Chapter 179 Trading at a loss? Enter the world of avenues! (7/7, ask for customization)

“Blast Avenue?”

“Can’t chase?”

Yang Hao frowned and muttered to himself, he naturally knew that the imperial sage blew himself up!

Before he fought against the imperial sage, the biggest obstacle was that the opponent attacked and killed him on the Avenue of Evolution.

The gap between the avenue and the law is like a dimensionality reduction blow.

When the imperial sage urges the avenue once, he needs to use the power of the law hundreds or thousands of times to offset it, which is why he cannot crush the imperial sage like he crushed the ancient sword saint.

But now the imperial saint blew himself up on the main road and was definitely seriously injured. Now is the best time to hunt down her.

But Jiang Wu told Yang Hao that he couldn’t hunt down.

Yang Hao naturally knew that Jiang Wu would never refuse his request.

Since Jiang Wu said that he could not be chased, there must be a reason-.

“Little guy, you are only a giant, and you don’t know much about Dao.”

“The implosion of the avenue by the imperial sage did not explode the space and escape from the space.”

“It was broken through her avenue, instantly pierced through the avenue world, and escaped into the avenue world.

“The Dao World is a place that can be sensed only after the law of perception reaches the ultimate.

“Of course, now the avenue galaxy shows the saints, you can understand the avenue world as the depths of the avenue galaxy.

“Unless you also blast a avenue to chase and enter the avenue world, it is impossible to enter with her.

At this time, Gu Longsheng’s voice came with a smile.

He had keenly sensed Yang Hao’s thoughts and explained to him.

“Yes, there is no need to rush for a while.”

“The imperial sage has a murderous intent towards you, even if you don’t do anything, Jiang will kill her if you lose your head.

“With the help of her self-destructive avenue, she can only stay in the avenue world for three years at most.”

Qin Sheng’s figure also appeared in front of Yang Hao and said with a smile to Yang Hao.

“Three years is too long.”

“Except for the self-destructive avenue, is there no way to enter the avenue world now?”

Yang Hao heard this, but didn’t want to wait three years.

When the imperial sage walks out, he will definitely shrink in a certain place.

It is too easy for a saint to hide himself.

Because the saint can already walk out of the ancient starry sky and travel between the universe without any assistance.

If the imperial sage is willing, once he walks into the starry sky, the world is so big that he can’t find him at all.

Let such a saint with unstable factors and a deep hatred of himself live, Yang Hao is unwilling!

“There is a way.”

“But not to mention the high price that needs to be paid.”

“The avenue world is vast, like the universe, it’s too grand.”

Qin Sheng heard Yang Hao’s words and explained to him again.

“If you really want to kill her, unless there is a door on the road where she blew herself up, you can enter through the door, and you may be able to catch up.”

“However, the avenue she blew herself on was the Five Elements Avenue, a special avenue. Although it is not particularly strong, it is not easy to find the Five Elements Avenue.” Gu Longsheng said quietly.

“In addition, the holy rank is already too powerful, you can enter through the door, but you can stay in it for a month at most.

“A month’s time, even if you enter through the five-element door, you may not be able to find the other party.”

“So, it’s better to wait until the imperial sage walks out.” Qin Sheng also added again.


Yang Hao understood instantly.

It turns out that the road through the door is the world of the road.

There are two gates in his hand, one gate of destruction and one gate of destiny, both of which are extremely precious divine objects obtained from Wandao Pavilion.

“Destroy the door.”

“Seniors, I have a ruined door, and I will change to a five-element door.”

“Is anyone willing to exchange?”

Yang Hao hardly had any hesitation, and he just said nothing.

“Destroy the door?!”

Hearing Yang Hao’s words, the many holy land and holy realms present had their eyes widened, revealing incredible eyes.

Even Jiang Wu frowned slightly, and said to Yang Hao, “Hao’er, you got the ruined door from Wandao Pavilion?”

“This is a chance to control the god of destruction. Although both the law of destruction and the law of the five elements belong to special laws, the law of destruction is much more precious than the law of the five elements.”

“For an imperial saint, it’s not worth it.

Jiang Wu said directly to Yang Hao seriously.

“To me, value is worth it.”

Yang Hao chuckled lightly when he heard the words, his character is like this.

Revenge is never overnight, even if it is a saint?

“Blew a avenue, you should be seriously injured, right?”

“If you enter the Dadao World and transform her, it won’t be too bad.”

Of course, Yang Hao is not without calculations.

It is indeed not worthwhile to destroy the Daomen in exchange for the Five Elements Daomen.

However, no one knows that he has more than one door.

Similarly, once he enters the world of avenues, he can use Wuya Tower unscrupulously.

