Chapter 188 Jiang Wu is out of customs! Dao sages!

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The upper one cuts out.

This time, the great sacred places came together, not as murderous as the last time, but simply in support of the Heavenly Sage.

Eternal Sanctuary was unwilling to let Yang Hao step out to fight with the Heavenly Sage Saint, naturally because he was afraid that Yang Hao would be defeated and destroyed his invincible aura.

Once the invincible aura of a cultivator is broken, it is very likely that he will stand still and even be decadent for a lifetime.

Especially with Yang Hao’s extremely arrogant character, what will happen after the defeat can already be predicted.

But for them, they are happy to see it happen!

“This holy monarch, I heard that the emperor chased and killed the imperial sage, and he did not hesitate to lose a heroic deed of destroying the Dao Sect. Today, if the emperor can defeat the Sage, he will offer a Destroy Dao Sect with both hands.”

“Of course, if the emperor is defeated, this saint will not ask too much.”

“In the past, the saint’s fiancé seemed to have an ancient ring taken by the emperor, and it only needs to be returned.”

At this moment, after the arrival of the strong from the major sacred places, the sage of Tianjun, who had regained his confidence, spoke again, and his voice resounded through the Eternal Sanctuary.

He once again pointed the words to Yang Hao’s failure in chasing and killing the saint of Yuhua in the past, and he paid a heavy price to stimulate Yang Hao.

But the voice fell to the ground, and there was still no response.

Only the sage-level powerhouses of Eternal Sanctuary were cold-eyed, releasing a powerful aura to oppress the Heavenly Sage.

“It seems that the emperor was indeed extremely injured by the imperial sage back then, so he didn’t want to go out.

“It’s a pity, the invincible emperor has already been injured in the Dao World Dao Xin, and is unable to fight anymore.

“Tianjun saint, still don’t be aggressive. When the emperor walks out in the future, he should find you personally and have done a game.”

The holy masters of these sacred places lightly dissolved the powerful aura of Eternal Sanctuary, and a series of indifferent voices also rang, seeming to be helping Yang Hao to speak, but in fact they were openly praised and secretly criticized.

230 Yang Hao hadn’t walked out yet, which surprised them very much.

But it is not important.

Even if Yang Hao couldn’t bear to walk out, today’s matter will soon spread throughout the world.

People say it is terrible. From now on, once the Emperor is mentioned, the Heavenly King Saint will always be a mountain that he can’t go around, and his reputation will be much weaker.


“It seems that the emperor is nothing more than that.”

At this time, Tianjun Sage shook his head regretfully, a little disappointed.

The world shook suddenly.

“In the past few years, you still don’t seem to have an upswing memory.”

A lazy and indifferent voice rang, white clothes fluttering, and a goddess walked out.

“Wu Jiang!”

“How did she show up? Isn’t she retreating?”

“This female Demon head”

The voices looked at the figure of the goddess, and their faces became ugly.

All of these goddesses are naturally the majestic Jiang Wu.

She walked out of the virtual space at this moment, her bright eyes were like stars, and everyone’s expressions were captured in her eyes.

“The universe, yin and yang, good fortune”

“All come out, this saint has fought with you today.”

“Jiang Shou, Jiang Jue, the more you live, the more you go back.”

“Dare to come to the gate of the Holy Land to be presumptuous, where is there so much nonsense, just kill it directly, why worry?”

Jiang Wu didn’t pay attention to so much, but a few words were extremely killing!

Not only will he directly fight against the holy masters of these great holy places, but even reprimand the great elders and the second elders.

In front of the door presumptuously, he killed it directly!

Regardless of identity!

How domineering!

“(Bcdb) Jiang Wu, you are a sage, how can you surrender your status and wait for a battle with me.” Sage Master Qiankun said with a bad expression on his face at this moment.

When they saw Jiang Wu walk out, they felt bad.

Today, the Heavenly King Saint came to challenge Yang Hao, it was the result of calculations by all parties.

They naturally calculated that Jiang Wu, the protector of Yang Hao, was practicing in retreat at the moment, and he would definitely not show up before letting the Heavenly Sage Saint go out.

But Jiang Wu appeared!

This domineering woman never calculates anything, she just goes straight.

If the weaker dared to do this, they would have been crushed to death countless times.

But they are so powerful that they are in the realm of sages like Jiang Wu, they will only have a headache!

The Eternal Sanctuary Great Elder and others will at least have concerns and weigh one or two.

Jiang Wu won’t!

She will really do it!

A few years ago, no one would have thought that she would carry a group of holy ranks across the holy land!

Not only that, in that battle Jiang Wu broke out a shocking cultivation base, which completely shocked everyone.

Sage Master Qiankun was right. Now Jiang Wu is not in the same world with them.

Her invitation to fight like this is completely surrendered!

“Self-surrendered status?”

“You rely on the strong to bully the weak and provoke Haoer. Haven’t you thought about this problem?”

“Are you a heavenly sage?”

“With a little chance of sesame, I dare to be so crazy.”

“If you take this holy sword without dying, you will spare your offense today.”

