbidden Zone does not know why the time secret realm connected to it should be in the body of this great emperor-level beast.”

“The fallen guy blew himself up on the road just now, thinking that it stung this great emperor-level beast. A sneeze from the other party knocked us out of the time secret realm in his body.”

“Here is an unknowable place.”

“Even, we may no longer be above the star of Ziwei.”

“I can’t sense the crape myrtle luck and Eternal Sanctuary luck on my body.”

Yang Hao squinted his eyes and looked in all directions.

Here, the spiritual energy is thin, and the world is constantly changing with the blink of the candle dragon.

It is impossible to tell where this is, or even if it is still above the big star of Ziwei.

What really made Yang Hao sure was that his luck was mostly gone!

When Jiang Wu heard the words, she understood in an instant.

“You mean…々,”

She instantly clarified Yang Hao’s guess.

“Yes. There is only one way at the moment.”

“It is through the huge mouth of this great emperor-level beast to return to the time secret realm.

“Return to the Eternal Forbidden Zone from the time secret realm in its body.

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered, looking at the open mouth of the blood basin at that time.

There is no doubt that this is a life and death adventure.

If the candle dragon did not close its mouth when flying into it, then they would be able to return to the candle dragon’s body.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Yang Hao’s guess is correct.

“Wait for me to figure it out.”

Jiang Wu also gradually calmed down. Although Yang Hao was very close to the truth, she still prepared to deduct it just in case.

A moon-white jade plate spinning appeared in Ge Ran on her head.

Huiguang fell one after another.

There was endless light flashing in Jiang Wu’s eyes.

“Hao’er, try it.”

“Your guess is correct in all likelihood.”

Jiang Wu looked at Zhulong’s mouth, unusually nervous.

The result of her deduction is as Yang Hao guessed, they are indeed not above the big star of Ziwei.


Yang Hao also became nervous.

Whether it was Jiang Wu or him, they had already observed the law of opening and closing of the blood basin for a while.

But they found that there is no law in it.

It seems that the big mouth of the blood basin is just a pleasure, uh, smack your lips.

Then, the murder of the saint’s fall happened.


Jiang Wu was also very decisive, holding Yang Hao’s hand, and the two men headed towards the blood basin with Dishan on their heads.

“not good.

“Sister, stop now.”

At this moment, Yang Hao suddenly sweated coldly.

He suddenly sensed the big sun-like eye pupil on the mouth of the blood basin, and looked over.

This candle dragon has found them!

Yang Hao instantly remembered that the candle dragon could not eat and sleep.

From the beginning, they have been exposed under the eyelids of the candle dragon!

Jiang Wu’s figure suddenly stopped, and a drop of crystal clear sweat appeared on her forehead.

“I hold it.

“You seize the opportunity.”

Things happened that Yang Hao didn’t expect.

Jiang Wu suddenly exploded with a terrifying aura, separated from Yang Hao directly, and headed to the other side!


Yang Hao’s face changed.

Did not expect Jiang Wu to be so decisive.


“My dragon son’s son?”

But just as Yang Hao was extremely anxious, suddenly a dull but majestic voice rang in Yang Hao’s ears.

next moment.

He only felt light.

Soft and full!

Jiang Wu, who had already flown extremely far away from him, appeared in his arms in an instant, but he seemed to have lost consciousness!


There was a flower in front of Yang Hao’s eyes.

He held Jiang Wu who had fainted and appeared in a place with extremely strong spiritual energy.

“. “Where is this?”

“The crape myrtle luck and the holy land luck have returned.”

“It should be back to the big star of Ziwei.

“No, I was still in the Light Secret Realm at that time.”

Yang Hao held the fainted Jiang Wu, and as soon as Fang appeared, he felt all kinds of feelings instantly.

This place is similar to the breath in the previous time mystery.

But did not see those fainted saints.

“Yun Yin?”

Yang Hao tried to call Yunyin, but found that Yunyin did not respond.

In desperation, Yang Hao can only look at the current situation first.


Yang Hao’s eyes flashed, and he found that the place he was at this time was an altar.

Above the altar, there is a golden dragon swimming constantly, sometimes turning into a perfect sphere.

[Because of “Discovering the Dragon Ball of Candles”,” he won 250 million points. 】

The system’s income record instantly reveals the origin of the dragon ball on the altar.

“Candle Dragon Ball”

“Could it be that Candle Dragon deliberately teleported me here?”

Yang Hao’s eyes moved.

Suddenly, I remembered the sound that rang in my ears before.

The voice spoke of Erlang of the Dragon Clan.


Yang (Li’s) Hao thought for a while before finally remembering.

In the past, he had refined a sacred dragon scale in the Wanlong Dojo, after refining, he had the opportunity to advance to become a dragon god body.

But in the end, because of the addition of the system, it merged into the reincarnation god body.

“Could it be that you mistakenly recognized my divine body and treated me as a dragon?”

Yang Hao can only think of it in this way, and he can explain the matter clearly.

“In that case, I’m not welcome.”

In all directions, only this altar exists.

Yang Hao looked at the candle dragon ball. Although he didn’t know the effect, he knew that it was mostly the candle dragon gave it to him.

He naturally did not hesitate to collect the candle dragon ball above.

Spiritual power surged out one after another.

next moment.

The golden little dragon that the candle dragon ball turned into was incredibly submissive and was brought into the sea of ​​spiritual energy by Yang Hao.

“this is?”

Yang Hao had just collected this golden dragon into his body, but his eyes were staring.

This golden little dragon went in an unexpected direction.

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