Chapter 195 Into the robbery! The body of God is in decline, the body is declining! (2/7, please customize)

“The emperor actually wants to break through the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man!

“Really? Isn’t the emperor the holy lord of heaven? Why go through the nine calamities of heaven and man.”

“I don’t know, maybe the emperor wants to sharpen his character.”

“The emperor’s character is extremely good and strong. Maharaja Longshan has survived the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man. As the Holy Lord of Heaven, it is understandable that he wants a higher and lower mood.

“It’s true, it’s just that the strength of the emperor is lower. The Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man still have requirements for the realm.”

“Could it be that you have forgotten the battle power of the emperor?”

Voices of discussion sounded.

The Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, as the test of the Eternal Sanctuary, is very important.

Yang Hao was about to break into the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, and in a flash, he alarmed the high level of Eternal Sanctuary.

Not only the high-levels of Eternal Sanctuary, many disciples and elders of Eternal Sanctuary also got news one after another and went to the land of the nine calamities of heaven and man, forming an unprecedented grand occasion.

Yang Hao at this moment looked at a familiar divine door in front of him, his eyelids twitched slightly, a little speechless.

“Here is the entrance to the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man?”

“Are all the secret lands in Eternal Sanctuary an extremely imperial soldier?”

When he caused the imperial soldiers to shake before, he gave birth to such a conjecture. He did not expect that the entrance to the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man was actually the “two or four zeros” of the extremely imperial soldiers, which made Yang Hao deeply impressed with these great emperors. The evil taste.

“It just happened to happen to you.

“go in.

“If you can’t get through it, just give up silently in your heart.”

“It’s just that the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man is not a place to wait,-once you give up and want to enter again, it will take a hundred years.”

Jiang Wu said to Yang Hao seriously.

Yang Hao had already informed Jiang Wu of the information that the Last Eternal Soul had told him before. Jiang Wu helped him analyze it and supported Yang Hao’s choice.

But Jiang Wu was also not at ease.

Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, it’s difficult!

Even if she was the one who lived through the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, it was a lifetime of nine deaths, and almost fell in it.

“It’s a pity, the nine tribulations of heaven and man are endless, and my experience can’t bring any effect to Hao’er.” Jiang Wu watched Yang Hao walk into it without hesitation, and shook his head regretfully.

“Girl Jiang, how many calamities can you say to the little guy?”

At this moment, a figure appeared beside Jiang Wu, who was Qin Sheng.

“In my opinion, up to the seventh calamity at most.”

“Perhaps it is also the sixth calamity. Although this little guy has the highest strength and talent in this era, in the end, his cultivation time is too short, and his xinxing test is not enough. It is impossible to be as good as Maharaja Longshan.” At this time, Gulong Sheng also appeared next to Qin Sheng.

“I believe him.” Jiang Wu was actually a little worried when he heard the words.

What Gu Longsheng said is very reasonable. The Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man naturally have tests and teachings on cultivation and talent, but the most important thing is the test of xinxing.

Yang Hao’s xinxing is not bad, but his shortcomings are obvious, and his practice time is too short.

For a hundred years, for a powerful practitioner, it is just a passing moment.

In the eyes of many Eternal Sanctuary experts, it is a matter of time for Yang Hao to pass the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man.

But now, it is too difficult.

Rao is so, Jiang Wu still believes that Yang Hao will create miracles again.

Yang Hao naturally didn’t care about the disturbance of the outside world. At this time, he directly stepped into the Shocking God Gate, had already passed through spatial fluctuations, and was teleported to the secret realm.

“Some meaning, this is not an ordinary secret realm.”

“It’s more like a world made up of overlapping divine formations.”

After teleporting and entering from the Shocking God Gate, Yang Hao sensed some familiar auras.

This feeling is very much like the core of the real world in the hundred thousand mountains back then.

“Master, be careful.”

“This is indeed composed of various divine formations, but it is not the sea of ​​divine formations in the real world, here is more of the phantom divine formations.”

“Moreover, there are countless evolutions in the phantom array here, even if I want to crack it with my knowledge, it will take thousands of years.”

Yunyin’s voice reminded.

“Illusory God Formation?”

Yang Hao murmured to himself, the magical array is a variant of the magical array, which is mainly based on illusion and affects the people in the magical array.

But he didn’t intend to crack it either.

This is the Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man, and the handwriting is all laid down by the great emperor. It is not a great emperor yet. It is strange that Yunyin can crack it in a short time.

Just as Yang Hao was taking the picture of this world, the next moment one after another illusion appeared.

In an instant, a fat figure appeared opposite Yang Hao.

In all directions, the sky was clear and the wind was clear, and it was extremely empty.

“Little guy, as long as you kill me, you can count on it.”

The plump fat figure looked at Yang Hao and said with a smile.

“Beheaded?” Yang Hao looked at the figure of the fat man on the opposite side, and found that the other side was blooming with a terrifying aura, which was the peak of the giant realm.

