Chapter 185 Extreme Tribulation Thunder! The Secret of the Supreme Immortal Bone! (6/7, please customize)

Shaking Light Immortal peak, Liu Yan, Su Qing, and Xiao Yinyin all appeared one after another, watching the phenomena of heaven and earth evolve into heaven and punishment.

Except for the innocent little girl, the other two women showed a worried look.

God’s punishment rarely appears.

Once it appears, it will be incomparably violent, and you will never stop if you don’t kill the attractant!

At the moment of Shaking Light Immortal Peak, besides them, there is only Yang Hao alone.

Naturally, there is no suspense for people who can attract God’s punishment.

Yang Hao, who was in retreat, was smiling at this moment, and didn’t seem to realize that God’s punishment was coming.

“Unexpectedly, you can really break through to the extreme and control the Five Elements Avenue.”

He was also very shocked.

In fact, the more he practiced and realized, the more Yang Hao felt that it was extremely difficult to control the Dao.

Even if he has reached the extreme of the law, he is constantly inviting to swim in the endless five elements with his shocking comprehension, but the closer he feels to the road, the more distant he feels.

According to Yunyin’s words, it is the rule of the Tao, and it is the epiphany.

Able to reach the extreme of the law is actually considered qualified.

Entering the world of avenues through the door is only the opportunity to get the flash of light with the help of the extremely rich avenue environment.


What Yang Hao didn’t expect at all was that when he was still confused about how to transform the law into Tao, after suddenly converging the Five Elements Law on this day, he sensed the movement of the supreme Immortal bone in his body.

Then, unexpected things happened.

His already ultimate Five Elements Principle has been directly transformed into Tao.

Without any tangerines, without any difficulties, naturally, as if it were a natural fit, it turned into a avenue.

This feeling made Yang Hao himself a little unbelievable.

It is said that the evolution of a good road is as difficult as reaching the sky?

What is said to be an opportunity for an epiphany?

Why do you need to directly evolve the law into a great road without requiring anything at all?

Yang Hao’s eyes shrank sharply as he sensed the changes in his body.

There is an incomparably powerful force that comes from the source of the Five Elements Law, and it is continuously poured into his sea of ​​auras, causing a qualitative change in his sea of ​​auras.

At the same time, the Honghuang Killing Array was also sensational, and lifelike auras were born.

The entire Flood Killing Array has become very alive under the nourishment of the source of the Five Elements Principle!

“Supreme Immortal Bone.”

Yang Hao made a sensation in his heart.

His mind kept calculating frantically, and finally remembered why he made a breakthrough without any hindrance.

“Is it the function of the Supreme Immortal Bone?”

In Yang Hao’s memory, it was after his Five Elements Rule reached its extreme that it seemed to touch the Supreme Immortal’s bone, causing him to instantly get rid of the tangerine.

Turned out the system income records.


Records appeared faithfully in Yang Hao’s eyes.

[Achieved 120 million points due to “comprehension of the Five Elements Principle”.][Because the supreme Immortal bone is touched, it breaks through the orange’ and gets 200 million points. 1

[Achieved 300 million points for the “Road of Law Evolution”.]

Yang Hao looked at the record, his eyes glowed and his heart vibrated!

He couldn’t help but face the supreme Immortal bone in his body.

This supreme Immortal bone has been occupying the most central position in his body ever since he came into this world.

Even after the birth of the Sea of ​​Auras, the Prestigious Killing Array came into being, and the law crystals appeared, and it was impossible to seize the most central position of the Supreme Immortal Bone in the Sea of ​​Auras.

For a long time, the role of the Supreme Immortal Bone had been subconsciously ignored by him.

Is Supreme Immortal bone useful?


In the past, he condensed the divine body, and among them was the supreme understanding divine body unparalleled in the world, and the true Immortal divine body was brought by the supreme Immortal bone.

In other words, his understanding is so terrible now that it is all played by the Supreme Immortal Bone.

It just confuses Yang Hao.

The Supreme Immortal bone can be upgraded.

As he has more and more points now, he can get hundreds of millions of points when he moves. The original horrible upper limit of the Supreme Immortal bone was already filled to the extreme by him, and there is no way to upgrade it.

But what made Yang Hao regret was that no matter how much he added to the Supreme Immortal bone, it had no effect.

It seems that the Supreme Immortal Bone has no effect except to provide the blessing of understanding.

Now, on top of the system’s income records, it is extremely clear that the roots of the evolution of his own laws have been written.

It is because the Supreme Immortal bone is touched!

“Can it only be touched once, or can every avenue pass through the Supreme Immortal Bone and directly ignore the strange orange breakthrough?”

At this time, Yang Hao gave birth to a more wild mind.