Regardless of whether it is strength or luck, the imperial saint is much stronger than the Anling saint, and it will not necessarily be lost if you cross it and torture her secrets.

“Since you insist, I will support you.

Seeing Yang Hao insisted, Jiang Wu stopped persuading.

She looked at the other saints and said, “If you have the Five Elements Taoist, you can get it in exchange. It’s a rare opportunity.”

When all the saints heard Jiang Wu’s words, their eyes lit up.

Including the powerful, such as Gulong Sheng and Qin Sheng, are also somewhat moved.

This is undoubtedly an extremely cost-effective exchange.

It’s just that Dao Sect is extremely rare, and obviously there are no strong Dao Dao experts present.

Otherwise, it will be exchanged with Yang Hao immediately.

But this does not hinder their desire.

An extremely powerful person began to play divine light, asking all over the world.

Ziwei Daxing is so vast, these extreme powers want to find the Five Elements Daomen, but they can’t find it.

You only need to exchange more expensive artifacts for the Five Elements Daomen, and then exchange the Five Elements Daomen with Yang Hao for the destruction of the Daomen. It is a trade that will not lose money anyway.

Sure enough, these extremely powerful people are extremely efficient.


Suddenly, Gulong Shenghu’s eyes widened, revealing the color of surprise.

He shot out the magic light one after another, and then took out a talisman and disappeared in place.

Not long after, Saint Gulong appeared again.

He actually spent a lot of money, and he didn’t know how much distance he shuttled in an instant, in exchange for the return of the five elements.

…For flowers…

“Little guy, here you are.”

Gu Longsheng was very bold, and he didn’t even ask Yang Hao whether there was a ruining door, so he directly threw the Five Elements Daomen to Yang Hao.

“Thank you, senior.”

Yang Hao’s eyes lit up when he saw the familiar miniature of the five-element door.

There was a flash of spiritual light in his hand, and he took the destruction door out of the sea of ​​spiritual energy.

This Gu Longsheng seems to have a very good relationship with Jiang Wu. Listening to the meaning of the previous words, it seems that he had an old relationship with his mother, and the Gu Longsheng just spoke to himself.

Yang Hao has always been clear about his grievances, and he exchanged the ruined door for Gu Longsheng, but there is no division.


“Gu Longsheng’s friends are too broad, so he exchanged for the Five Elements Taoist door so quickly.”

“Hey, the opportunity was just missed.


Seeing that Yang Hao exchanged the ruined gate for Gulongsheng, many of the extreme powers shook their heads in regret.

But this is also no way. Who made Gu Longsheng’s efficiency too high, he got the Five Elements Dao Sect in just half an hour.


“It shouldn’t be too late. Auntie, I went to chase and kill the imperial saint.” Yang Hao got the Five Elements Daomen and immediately said to Jiang Wu.

“Well, be careful.

“Although your perception of the Five Elements Rule is not high, after all, you can enter the Dao World, and you should be able to gain something.”

Jiang Wu nodded, if it wasn’t that the time that the saint could stay in the Dao World was too short, she wanted to replace Yang Hao in the pursuit.

Yang Hao responded with a smile: “Don’t worry.

The next moment, he immediately poured a large amount of spiritual power into the five-element door in his hand.

In an instant, under the gaze of all the extreme powers, the five-element door in Yang Hao’s hand instantly expanded and hovered in front of Yang Hao.

“If you can, don’t beheaded, and transform the imperial sage.”

“She was very good when she was young, and she might have big secrets.”

Just as Yang Hao was about to be led in by the Five Elements Door, Jiang Wu’s reminder sounded.

Yang Hao’s forehead, Jiang Wu thought of going with him.

In the next moment, I saw Yang Hao’s figure disappear completely into the sky with the five elements gate.

“This little guy, it’s really a flaw that must be reported.” Emperor Qin said with emotion.

“Hehe, if his mother had such a temperament back then, why would she have fallen?” The Gu Longsheng on the side said with a smile, showing appreciation.

“indeed so.

“That imperial sage is really unlucky, he even provokes this little King Demon.”

“Wu Jiang, are you going there?”

When Emperor Qin was feeling emotional, he suddenly saw Jiang Wu’s figure disappear at the end of heaven and earth.

“Some sentiments, find a place to retreat.”

“After I leave the customs, follow me to the holy places such as good fortune and yin and yang to collect some interest.”

Jiang Wu’s cold voice came and exhorted Emperor Qin and Saint Gulong.

“This girl.

Emperor Qin was dumb, but he shook his head with a smile: “Little King Demon’s temperament seems to have been trained by Jiang Wu.”

ps: Seven more, please automatically subscribe, ask for rewards, ask for flowers and other data. It hasn’t risen recently. Please support, I am very grateful. Inch.

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