Jiang Wu said lightly, but the killing intent was to press against the Heavenly Sovereign Saint, with a contemptuous tone.

When the voice fell, Tianjun Saint’s face changed drastically.

When he saw Jiang Wu’s appearance, his heart suddenly jumped.

“Great sage, calm down!”

“There is a misunderstanding.”

“I don’t have any gap with the emperor, just come with sincerity, wanting to settle the cause and effect.”

Heavenly King Saint had never seen Jiang Wu, such a majestic goddess. Before he could think about it, Jiang Wu was about to kill him. A feeling of numb scalp enveloped him, he immediately said hurriedly.

He even called out Jiang Wu’s honorary name, which is rarely known by anyone.


Jiang Wu’s honorific title is also overbearing to the extreme.

She has never mentioned it to Yang Hao. Few people call Jiang Wuzun when walking in the world, but more by the name of the Holy Lord or the taboo.

Without it.

It is really the honorable name of Dadao, which is also too ostentatious.

Even for many practitioners, it is even more terrifying than Yang Hao’s emperor!

Taking the avenue as the name, bears too much, even if it is called a taboo, it is considered a taboo.

With Jiang Wuzun’s title, it is enough to see Jiang Wu’s domineering back then!

“Sages of the Great Avenue?”

“Auntie, it’s no wonder you never said it.”

“Just by calling it, I felt my heart sway, and there was a feeling of dark clouds pressing down on the city.”

“It makes Hao’er an eye-opener.”

At this time, a chuckle came suddenly, making Jiang Wu who was about to make a move.

The person who came was naturally Yang Hao, riding Su Qing flying under him.

Beside him, Xiao Yinnan and Liu Yan accompanied him.

He came slowly by Su Qing, and did not pay attention to the attention cast from all directions.

The gate from Shaking Light Immortal Peak to Eternal Sanctuary is not far, but it is not close either.

After hearing the provocation of Tianjun saint, he didn’t pay attention to it, and even bothered to pay attention to it.

However, Yang Hao became interested after hearing the call of the sage Tianjun the second time.

A ruined door is worth it.

That’s why he came here slowly, but he never wanted to see Jiang Wu leaving the customs, and a big show was about to be staged.

What interests Yang Hao more is Jiang Wu’s honorable name.

With the avenue as the name, his ambition is no worse than him.

My aunt is also a wonderful person.

No wonder I asked Jiang Wu for the road number, but Jiang Wu smiled mysteriously and did not respond.


“Why did you get here? Let’s go to rest and recuperate.”

“This matter is left to my aunt to solve it.”

Jiang Wu was also taken aback at this moment, never expecting Yang Hao to appear at this moment, showing a helpless look at Yang Hao’s jokes.

She immediately looked at Yang Hao with concern and said.

When Yang Hao returned, she was in retreat.

But all Yang Hao’s information, she closely followed.

Regarding Yang Hao’s chasing and killing in the Dao World, Jiang Wu certainly didn’t believe it.

Jiang Wu knew that Yang Hao had the Wuya Pagoda, so it was not surprising that the imperial sage returned from the world of the great avenue to the sacred place of good fortune. She even worried that the flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple, and secretly took back the strong who prepared to kill the imperial sage.

However, the day’s punishment came a few days ago, which made Jiang Yaowu very worried.

She is worried that Yang Hao is really losing in the Dao World, otherwise, how could it lead to God’s punishment?

Because of this, Jiang Wu was uneasy and didn’t even have the mind to practice retreat.

If it were not for Yang Hao, no one would accept the visit, Jiang Wu had already gone to see Yang Hao in person.

When Yang Hao appeared at this moment, her domineering face just became extremely soft in an instant, making Tianjun Sage dumbfounded, and an inexplicable jealousy appeared in her heart.

He also saw Yang Hao’s figure.

Although it does have a good skin, it does not have any special features, and the aura on his body is not strong, even restrained, as if he was injured unhealed.

What made Tianjun Saint unbalanced was that Jiang Wu, who was just now domineering, immediately changed his attitude, which made him feel incredible.


“I heard that someone would send me a door of destruction, so I came to have a look.”

Yang Hao said to Jiang Wu in a casual tone.


“That’s good.”

“Since Hao’er has said everything, Tianjun, you will surrender the Dao Sect and spare your life today.

His words stunned everyone.

Originally, everyone thought Yang Hao was because Jiang Wu and Yang Hao deliberately acted this way to suppress Tianjun Saint.

But I didn’t expect that listening to the meaning of the two people’s words, it was clearly like a chance encounter.


At this time, after seeing Yang Hao, the sage Tianjun was inexplicably suffocated in his chest, and a cold voice came.

“If you can beat me, give it to you and give it to you.

“Why do I challenge my door today, but I still have to be looted by your Eternal Sanctuary?”

His words contained anger.

In the past few years, he has walked out of the Taikoo Forbidden Zone, and the light is so bright, has he ever been so humiliated?

He came today to destroy the position of the main star of the avenue, not to stretch out his face and be trampled by others!

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