If this is the case, he can use the Dao of Destiny reasonably to make him feel the Dao of Destiny.

“Not in a hurry.”

“The law of fate is supreme and mysterious.”

“Wait another test. If the Supreme Immortal Bone can really ignore the pity of the law of evolution, then I can consider using the Dao of Destiny.”

“But at least it must condense the crystallization of fate, and then enter the door of fate.”

At this moment, Yang Hao thought of the law of fate through the Supreme Immortal bone.

After all, he had previously decided that the ninth law of the giant state perception was decided as the law of destiny.

Naturally, always thinking.

“Master, the avenue will evolve.”

“But there is a vision of heaven and earth.

At this time, Yunyin reminded.

Yang Hao immediately turned his mind, he naturally sensed the arrival of the heaven and earth vision in an instant.

“It’s not Xiangrui, but Heaven’s Punishment?”

“Yunyin, is it because I ignore the realm tethering rules and control the avenue in the giant realm?”

Hearing Yang Hao’s questioning, Yunyin said slowly after being silent for a while: “I don’t know the concubine body.

“After all, my concubine has never heard of a giant that can evolve into a big way.”

Yunyin’s knowledge and knowledge is indeed unheard of.

She didn’t know what was going on just now, why did she clearly feel that her master didn’t even have a sign of epiphany, and the Five Elements Rule instantly began to evolve into a great road.


“After bathing so many auspicious visions, let’s go and experience this day’s vision of punishment.”

“Looking at this posture, if you don’t get through this natural punishment, it’s impossible to evolve into a big way.

Yang Hao has already sensed at this moment that as the punishment comes down, the source of the law that is evolving in his body begins to slow down, as if the time has been released by someone to slow down.

He knew very well that the sudden appearance of the punishment was the last stumbling block on his evolution to the Five Elements Avenue.


The terrifying thunder, turned into blazing white, and kept jumping.

At this time, it fell crazy!

“Extreme Road Tribulation Thunder!”

“How can the Extreme Tribulation Thunder appear?”

“Who motivated this heavenly punishment? What kind of violent deeds did they do?”

Such a big movement was naturally seen by the old monsters lurking in the Eternal Sanctuary in an instant.

They walked out one after another, looking at the Shaking Light Immortal Peak far away, not daring to approach it.

Yes, I dare not come close.

No matter what the realm of the strong, once close to the heavenly punishment, it will attract the terrible heavenly punishment that can destroy the corresponding realm.

Heaven’s punishment is now punishment from heaven and earth, and no one can help.

Offenders, kill them together!

When they saw Yang Hao’s figure appear under the Extreme Tribulation Thunder, they became even more confused.

As we all know, Yang Hao is the main star of the Great Dao.

Just when everyone frowned watching Yang Hao was about to be killed by Heaven’s Punishment.

A scene that surprised everyone appeared.

The sky, which was originally densely clouded, began to slowly dissipate!

The extreme thunder thundering vision that had been brewing for a long time began to crumble and disappear at the moment it was about to fall!

“What’s happening here?

“I don’t know, I have never seen it before.”

“Why did the emperor attract the punishment of heaven, and the punishment of heaven took the initiative to disperse?”

Everyone looked at Yang Hao confusedly, and Yang Hao also looked dumbfounded at this moment.

He had just walked out and was ready to meet the punishment.

But watching the robbery thunder in the sky dissipate, the momentum that was originally ready to go can only gradually dissipate.

It is naturally impossible for Yunyin to know what happened.

Yang Hao could only use the old method and looked at the system income records.

[Received 150 million points for “discovering the extreme thunder-thundering vision”.]


[Achieved 200 million points for “Extreme Immortal Bone Touch”.][Achieved 300 million points for the “Road of Law Evolution”.]


After Yang Hao saw the system’s income record, his face became weird again.

“Is it because of the Supreme Immortal Bone again?”

“It seems that the role of this Supreme Immortal Bone is much stronger than I thought.”

“When my aunt dug the Supreme Immortal bone for me in the past years, she would never expect that the Supreme Immortal bone would change like this today.”

He laughed.

The supreme Immortal bone in his body is naturally not what it used to be, but after countless upgrades, he has advanced to become the most complete supreme Immortal bone.

Perhaps, there is this supreme Immortal bone.

He can easily break through the avenue, and he can also evade the punishment at the same time, right?

Yang Hao just made a simple guess and started to pay attention to his body.

At this moment, after the law of five elements dissipated, the Dao gradually evolved and succeeded.

Seeing the original source of the Five Elements Principle in the body turned into a shining, colorful river, endless truths came out of it, and Yang Hao instantly realized it, and suddenly became enlightened.

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