You don’t need to think too much to know that it was transformed with his realm.

“If it’s just like this, it’s not difficult.

Yang Hao looked at the fat figure on the opposite side, he was invincible in the same realm, and even the emperor had to bow his head in front of him.


At the next moment, Yang Hao’s complexion changed slightly.

“My God Body”

At the moment when he was about to take a shot, he felt that his divine body seemed to be transformed into the most ordinary flesh and blood.

His breath is declining crazily.

“Has it turned into a mortal body?

Yang Hao muttered to himself, a little troublesome.

Fortunately, it’s just that the divine body disappeared. Although some are not used to it, the problem of horizontal pressure is not big.

“Master, the phantom array here is very strange. Your divine body is emptied. With your current body, I can’t fit with you.”

At this moment, another bad news came.

As the divine body disappeared, Yunyin was unable to merge with him.

You know, once Yunyin fits with him, he can at least improve the strength of a great realm.

“It’s okay.”

“Is this the five failures of heaven and man?”

“It should be because of body failure.”

Yang Hao didn’t panic, he remembered the reminder of the emperor’s last soul.

The Nine Tribulations of Heaven and Man have endless changes, and there is no normal state, but they are inseparable from their ancestry.

“Hehe, the little guy, is this true body failure?”

“It’s just the beginning.”

“It’s better to beat me as soon as possible, otherwise you will understand what is true body failure.”

But at this moment, the fat man on the opposite side smiled again, jokingly.

He seemed to be able to listen to Yang Hao’s heart, and directly said Yang Hao’s heart.

And since his appearance until now, Fatty is not busy fighting Yang Hao, and he is even happy to see Yang Hao stay here.

“Then fight.”

Yang Hao frowned, but already felt the meaning of the fat man’s words.

Not only his divine body began to disappear, but even his blood and Dao lines began to drain and wither gradually.

This feeling makes Yang Hao very uncomfortable

Therefore, he directly and decisively shot, and the sea of ​​supernatural power surged out.

Like thunder on the ground, killing the fat figure on the opposite side.

“So strong.”

Yang Hao squinted his eyes, and he sacrificed the flood killing formation and the magical sea at the same time.

But he didn’t expect that the fat figure on the opposite side of the same realm as him was not directly killed by him.

“Then come again.

Yang Hao felt that his physical body was still declining, and this had a full impact on him.

The physical body is one of the most basic foundations. Once the divine body disappears, every one of his killings will be greatly reduced.

So he has to fight quickly!

But the other party is not weak at all!

It can even be said that it is the strong existence of the giant realm!


Yang Hao simply summoned the Five Elements Avenue directly, and annihilated the opponent’s figure in an instant.


“It’s very expensive.

Although the opponent’s figure is annihilated, the scene changes, which means that Yang Hao has passed the first catastrophe.

But Yang Hao frowned.

When the Five Elements Avenue had just annihilated the other party, he could sense that he had the illusion of being drained instantly because of the absence of the support of the divine body.

Without the support of the divine body, it is too awkward.

“The second calamity, what will it be?”

“My physical body is still the same, the divine body has not returned.”


Yang Hao watched the scene change in front of him, but his divine body did not change at all, his brow furrowed deeper.

Only in the second calamity, he had already realized the horror of the nine calamities of heaven and man.


“Don’t be lazy, dig for Laozi!”

“If you can’t dig out a hundred gods, don’t want to leave here alive!”

At this moment, Yang Hao heard a fierce scolding!

Yang Hao raised his brows and found himself suddenly wearing a dirty gray cloth linen, holding a pickaxe in his hand.

“Ping Pong!”

“Ping pong!”


Around him, there was a bustling hustle and bustle, and a group of men, women and children dressed as him, all mechanically holding the manuscript and waving at the ancient mine not far away from 3.1.

And the scolding person is very familiar.

He was dressed in exquisite leather clothes, and his face was full of flesh and blood. He was the fat man who had just been killed by him.


“What are you doing in a daze! Quickly dig for Laozi!”

At this moment, Yang Hao heard the fat man’s cold annoyed voice.

A whip shadow flew horizontally!

Yang Hao’s eyes were cold.

The whip shadow flew across in an instant, and the fat man was wiped out in an instant.

But the next moment.

The scene changes again.


“Don’t be lazy, dig for Laozi!”

“Unable to dig out”

Everything returned to the original state, and the fat man who had just been beheaded instantly appeared in the distance, and screamed again mechanically.

At the same time, Yang Hao felt the speed of his physical exhaustion, which was faster than before.


“This second catastrophe, is it for me to dig the source of the gods?”

“If this guard is killed, the rate of physical decline will accelerate again.”

Only in an instant, Yang Hao understood what the second kalpa was going to do.


When the guard’s whip shadow lashed at him again.

Yang Hao had no expression on his face, but he didn’t hesitate to move slightly, killing this fat man again!

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